You Like Her

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I woke up this morning feeling fantastic. I didn't know why because I'm in the middle of an apocalypse and a mute. So life, to me at least, should feel pretty shitty. So why did I wake up feeling like P. Diddy? I have no idea but, I went on with my my morning nonetheless. We were currently staying at a cabin that was in the middle of the woods. I told Mariana to stay away from stray dogs and crazy homeless people. She didn't understand my reference but, was on the lookout for them for the rest of the day.

Day turned into night as we took shifts looking out for walking corpses and doing chores. Uncle Javi was inside making weapons out of the scrap metal we found a couple days ago and Kate was making stew from a garden we scavenged from a camp beside the cabin. I was out looking for wood for the fireplace and hunting some squirrels along the way. I had just taken aim with slingshot on a juicy looking squirrel when I heard it.

It was the faintest of sounds and I wouldn't have been able to hear it had I been tromping through the leaves.

"Help me"

I turned to the source of the words and found a girl around my age looking worse for wear hiding below a log. She was deathly pale and wearing a blue and white ball cap. Her eyes were lot a pot of melted caramel that I could get lost in and her skin was tanned from being in the sun day after day. However, a sickly cough came from her mouth as she took in a shuddering breath and it jolted me back to reality. I quickly stuffed my slingshot in my pocket and picked her up bridal style and hauled ass back to the cabin.

I barged into the cabin, scaring the shit out of Kate and Javi. They quickly looked at my worried face and to the girl in my arms and went into action. Kate took the girl from my arms and led her to my bedroom because Mariana was currently asleep in hers. Javi sit me down and stuffed a pen and piece of paper into my hands to find out who the hell the girl was. I went to work writing down what happened before shoving the paper back to Javi.

"I found her in the woods, hiding below a log. I didn't get her name or why she was there. Please help her Uncle Javi!"

He read it over and glanced back up at me with a smirk before saying six words that made me want to smack the shit out of him.

"You like her, don't you Gabe?"

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