But what about MY parents

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Keyuri's POV

Like I said, singing on the stage was super fun. In between when I would make some mistake, granny would giggle and correct me in front of people and everyone would laugh. I have a good voice and can grasp any tune but I do make mistakes in lyrics. Everyone sang with us. We performed medley of many old songs. Uncle played guitar beautifully and as soon as it came into end, we were joined by the cheers of "once more". But we all bowed in front of audience and exited the stage.

As soon as our performance was over, we had a cake cutting session where I took over the camera from Kevin'a father and asked all of them to pose. As soon as everyone ate the cake, Uncle came to me and took over camera from my hands ,handed over to someone and asked me to pose with them for family photo session. I guess everyone had accepted me but I was still doubtful about Kevin's mum. Maybe she wanted a girl from her community, someone who could respond to high society.

I wanted to talk to her but she was busy running around here and there and supervising servants. Soon we all were seated to huge dining table in a dining hall. I wanted to sit next to Kevin but was soon found that aunty (Kevin's mum) took her seat between me and Kevin.

I wouldn't blame her if she was possessive about her son. I mean she obviously wanted someone from her community. Probably she must have already found a suitable bride for Kevin. Maybe she was sad that I was interrupting her party.

I was lost into my thoughts when I saw aunty was putting salad into my plate. She smiled at me sweetly and said "dear why aren't you eating anything. Look we all have started eating."

I decided to gather some courage and talk to her directly. "I am sorry for interrupting your party. I know I am not fitting into your definition of ideal daughter in law that you want for Kevin . But can you please give me a chance? "

I sensed her smiling at the word 'daughter in law'. So she looked at me and asked "so your relationship with him is that serious?". I cleared my throat and replied "yes". But then I added "I just want you to give me a chance and know me. If your are not satisfied, then I would leave your son. I want this relationship with permission of mine as well your family. I just want everyone to be happy with us"

Never in my life I had been so courageous. We both were whispering so no one noticed as everyone was busy chatting with each other. Kevin and his father were busy talking to his granny.

I took a deep breath and somehow forced myself into eating. I was feeling real anxious. Suddenly I heard his mum speaking "it's not that I don't like you. It's just that I wasn't expecting this. I had already found a girl for Kevin but suddenly you came and gave me a complete shock. You are a great girl. Very educated and sensible. But I need to think about this if you don't mind"

I nodded my head and she smiled and asked me to continue eating. Rest of the dinner followed amongst chattering of Kevin, uncle and granny followed by Kevin's Aunt and uncle. Guests were also participating excitedly. Uncle looked at me and smiled encouragingly so I too joined the conversation.

By the time now everyone must have known that I was Kevin'a girlfriend.

As the dinner was over, everyone was in mood of dancing. The Dj was ready for other tracks. This party was going to last whole night. The cocktails and mocktails were being served.

I had lied to my parents that I had gone to the birthday party of my friend named Namrata ( and I had warned Namrata in advance to lie for me in case my parents call her). It was 9:30 and I had to reach home by 10. I had brought my own vehicle. So I bid goodbye to uncle and granny(who hugged me lovingly) and aunty who just smiled at me. I was searching for Kevin to bid him adieu.

I searched him here and there until I felt my hands being grabbed by someone and I was pushed inside a dark room. My eyes tried to adjust to the darkness and I struggled to get myself free. I tried to scream but it was silenced by a kiss and a whisper. It was Kevin. He then gently bit my earlobe and whispered "Just wanted to give my goodbye kiss". I narrowed my eyes and gave a false frown. He grinned and asked me "where is my gift?"

Before I could reply, he simply grabbed me by my arms, and started kissing me passionately. His teeth gently biting my lower lip. Suddenly he left me and took my face with his both the hands and kissed my forehead.

With butterfly flying in my stomach and lips still lingering with touch of his kiss, I looked at him puzzled. He said
"I love you. And I am proud of you. You won the heart of my family and it's not a small achievement"

I smiled and told him about my conversation with his mum. He assured me saying "Don't worry she will accept you dear. She just needs time". Suddenly I got reminded about something

"But what about my parents? They are super strict"

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