Sneaking like a thief

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Keyuri's POV

After we came from the wedding, my mum kept asking me about my interaction with Kevin. She was eager to know if I had spent time with him during the wedding. Even dad asked me if I liked that guy. He wanted to know what impression I had of him. They praised his parents in front of me.

That behaviour confirmed the fact that my parents were really counting Kevin as a potential prospect. I was happy but I didn't show my happiness right away. Whenever they asked me about Kevin, I gave replies in one word. Like once dad had asked "How did you find Kevin?" And I replied in most uninterested tone " ya he is nice". That's it. Nothing more and nothing less. They tried to extract more about the time I spent with him during the wedding but I left the place with the pretext of work.

The following day, I was approached by my mum. She looked really serious. "Keyuri" she said " I want you to think about Kevin. He seems to be a nice guy. Though he doesn't belong to our community, his parents and his family are very reputed. Me and dad did enquiries and we have found that his family is perfect. The guy stays in the city and has same qualifications as yours. "

I didn't smile or danced with joy. I simply nodded my head. And an expression of relief came to my mother'a face.

Once I was alone, I locked my room and called up Kevin to give him that news. Of course he was overjoyed. Now our plan was working. Slowly and steadily.

To celebrate it, he invited me to a garden. That was very strange. Who would invite anyone at garden during midnight? I was scared. What if my parents see me leaving home so late? That too for meeting a guy?

But Kevin was adamant. He insisted that I must come to the garden. He texted me the address.

While everyone was sleeping at home, I quietly sneaked out from the house. I reached to the place but didn't find anyone around.

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