Say it out.. aloud🤝

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People who like unplugged music of 1990's please listen to the song attached above. It completely suits this chapter. The voice of Rahul Jain is mesmerising. Enjoy:):)

Keyuri's POV

It was last day of my tutions. All the classmates of mine had decided to have photo session with each and every professor. All of us were gearing for exams which were one month away.

I was sad to leave my tuitions. Mostly because of him. I would miss him. We even hadn't exchanged our phone numbers. What about the promises of long term relationships and stuff when you don't have anyone's phone number?

Kevin made sure that he was standing next to me in every photo session. His subtle ways were too adorable. But I was pissed off. During last photo session with our taxation professor, I stood away from him. Intentionally. Deliberately. And gave him an ice glare. And he looked at me innocently. As if confused with my behaviour. As he raised him eyebrows, I ignored him.

When the photo session was over, we all decided that it was the time we should get snaps at canteen area. It was the place where we all used to hang out during breaks. While everyone was heading towards the canteen, suddenly I felt my hands being held by someone. I turned around to see him standing behind me.

So we stood there while everyone left the room. Some of our friends also gave us questioning glance. Sunaina, a friend of mine, was even about to ask when I gestured her to proceed with others.

So there were we both. Standing face to face.


I knew she was pissed off and she had every right to demand an explanation from me. Since few months she was sitting with me and I had most magical time of my life with her. I had made few promises to her which I wanted to fulfill.

She was impatiently tapping her foot on the wooden floor. As if waiting for my explanation. Plus the frown she wore on her face looked cute.

"Keyuri I know you are mad at me. But trust me. I too want a proper relationship. It's not a past time for me. You are important."

"Aha?" She said "if that true that why don't you communicate with me about your future plan? Hell you don't even talk with me much. Plus you dont even have my mobile number!"

I grinned. Yes I was aware about that. "Keyuri I spent 10 hours with you taking crash batch of Chartered Accountancy final with you. So we don't need cell phone because I technically spend my whole day with you. Plus I don't speak much because you understand everything that's going in my mind so there is no need. "

That hit her. My logic did hit her. She looked satisfied. But then "Kevin it's last day of our tuitions. Now how are we going to talk? Is it the last time that we are meeting?"

She was right. I had to take initiative. Relationships are mutual.

"Ok I admit I am wrong. So let's start with baby steps. Keyuri can I have your phone number?"

She smiled and gave me her number. Then I began explained what I had planned for our future.

"Keyuri I want both of us to focus on exams. Once I clear my exams, I would get a job and then I shall talk to our parents. Till then let's hide this fact from our parents. Love marriages are not much supported in India. So first we both find a nice job so that we can be financially independent and then we can take our time and patience and convince our parents. "

She looked at the ground for sometime and then smiled. Maybe she too agreed with my idea.

Then she gave me a mischievous smile, a smile to die for
"Talking about baby steps, don't you think Kevin you are forgetting something ?"

I smiled. She is the most clear headed practical girl I had ever met. "Fine" I confess "I like you a lot. Keyuri will you be my girlfriend?" I asked.

She blushed and nodded. Then we were lost into each other's eyes. "Let's join others?" She suggested.

While we were walking towards the canteen, she did something unexpected. She held my hand. (I remembered that she was now my girlfriend so it was high time I acknowledge our relationship in front of people)

Everyone stared at us when we entered the canteen. My friends whistled at us and Keyuri's friends grinned. Suddenly Sunaina asked her "Is he your boyfriend?"

Before Keyuri can reply I said

"Na I am her fiance"

So guys let me know how you find his chapter. My exams are going on but I am trying my best to update asap.

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