Crash Into Me

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When I walked through the gate I didn't know what would happen. All the people in our community were gathered in the middle with candles lit and they were crying. Upon further inspection I see my picture in front of everyone I realized what was going on. I just walked in on my funeral. Javi was standing beside my picture and started speaking about me.

"I always loved Gabe like a son and when he asked me to become his father, I immediately said yes. Gabe had a rough childhood and I wish I would've been stronger and stopped David. Gabe had been through a lot of shit and when the dead started rising, he became stronger to protect his family. He loved Clementine with all of his heart and she loved him just as much. Clem pulled him out of the darkness and into the light. I truly believe he is in a better place now."

Javi finishes his speech with tiny sobs coming out. Clem has AJ pulled tight against her as she cry's in his shirt. Kate and Mariana are also holding each other as they are both slobbering messes. All you can hear is the sound of broken hearts and cries echoing through our little town. I start stepping forward but, something stops me before I reach them. I see AJ wiggle out of Clem's arms as she is still crying and soaking his shirt. AJ stands and turns towards me, eyes growing wide at the site of me and then starts fast walking towards me with his hands out.


I drop to my knees and bring him into a hug. His scream grabs everyone's attention and jaws drop as they stare at a supposedly dead man. Javi is the first to jump into action as he bolts towards me and envelops me into a bone crushing hug. I sit AJ down before I'm once again tackled into a hug from Kate and Mariana. We lay there for a few minutes before they release me and I turn towards Clem. She is still sitting in disbelief and, before I could speak, she is running into our house. I look at the others questioning eyes and Javi sighs.

"She took your absence harder than anyone here. She locked herself in her house and didn't eat for a couple of days."

I soak in this information and tell Javi to watch AJ for awhile before going after Clem. I find her in my bed with the covers pulled over her head. I sit on the edge of the mattress and wait for Clem to make the first move. I hear sniffles and deep breathing before she pulls the covers down. Her eyes are swollen from all the crying and she has snot coming out of her nose. I reach over to my nightstand and grab a couple tissues before wiping her face. Clem doesn't make eye contact with me and turns her head away from me. I sigh before getting up to go shower since I'm still covered in guts. I grab a pair of sweats and a white shirt before stepping into the bathroom. I take off my dirty clothes and put them in the trash bin. Turning on the water as hot as it could go, I step under the water and start scrubbing. My skin is raw when I'm done and start working on my hair. I'm rinsing out the shampoo when I hear the door open.

"Clem? Is that you?"

That's all I can get out before the curtain is swung open and Clementine jumps in, fully clothed. She wraps her arms around me and buries her face in my chest. You could probably fry an egg on my face from how hot it is. I hesitantly hug her back and her body starts shaking.

"I thought you were dead. Javi said they found your dirt bike with a body that was destroyed next to it. You left me. And I hated you so much for it. But, everyone I love always dies and I thought you were going to be different."

"I will never leave you, Clem. I love you too much and always will. I'm sorry I took so long to get back but, I ran into some trouble and couldn't get home. But, I came back to you and AJ and I'm here to stay."

Clem flings herself into my arms once more and we stay like that until our skin get all wrinkly. Clem takes in my nude figure and turns as red as a fire hydrant. I see her eyes run down my body and stop on my manhood. Clem just full on stares at it before I clear my throat and her eyes snap up at mine and smiles sheepishly at being caught. I laugh and smirk at her and she finally decides that her clothes are wet enough. I thought she was going to get out and change but, Clem loves surprising me. It's her turn to give me a smirk before she starts stripping right before my eyes. I turn around to give her some privacy and here her giggle. I only catch a glimpse of her body before jumping out of the shower and letting her take one. A laugh is all I hear as I dart out of the bathroom.

It's been about a month since my funeral and such. I've been pretty nervous ever since then and Clem has been a fucking tease. She walks around in the house with only my T-shirt on, brushes her hand over my groin during dinner, and sends me seductive glances every time we pass each other. I've been waiting for the right moment to take Clementine and I want it to be special. Rose petals leading upstairs, chilled wine, candles lit all around us. But, I'm still scared to make a move because what if she regrets it and hates me forever? I can't live without her and don't want to. I see impatience in her eyes from time to time and she gets aggravated every time I ignore her. So, I can't say I'm not surprised when she corners me in my bedroom one night.

"Listen here, Gabriel Garcia. We are going to fuck whether you like it or not and it's going to happen tonight."

Oh Shit

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