Talk It Out

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I wish I had a camera or video recorder with me at this moment because it was something special. Me and Clem were on each side of AJ and we had a hold of his arms and was swinging him between us. AJ couldn't stop giggling from the silliness of it and his laughter caused me and Clementine to join in. So, there we were giggling like mad men and completely oblivious to the apocalypse that we were in. It was honestly perfect and my heart warmed at the sight of AJ and Clementine. I found it. I found my happy place.

We made it back to our house within a couple of hours and I told Clem not to tell them that I was speaking. I planned a surprise for each of them on how I was going to talk to them. We walk inside and are instantly pulled into a big group hug from my family. AJ snuggles up to Clem from the new people surrounding him but, quickly warmed up to them. We dispersed after a moment and went on with the day like nothing had happened. My first target was Kate and I had a really special surprise for her. She was currently alone in the kitchen doing dishes and I saw my chance. I walked up behind her and gave her a hug causing her to stiffen a bit before relaxing. She slowly turned around and embraced me in her arms before speaking in my ear.

"I'm so happy you found them Gabe. I was so worried something happened to you guys but, you came back like I knew you would. I love you." She kissed my cheek before pulling back and going at the dishes again. Before she stuck her hands back into the water, I began speaking to her.

"I love you too, Mom."

Kate whipped around not believing her ears and a smile spread across her face as tears welled up in her eyes. She once again embraced me, harder this time, and started choking on her sobs. I was the first to pull back and gave her a kiss on the cheek before telling her not to tell anyone else about me speaking. She nodded her head and gave me one last hug before letting me go. My next victim was my sister, Mariana.

I felt bad for messing with her but that's what siblings are supposed to do. So, the guilt wore off as I thought more about what I am going to do before an idea hit me. Mariana is obsessed with music and is always singing along to some kind of pop song. As I approach her room I hear her stereo on and her voice rising above the actual singers. The song that was on eventually ended and the next song that plays I instantly recognize it. I wait for a moment before making myself known by singing.

"It's hard to believe that I couldn't see, you were always right beside me."

I wouldn't be surprised if she got whiplash from how fast her neck snapped to me. Her eyes went wider than saucers before launching herself into my arms and laughing. I spin her around and feel tears soak into my shirt. Man, girls are so emotional. Mariana settles down before talking excitedly about me doing duets with her and I start shaking my head in disagreement. We come to an agreement of me singing to Clem one of these nights and Mariana gets to pick the song. Great. Anyways on to my next and final one. Javi.

I haven't told anyone this but, I always thought of Javi as my father. David was never my father, not since he started abusing me. But, Javi has been there for me when David wasn't and treated me like his own son. I would play catch with Javi and sometimes play an actual game with him. I didn't surprise me that I found Javi outside throwing a baseball in the air and catching it in his glove. I pick up a nearby bat and clear my throat catching Javi's attention and he smiles in my direction.

"You want to play Gabe? Alright pick up that bat and I'll pitch to you."

I wasn't bad at baseball and definitely improved on my hand-eye coordination since the apocalypse started. So, when he threw a 85 miles per her hour fastball at me, I knew it was gone before it even hit my bat. Crack! The ball is sent sailing above Javi and out of the yard. I look at the end my bat like a telescope and flip it before shouting at the sky.

"GONE FOREVER! AARON HERNANDEZ!" Before trotting around the imaginary bases like I was a Major League Baseball player.


I laugh before he gives chase and tackles me to the ground, shouting in my face for me to talk and say his name. I agree to do so but, only if he let me up. He gets up before sticking out his hand for me and I take it, dusting myself off before speaking again.

"Javi I wanted you to know something ever since you first took me under your care. I've loved you like a father and have always thought of you as my father since mine was a piece of shit. I want you to be my father and for Kate to be my mother. Don't try to deny your feelings for her, trust me it gets you nowhere. And yes, me and Clem are together now."

Javi sits back in awe, taking in all the information that I just laid out there before him. Then, begins to speak with a trembling tone.

"Yes. Yes. Fuck yes I will be your father. And I love you, Kate, Clem, Mariana, and even AJ with all of my heart. I always thought of you and Mariana as my own kids. Gabriel, I am so sorry about what happened with David if I would've killed him back then you wouldn't live with that pain. I'm sorry." And he takes me into his arms, by now I've gotten used to hugs and just let it happen before returning it. I tell him that it wasn't his fault before he gives me a playful shove and a smirk.

"So, you and Clementine huh? Did she give you special 'gift' for bringing her and AJ home?"

Goddamnit Javi

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