Get Ready, Get Set, Don't Go

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I was released from Eleanor's care a few weeks later and have been feeling a hell of a lot better. Me, Kate, Javi, Mariana, and Clem live at a house across from Tripp and them. I mostly play catch with Javi as my physical therapy and when I do he always makes a remark about having Clem help me with my physical therapy. One of the times he said that, Clem was nearby and heard him and turned bright red but didn't protest. Huh. She usually has some explicit retort or a one fingered salute. As she walks away, Javi starts cracking up and I'm left wondering what the fuck just happened.

I didn't know what was going on with Clem and was going to ask her after dinner one night but, she made an announcement that night. And what an announcement it was.

"I have some good news that I wanted to share with you guys. After I shot David, I pulled Dr. Lingard to the side and asked him if he knew where AJ was. He said that AJ was at a ranch about 60 miles from here. I'm leaving tomorrow morning and just wanted to say something to you guys. I couldn't have asked for a better family than you guys. I can't begin to say thank you enough for everything you've done for me. I will never forget you guys and I hope you don't forget me." Clementine finishes with tears in her eyes.

I hear sniffles coming from my family and Javi is full on sobbing. I am just staring at Clem with despair and she doesn't even look at me. Kate pulls Clem into a hug and Mariana and Javi join in but, I don't. I take my plate into the kitchen and rinse it off before grabbing my coat and heading outside.

The weather is just like what I'm feeling now. Clouds tinted almost black, the wind blowing a gentle breeze and the rest is disturbingly calm. I breathe it in and head to a swing-set that was behind our house and start swinging. I hear the door open and someone takes the swing next to me, I don't even have to look because I know who it is. Clem doesn't talk just starts swinging with me, words being exchanged without talking. We finally stop and turn to each other, before I can grab my pen and paper Clem brings me into a hug. I drop the pen and paper and squeeze until I feel her flush against me. Clem pulls back and speaks, cutting through the air around us.

"Gabe. You are my best friend and there are no words to express my gratitude towards you. When I first met you, I thought you were a psycho and kidnapped me. But, you were saving my life and then went on to save my life again. No one has ever done that for me. I....I love you Gabe. I don't know if you heard me when you flatlined at Eleanor's. I love you so much and it's okay if you don't feel the same because everyone I love gets killed. That's why I'm leaving tomorrow, so I don't put you or your family in any more risk. Goodbye Gabe."
Clem has tears streaming down her face when she is done and takes off towards the house.

I'm left sitting like a dumbass on the swings before taking off right behind her. We sprint through the house, ignoring the questioning looks from the others, and Clem slams her door in my face and locks it. I bang on it for her to let me in but, she ignores it and starts packing. I sit outside her door for I don't know how long and pass out. I feel myself being lifted and taken to my bed. I dream that night of being in an apocalypse-free world and me and Clem are high school sweethearts.

Clap! Boom!

I'm woken up by the sound of thunder and rain is pelting on my window, the sky is a dull gray color and covering the sun.

Wait. The sun? Oh fuck! Please don't be gone!

I bolt out of my bed and downstairs where my family is looking out the door and I grab Javi by shoulder, pleading with my eyes to tell me. Javi sighs and looks out the door again.

"She told us you already said goodbye and not to wake you. I'm sorry Gabe she left an hour ago and then it started raining."

She's gone.

I fall to my knees and start crying. I hear my sister say something like she can't stand to see me like this and goes upstairs. I stop crying but, keep my hands over my face and take deep breaths. I'm about to stand up before I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see my sister standing there with my backpack packed in her hands. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and Mariana gives me a smile.

"Go get her and bring her back with AJ. You need her just as much as she needs you and you can't just let her go. I packed your bag with clothes and food for you both and there's extra if you need it. But, you better leave now before it starts raining harder." She extends the backpack to me and I take it and look at Javi and Kate. They both nod their heads and I run forward to give them all a hug. I back away to look one last time at them before bolting out the door.

I'm coming Clem.

The Silent Type (Gabentine Fic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu