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Dear Reader, I am sorry I couldn't contain my excitement and managed to write this chapter at the dawn time. I knew that I was supposed to write after 16th of November but to be frank, writing is my outlet of  removing frustrations cause by intense studies. I hope you people would enjoy this chapter.

Kevin's POV

If you ever get a girlfriend like me, and end up falling in love with her, then you are the luckiest man of the Earth? Why? Because she would be capable of amusing and winning the hearts of your parents in the most unusual and weird ways before you know it.

My mum was hesitant earlier but now she is absolutely in love with my girlfriend ever since the day she spent time with her. I was asleep whole day so I couldn't know what happened between them.

Now Keyuri would frequently come to my place. But it was a feast for my eyes only. Why? Because she would be interested in hanging out with my mum.

I had noticed weird changes in my mum too. She reduced the frequency of going to Kitty Parties ( the place where all the rich women meet, gamble and gossip. Technically it's a waste of time). She still would attend charity events but that's it.

She had joined the gym and went ahead to join chess club in nearby club ( my mum used to play chess during her school and collage days but left this hobby after getting married). She started learning new things daily. Like how to drive the car, run phone applications like Paytm (an application that is used to pay bills, buy tickets if movies etc) or Instagram and so on.

Now she looked happier and most important, she looked excited. Yes. My mum would animatedly discuss about her day during the dinner time. Earlier she was bored and felt restricted living the life of high society wife. And now she looked free.

It wasn't her fault. Though my dad was the best husband in the world, he was  handling a huge responsibility of running our family business. That made him busy many times and mum resorted to other 'high society things that lonely ladies do' to cease her loneliness.

Here's what she did to influence my mum. When she and mum were spending that Sunday together, she told my mum about us going to Manekchawk. My mum got curious because she had never been there. (Born  and married into a super rich family, she never considered it important to go to the part of old city. ) Not even for the sight seeing. So that day, Keyuri took my mum to the Old part of the  city, on her Scooty. It was a normal activity for Keyuri. But not my mum.

Just like me, she too found a thrill of  sitting behind a two wheeler, going zig zagging into the narrow roads and eating super spicy street food. She wandered from one street stall to another, learnt how to bargain from Keyuri, went to different  shops and did window shopping. She took the leisure of roaming around aimlessly. She recollected her collage days and realised that she doesn't have a life. So since that day, my family has been witnessing the new version of my mother.

My dad and my grandmum were happy that mum was back in her element again. My family thought that they would change Keyuri and make her act like high society lady. Looks like the love of my life was too stubborn to change herself. But we all were happy for changes she brought into our lives. She was finally the part of my family.

P.S. sorry I wasn't able to come up with romantic ideas and I didn't want to try anything too cheesy or a used idea or something frequently showed in movies. Don't worry the upcoming chapters would be filled with romantic instances. I would try to make them as unique and possible.

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