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Kevin's POV

I wanted to thank that person who had invented the concept of Sunday. A day to forget your responsibilities and relax. Let me tell you. I was super overloaded since the day I had joined the office. Working under my prospective father in law was a mixture of privilege and challenge.

I was directly placed under his mentorship. It meant two things. First he was sucker for timings ,discipline and was epitome of perfection. Which meant that in order to reach to his level I had to work super hard.

However the second thing was that he was a fabulous guru. I had joined him just a week ago and the amount of experience I gained under him cannot be compared. Everyday there was something new to learn. Plus I was very much sure that my hard work and his guidance would help me to reach a new level expertise.

My father had been out for his business trip and my grandmother was staying at my uncle's place. Which meant that I had no one to bother me today. After working so hard for past week, I needed a break. And what can be better than Keyuri spending whole Sunday with me? However I was proved wrong.

"Sorry Kevin but you can't spend the day with us." Said my mum. Then I realised that maybe she wanted to spend her day with Keyuri alone. It mad me sad but the prospect of sleeping whole day like a lazy lad brightened my mood.

Keyuri frowned at me (she knew that I loved to sleep.) She expected me to protest and stay with her. But I can't deny the wish of my mommy dearest can I? With a wink I proceeded towards my bedroom. Not before getting a text message on my phone. It was sent by Keyuri "Darling you have made a big mistake. I would pay you back 😈😈😈"

I just smiled and drifted to the world of dreams.

It was hours after which I was awakened by the sound of laughter. It came from the living room. I knew instantly that it was my mum and Keyuri. But why were they laughing?

I followed the sound and reached to living room to find dozens of albums spread on the dining table. Wait a minute. Were those albums had my photos? Did mum showed her my childhood pics?

Well let me admit that I was bit chubby (ok, no I was fat) when I was a kid. I was messy too. That explained why I had paint smeared all over my face in those childhood photos. Plus I had tendency of playing various pranks. And I used to fall down a lot. And cry a lot. My dad ensured that all those awkward moments of my life were captured in his camera.

Before I could respond, I saw Keyuri clutching a photo and laughing hard. "Kevin I didn't know you used to wear frocks" she said. And then it striked to me. When I was 5 year old, my mum made me wear a cute red coloured frock. And dad insisted on capturing "that moment" on his camera. (He also insisted in framing that pic and hanging it on the wall of our living room. It took me a great deal of effort to stop him from doing so. Though he did it just for fun, it nearly shook the headlights out of me)

Keyuri saw the look of horror on my face but she continued accessing my photos with great interest. My mum was happy to show her more of my pics. She also showed Keyuri her marriage album and both of them did a bit of 'ohh and ahh'. Trust me they looked like a team of giggling school girls.

However even though I knew that now Keyuri would tease me about the pics till the end of my breath, I was happy that atleast she and my mum managed to bond over my ridiculous pics.

"So why did you both took out the albums?" I asked. I was curious about how the idea of seeing old photos came into my mum's head. "Your dad gave me the idea. He said that showing old photos is the great way of bonding." My mum admitted. I must have known it would have been dad's idea.

I agree that I never had an elder brother (or a sister because I am the only child of my parent) but trust me, if you have a father like me, you would never feel the need of having an older brother. He is my mentor and my best friends and he bullies me like an elder brother.

I swallowed my pride and allowed them to see through my photos. Keyuri didn't leave the chance to tease me. If this was her revenge, I didn't mind a bit. It looked that both of them were having great time. My mum asked her about her family, her culture, her goals in life and so on.

I was getting bored so I went to my room again and fell into sleep again.

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