My bold girlfriend, Impressed parents (1)

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Kevin's POV

Keyuri and her family were practicing Jainism as religion whereas me and my family followed Vaishnavism. Though both came under the same umbrella of Hinduism, our upbringing as well as our culture were very much different. Our religious principles were bit different. However every religion's main essence is to practice Humanity.

I wanted her to attend evening party and meet my parents and create a fabulous impression. That's why I texted her
"See you at 6 at evening. There is a success party at my house and I want you to meet my parents. Wear something classy. Will text you address soon"

I had given her instructions on what to wear (I told her to wear western clothes as most of our guests would wear the same), how to talk (preferably in English as it would portray how educated and well read she was), to talk less and listen more (she always does the opposite) and behave formally.

I was sure that Keyuri would be nervous and freaked out as hell. However I was proved to be wrong.

She reached at my doorstep sharp at 6 o clock with a big smile on her face. When the bell rang, I anxiously ran to open the door to find her wearing beautiful traditional dress. I invited her inside the house. As she entered inside, I felt many pairs of eyes turning to look at her.

Many of the guests had already arrived. Those guests consisted of friends of my parents, some of our relatives, family members and my own friends. All of them wore western dresses. However it was Keyuri who stood out from the whole crowd. She wore beautiful Anarkali which suited her figure and added grace in her movements.

Actress Priyanka Chopra in Anarkali(Source: Wikipedia)(Author's Note : I agree that Keyuri isn't as  beautiful as Priyanka Chopra but this picture is posted just to give u an idea about what Anarkali looks like

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Actress Priyanka Chopra in Anarkali
(Source: Wikipedia)
(Author's Note : I agree that Keyuri isn't as beautiful as Priyanka Chopra but this picture is posted just to give u an idea about what Anarkali looks like. Plus you guys can imagine different colour and design and accessories here and there as imagination has no limits)

When people looked at her curiously, she simply smiled at the crowd and turned around and started talking to me as if nothing happened.

I was angry at her. True that I wanted her to stand apart from the crowd but this was way too much. I hissed "Keyuri you were supposed to follow my instructions and wear something western. Now how would I be able to prove to my parents that you were just like their high society friends? I wanted you to blend in with people"

Keyuri simply smiled at me and said firmly
"This is how I am. I have no intention of fooling your parents by being someone I am not. If I will pretend, they will soon find out. It's better if they accept me the way I am"

I decided not to argue with her. I loved her the way she was but I just wanted my parents to accept her. I had not told them anything about her yet and I wanted them to feel as if she is the one for me without me saying anything to them about how I felt about her.

Then I decided to show her my house. I am not bragging but I do have a huge house. It has 2 floors, a big garden, servant quarters, library and a huge car parking with all sorts of crazy cars (of course my dad owned them. I was too proud to accept the ownership of his cars because I would rather buy one with my own money ,earned from my hardwork)

Party was held in the huge hall and dining area. The guests were served refreshments. Everyone was busy chatting with each other. I wondered where my parents were.

Then I saw my parents coming down from the staircase, hand in hand. My father's eyes met mine and he smiled. However his smile short lived when he saw Keyuri standing next to me. He then looked at me questioningly. I simply grinned. Message delivered. Plus I was super freaked out. Sensing my tension, Keyuri turned around and smiled at me reassuringly. I wish I had been so confident like her. I looked at my mum. She was looking at Keyuri very curiously. However she and my father diverted their gaze from us and smiled at the guests as they descended the steps of the staircase.

It's gonna be a long night. It maybe easy to make a girlfriend but so tough to involve the parents.

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