One Last Breath

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Have you ever had one of those really bad headaches that you just can't shake off? That's what I experienced when I woke up. Darkness was all around me and the room I was in felt damp. Probably some type of basement. After realizing that I wasn't dreaming, I begrudgingly got up and off of my cot. Looking around, I see a light on the floor below what I presume to be a door. I stumble towards it and slowly open it. I hear two voices and one is deep while the other is slightly cracking.

"We should've tied him up while he was asleep."

"Dwayne, we don't know if he's bad or not and everyone gets a chance to explain themselves."

I slowly creep out of the basement and try to sneak past them. As I was tiptoeing across the room, the floor boards below my feet creek, causing me to freeze. I glance back at the two men and find them gone.

What the fuck? Where'd they g-

"Mister, I would advise you to step away from the door or I'll let my son hit you again."

Well shit

"Alright I'm putting my hands up, I don't want no trouble."

I raise my hands and kneel down, showing that I'm surrendering. The man pulls me up and sits me in a wood chair. The man sits across me before speaking.

"Sorry about your head. My son, Dwayne, thought you were one of them bad guys. We were worried that you weren't going to wake up there for awhile."

"Wait, how long was I out?"

"About a week."


"Listen I need to get back to my group before they start thinking I'm dead. You can come with me! I have a community that has walls surrounding us and keeping us safe."

The kid, Dwayne, looked excited about the thought of being safe. But, the man was skeptical and doubtful.

"Let's eat dinner and then I'll think about it."

I cannot even begin to explain how good that can of Spam tasted. After eating dinner Morgan, that's the guys name that he told at dinner, suggested that we sleep there and leave in the morning. I didn't complain because I was still weary from my injury. I went to sleep thinking about Clem and wondering if she will hit me when I come home. Probably.

I woke up feeling a nudge on my leg. Opening my eyes I see Morgan and Dwight standing over me, backpacks on their backs and ready to go. I give a big yawn before joining them and throwing on my shoes and grab my own pack that was beside me. We walk out the door and start our journey.

I guarantee you that we have been walking for two hours straight and my feet will most likely have blisters on them. We've run into some muertos but, nothing we couldn't handle. We pass a sign that says a town is about 3 miles ahead of us. Dwayne freezes at the site of the town and Morgan grabs ahold of him.

"It's okay Dwayne. She won't be there and if she is then we'll go around."

I look at Morgan quizzically and he just shakes his head. I let it go and we continue on. We were almost out of the city and everything was fine until I heard Dwayne give a gasp and starts running. I wondered what he was doing and seen he was running towards a walker.


"Dwayne! Don't!"

Morgan runs to him as Dwayne faces his dead Mom and it looks like recognition flashes across her dead eyes but, it quickly goes away. Dwayne turns back to us and starts shouting.

"It's okay guys! She remembers m-AHHHHHH!

The walker took a big hunk out of Dwayne on his shoulder and he collapses with her on top. Morgan reaches them and tries to pull her off of Dwayne but, his hand gets too close to her mouth and she bites him too.


I finally unfreeze and bolt towards them. Shoving a knife through her skull before turning to my companions. Morgan is cradling Dwayne to his chest as he is slowly bleeding out. I give him a knowing look and he lets out a sob before nodding his head. Dwayne gives me a glance and starts speaking with all the energy he has left.

"I'm sorry I hit you mister with that shovel but, could you do us a favor?"

Tears well up in my eyes as I nod my head.

"Would you kill us and bury me, my mom, and dad together? I don't want to be alone."

There's a lump in my throat as I agree and gives me a small smile before turning back to his dad.

"I'll see you soon, dad."

Then it's silent. Morgan pulls out his pistol, cocks it and points it at Dwayne. Moments go by and Morgan shakes his head with tears streaming down his face.

"I can't do it. I CAN'T FUCKING DO IT!"

I hold out my hand for the weapon and he gives it to me.

"Shoot me first so, I can be waiting on him when he goes."

"Okay. Goodbye Morgan."

"I hope I don't see you soon."



I fall to my knees as sobs shake my body. They were supposed to come with me and live in peace. At least now I know they're in a better place. Tears are still coming down as I pick up Dwayne's shovel and get to work on his last request. 45 minuets later they're all in the ground and I continue my journey home.

I get no more than 10 miles down the road before I spot a group of walkers heading my way. I look around and see that I'm surrounded by them fuckers and start thinking of ideas. My foot steps on something squishy and look down to see walker guts.


I imagine I look pretty bad right now. With walker intestines wrapped around neck, blood smeared on my face, and chunks of flesh in my pockets. But, it does the trick because I'm walking through the muertos and they don't smell me.

Cuz this thriller. Thriller night.

Before I know it, I'm looking at the wall that holds my family inside. It's dark outside and Tripp probably can't see me. Good thing to because if he did then he would probably shoot me. I look up trying to spot him and he's looking out into the distance with a somber look on his face. I break his thoughts as I yell up at him.

"Hey fucker! Are you going to let me in or what?"

Tripp seems startled by my shouting and looks really hard at me. A smile breaks out on his face as he opens the gate to let me in. I step through and take a deep breath.

Honey, I'm home.

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