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Tears ran down my face as I stared at him in his coffin. He was wearing a black suit and he looked so peaceful, like he was just sleeping instead of being dead. Looking at him you wouldn't even know he got shot.

It's been a month but it felt like just yesterday I got the call. I screamed like I had just lost my child. I didn't believe it, I didn't want to believe it. He was gone, my baby brother was gone.

What broke me was the way mom cried like someone ripped her heart out, like someone was torturing her. Dad wasn't any better but he tried to hold it together for mom. I couldn't imagine losing Ava so I didn't know what they were feeling but I knew how it felt to get some ripped away from your life. It happened to me twice, Isaiah being the second person.

Quincy sat in his wheelchair in front of me with Ava sleeping on his lap. He had just woken up from a coma last week and his legs were pretty fucked up from the shooting. He wasn't paralyze or anything but until we got home, where he can start physiotherapy, he had to stay in a wheelchair. He too had tears running down his face and he made no effort to wipe them away. He wasn't ashamed to cry over Isaiah's death, he considered him as a brother. He was hurting just like the rest of us.

TayTay and Dantae were paying their respect by being here. TayTay got hit protecting his brother. It wasn't nothing serious, the bullet just broke the bone in his forearm so he was sporting a cast for a few months. Dantae was lucky enough not to get hit. Unfortunately, not everyone had his luck.

"If we can all be seated, we may start with the ceremony." The pastor said from the podium.

Everyone sat down, family in the first row, friends in the second row and everyone else behind them. "We are gathered here today to remember the life of Isaiah Elijah Micheals," the pastor said. He said a prayer and a little speech about life and death. "Now we'll be hearing a few words from the deceased family."

Dad went up first. He explained to everyone that he wasn't there for Isaiah when he was younger. He said he wish he could get those times back. The way dad talked about Isaiah, I could he really loved him. Mom went after him and halfway through her speech she broke down crying. Cash had to help her off the podium.

Kelly was too shy to go up and talk so I went up to talk on her behalf and mine. "Isaiah was the best brother ever. Both me and my sister miss him dearly. I never told anyone but somehow I knew I wouldn't see Isaiah again. Just days before he passed he gave me and my daughter a gift. I felt like it was a goodbye gift, something that we can always be reminded of him. Even though I knew, I didn't prepared myself for it to happen." I paused as a lump in my throat formed and I started crying. "He was only sixteen, he didn't deserve to die. I miss him so much. I would give anything to have him back."

I looked down at Isaiah in his coffin below me and remembered all the good times we had together. I felt on the necklace around my neck as more tears ran down my face.

Even though he's gone, I still feel like he's with me.


Kaiyesha wheeled me into our condo. Ava was laughing and giggling on my lap. She thinks riding on my lap is a game, she doesn't even know I'm hurt.

Kaiyesha rested our bags in the living room and pushed me and Ava into our room. "What time is it?" I asked her.

"Don't worry," she said walking over to our dresser and taking off her jewelry. "I know what time to give you your medication."

I nodded without saying anything. I played with Ava for a little while before she decided she wanted to go play by herself. Kaiyesha went to make dinner which left me to think by myself in our room.

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