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Clementine laid out a plan on how to get my family back. She knew some people who would help us so we wouldn't be outnumbered. Their names were Ava, Tripp, Eleanor, and Jesus. I looked skeptical at the last name but she assured me that it was a real dude and not the big man upstairs. We were started making our way to a house where Clem assumed they would be.

It was dusk by the time we made it to the house and it sounded like people were inside. Clem knocked 3 times before a stout looking man with an impressive beard opened the door.

"Well I'll be a son of a bitch. I never thought I'd see you again kid." The man said with a smile and an eyebrow up.

"Nice to see you too, Tripp. Is everyone inside? Me and my friend really need your guys' help." Clem replied to the man, Tripp, giving him a slight smile.

Tripp gave me a once over and I guess I passed his test of some sort and motions us inside. I let Clem go in first and steadily make my way behind her. We head into the living room and see 2 women sitting on a couch and a guy with a beard and long hair sitting in a rocking chair. Their eyes shoot to us as we make our presence known and everyone has smiles when they see Clem.

"Clemmy! What's up lil dude? Finally get yourself a boyfriend? And a good looking one at that!" The dark skinned woman shouted, making my face flush and I look to Clem as she does the same.

"Hello Ava. No Gabe is not my boyfriend and why are you shouting?" Clem remarked with her hands on her hips.

Ava just shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly and gives Clem a smile that said 'I know you have a secret and I'm going to find out'. Clementine glares at her before waving to the other occupants in the room, just as Tripp makes his way into the room and starts addressing Clem.

"So, Clem, what do you need help with?"

"Okay so I've been with this guys family for almost 3 months and he saved me from dying out in the woods. Yesterday his family was taken by the Final Frontier and they took them to Richmond. We need help getting them back and would really appreciate it." Clem finishes with a huff from the lack of oxygen.

They all look around to each other before saying 'what the hell, why not' and turn back to me and Clem and nod their heads to us. I give them a smile showing my gratitude and the other guy with a beard sees me and cocks his head to the side before speaking.

"You don't say much, do ya? Did she cut your tongue out or something? Because I can see her doing that." The man, I'm guessing to be Jesus, says with a smirk towards Clem.

I see Clem flip him off and I stick out my tongue to show him it's still attached. Jesus chuckles and shakes his head before making his way to the kitchen. Clem turns to me and mouths 'sorry' but, I wave her off and follow Tripp as he motions for us to follow him.

"We'll discus the plan over dinner. I'm assuming you guys are hungry and you're staying the night so we can leave bright and early tomorrow." Tripp says, leaving no room for arguments.

We finish dinner and make final touches on the plan so there wouldn't be any screwups. Tripp shows us to our room and bids us a goodnight. I look around only to find one bed. Why? Why does God do this to me? Clem looks at me and immediately starts shutting down my internal conflict.

"Don't even think about it, Gabe. We are both sleeping on the bed because we need to be well rested and on our game tomorrow. So, just lay down, sleep, and shut up."

Well. Okay then. I shrug off my coat and boots before making my way to the bed. I watch Clem as she does the same but, she also takes off her jeans leaving her only in a long white T-shirt and underwear. I quickly turn my head and close my eyes before hearing her start to speak.

"Sorry. I hate sleeping in jeans and I have underwear on so it's no big deal. You can look you know, I'm not embarrassed or anything and I trust you." Clem says in a low voice as she slides in beside me and gets under the covers.

I open my eyes and see her staring at me. I give her a smile before pulling her into a hug, as a thank you for helping me. She stiffens at first before relaxing and returning the hug. We stay like that until I hear Clem's breathing get deeper, signaling that she feel asleep. I smile to myself before letting myself slip into a deep sleep. The sound of her heartbeat and the feel of her skin on mine reminded me of home and home is where I belong.

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