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I waited around until Delano and Demario left. I slowly followed behind them without making myself look obvious.

They made a stop at a hotel downtown and got out the car to go inside. I waited for about a minute before getting out my car and following them inside.

"What the fuck am I doing?" I asked myself when I made my way into the hotel and spotted Delano and Demario over at the elevator.

What I was doing was dangerous. Who the fuck hunts down someone who's after them. On top of this I'm not even loaded! But my dumb ass swallowed my fear and continued to follow them. It's too late to back down now.

I hid behind a nearby wall and look at them. The elevator stopped and they walked in. I stared at the numbers on top of the elevator once it closed. It stopped at the fifth floor.

When the elevator came back down, I took it went up to the fifth floor. "What's your plan Kaiyesha?" I mumbled to myself as I tapped my fingers against my leg nervously.

I don't know what the fuck I was doing. The only thing I had on me was a switchblade but what the fuck can that do?

The elevator stopped and I stepped out into the quiet hallway. I looked down both sides and decided to go down the left side. My phone was vibrating in my pocket and I tried to ignore it. Arielle's been calling me ever since I hung up on her a few hours ago.

Just as I reached into the hallway my phone started ringing again. I reached into my pocket to turn it off when I felt something hard softly touch my temple. "Gimme the phone ma." The voice said from behind me.

I reluctantly handed the person my phone. "Good, now turn around."

I slowly reached into my pocket and felt for my switchblade. When I felt it, I grip my hand around the handle and whipped it out, slicing whoever was behind me in the face.

I turned around as I heard him hiss. "Fucking bitch!" He yelled out.

I saw his gun on the floor and reached for it. I picked it up and pointed it at him, after putting my switchblade in my pocket. I noticed the gun had a silencer on it.


"You always knew I wasn't the one to fuck with Demario," I said calmly while keeping my aim. "Why let your brother drag you into something you know he couldn't get himself or you out of?"

He regained his composure and looked at me. Although he looked calm and tough, I could see the fear in his eyes. "Damn ma, I should've got with you first. You sexy as hell when you gangsta."

That's the lamest pickup line ever.

I rolled my eyes and stared him down for a few minutes. "How much do you value your life?" I asked him, not breaking eye contact and narrowing my eyes at him a little so he could know I wasn't playing.

I noticed his pupil shrink and that's when I realized he wasn't just scared of me, he was terrified.

He gulped. "I'd like to live for another few years."

I nodded my head. "Follow me." I said and continued walking down the hall to the emergency doors. "And one wrong move, you're dead."

We walked out the emergency doors and stepped into the parking lot behind the hotel. I hid the gun in my sweat pants as we made our way to my car. There was a few people out but none of them were paying attention to us.

I unlocked my car doors and ordered him to get in. Once he did, I got in myself and locked the doors. We drove in silence cause I knew he wouldn't dare try and say something to me.

The Drug Heiress (BOOK 2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora