Better Than The Notebook

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Raindrops keep falling on my head

I've been singing that line in my head for the past hour because it seems fitting. It will not stop raining but, nothing can stop me from getting to Clem. Surprisingly, I haven't run into any walkers, they probably hate the rain too. I've been going over what I'm going to do when I see her. I want to shout that I love her but, I'm terrified that nothing will come out. I want to kiss her and take her hand in mine. But, this isn't the movies and I know that them things will never happen because this is the real world and we're in the middle of an apocalypse. That doesn't stop me from doing my best to find her.

My clothes are stuck to my skin and I'm pretty sure I'm chafing and that fucking sucks. I placed my beanie in my bag so it wouldn't get wet, we made sure to get waterproof backpacks before the world went down the shitter. I'm pretty cold too and the wind blowing doesn't help. However, I found that thinking of Clem saying she loved me sent a heat wave through my body and put a smile on my face. I can't believe she loves me. Me, Gabriel Garcia, the dork, the mute, the freak. She loves me for me. I get so caught up in thinking about it and completely forget where I'm at. I take shelter in a car after checking it and take out my map. I've traveled 25 miles and have around 35 miles to go but, I should catch up to Clem before she gets there. I take a swig of my water and stuff a granola bar in my mouth before hitting the road again.

Someone told me long ago, there's a calm before the storm. I KNOW! It's been coming for sometime.

God it's been so long since I've listened to music. I wonder if I can still sing or maybe I'll sound like a smoker who smokes like a chimney. I start to get on a ramp on the interstate and take a look ahead of me and check out the road. It mostly filled with broken down cars and dead bodies. But, one dead body still has blood coming out of its skull. I lean down to take a closer look and see a blue and white baseball cap.


I stand on top of a truck to see if I can see her and just before giving up and getting down I spot something. That something has on a red jacket and curly brown hair that I can pick out of a crowd of 1,000 people. I jump down, snatch her hat and take off sprinting up the ramp. The rain is coming down in sheets now and visibility is becoming worse. I run until my lungs are about to collapse and drop to me knee. I start thinking of things I could do to make her turn around and see me. One comes to mind and it's a goddamn good one. I rise up, take a swig of water and take a deep breath.


I thought she didn't hear me until she slowly turns around and spots me.


She throws down her bag and starts running towards me. I throw my things down too before joining her. We meet in the middle and I lift her up in the air and spin her around, she's laughing and smiling with her arms around my neck. I slowly lower her to the ground and whisper in her ear.

"Did you really think you were leaving without me? I love you and will always be beside you."

I pull back and bring my lips to hers. I swear to the good lord above there were fireworks and other shit going on but, all I could think about was her. She places her hands on my cheeks and deepens the kiss, tilting her head sideways for better access. I pull back slightly for us to breathe before pushing her against a car nearby and diving back in.

Clem wraps her legs around my waist and runs her fingers through my hair, gripping it tightly with her perfect little fingers. I keep my hands on her thighs and rub them up and down. After a couple minutes we're about to die from lack of oxygen and pull away from each other. Her eyes are dark with lust and passion, I imagine mine look the same. A shiver runs down my spine from the intensity in her gaze. By now, the rain has stopped and thunder rumbles in the distance. I let her legs go down to the ground and she wobbled like Bambi a couple of steps before straightening her walk. Clem's turns back to me before realizing something.

"Holy shit. You talked. You yelled. You said you loved me. Holy fucking shit Gabe. Holy motherfucking shit!" She wraps her arms around me once more before I reply.

"I loved you for a very long time Clem and thought you would see that after I took that bullet for you. I was going to tell you after dinner but, you said you were leaving and I couldn't bring myself to speak. I was afraid my voice didn't work anymore or it would sound like a chainsmoker." My voice is a little scratchy but, smoothens out after a couple of words. I see Clem get a shiver after I spoke and smirk to myself, realizing the effect my voice had on her.

"I happen to like your voice very, very much and would like to here you speak more." She replies with a slight stutter and clears her throat.

"Well I'll talk to you the whole 35 miles to the ranch to get AJ. And talk the whole way back if it makes you....happy." I reply, making voice go deeper at happy and see a deep blush make its way across her face.

I see her nod and give a smile to me before picking up my pack and handing it to me. I say thank you and grab her hand, making her stop in her tracks. I dig around in my bag and bring out her hat before handing it to her. Clem's eyes light up and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and places her hat on. She turns back around, only to get pulled back to my chest and she looks at me with confusion as I pull her closer.

"You missed." I say before turning her hat around and giving her a breathtaking kiss. I hear her moan and I pull away. Clementine still has her eyes closed and I chuckle lightly. She snaps her eyes open and steps closer to me and runs her hands down my body. Her hands get to my belt and I feel her nails tap on my belt buckle. By now I'm positive she can see my "excitement". I close my eyes and focus on my breathing, hearing her give a laugh of her own before speaking.

"Two can play at this game, Gabriel." And she walks off with a sway in her hips and a smile on her face.

Oh. I'm in trouble

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