Finally you talked!! (1)

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I always thought that Kevin would always remain shy and not approach me. Though I loved it when he was shy, I wanted him to come and talk to me. At least once.

Suddenly as if heaven had heard my prayers. It was farewell party hosted by our coaching class for our seniors. It was DJ night meant only for students. I was given curfew time by my parents.. to exit the party at 10 o clock and reach home at 10:30.

The reason for my excitement was the couple dance that was the last part of our dancing. The Dj had announced that last 30 minutes would comprise of him playing most romantic songs while we all were supposed to choose a partner for couple dance. I was expecting him to ask me out. In front of everyone present.

It created flutter into hearts of young lovers and love birds. The music started with foot tapping music number. I had 6 girls in my group. We had formed a small circle and were busy grooving into the beats. Suddenly, Shwet, one of the guys of Kevin's group approached us asking if his group can join ours.

Kevin's group was very popular in our tuition. Because all the guys were great at studies as well as they were well behaved. They were reputed to be  gentleman. So we nodded our approval quickly.

Soon their group joined ours .Our circle got bigger. Suddenly I saw Kevin entering  into the circle, smiling at me. He was wearing black coloured jeans and white v neck t shirt and casual black coloured blazer. It suited his muscular frame. It was a coincidence that I too wore the same colour. My black coloured one piece was matched with white coloured sky scrapper heels. Soon we were dancing like crazy. It went on for an hour until we formed a line, with Kevin leading and soon it became a train.. moving in every directions with every student and teacher joining us.

Soon the DJ announced that it was the time for couple dance. I looked towards Kevin. He smiled at me nervously. I saw his friends chuckling and trying to shove him towards  me. I was sure they were teasing him with me.

My heart raced. I knew what would happen next. Though I had imagined it many times since past hour, I didn't know how to react. I felt frozen. My eyes were locked to his.

As if time stood still. He grinned and started coming in my direction. Never lifting his eyes from mine.

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