Brother of Mine (5)

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Deadicated to my edit, only first two parts are done at the moment, but i'm really grateful.


Pulling up in front of my house is something I dread. Jesse has asked me who had kissed me about ten times since I got in the car. I told him I’d say when we get home. Well, now I'm home and I slide out of the car before I turn to face the house, only to have Jesse push me against the car. My heart speeds up a little and I look into his eyes and see his mouth move and he says.

‘Delilah, so we are home and you’ll tell me.’ I bite down on my lower lip and slowly nod my head my eyes flickering over his face. I leave a pause before I say.

‘Okay, right, well, you see that it was Saturday and Xander.’ Jesse pulls away from me, leaving me to bite my lip and he says.

‘You are fucking kidding me. He is a stupid man whore. What the hell? And why the hell am I friends with him?’ I feel the corner of my mouth turn up and Jesse arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me against his chest. I bury my head into his chest and he whispers into my ear. ‘Look do you want me to punch him or not?’

‘No because then people ask why he has a black eye and he is not one to lie.’ Jesse nods and we walk towards my front door. I feel as if  weights been lift from my shoulders as our hands have entwine together bringing me just a little bit closer to him which is what I need right at this moment. I love Jesse but today’s been one of those days when I need to be reminded all the time.

It took about half an hour to get all my stuff into the back of Jesse car. I lock the door behind me and slide into the passage seat. Jesse starts to drive and I feel a lot of tension left the car as he begins to drive along the road.

We pull up in front of the house and Jesse opens the door for me. Taking my hand he pulls me closer to his body as his lips went to mine. A slow kiss, I knew should hold a lot of passion but I didn’t get the vibe from it. Jesse was holding back on me and I didn’t even know why. I smile at Jesse and he walks back to the car. He pulls my suitcase out the back and passes the first one to me. The suitcase had wheels so I drag it along the pavement. I walk up the steps and knock on the door. Selena opens it and she flings her arms around me.

‘Yay, you're here. I'm guessing Jesse's staying.’

‘I think so.’ Jesse says from behind me and kisses me on the cheek. Heat travels to my cheeks. I glance at him and feel the smile on my face grow. I follow Selena up the stairs to my 'new' room. Although Selena had thought about me staying in her room, we both knew that we may be best friends, but even we couldn't sleep in the same room for six months. So I would be sleeping in one of the many guest rooms. Unfortunately the guest room was in-between Selena’s and Xander's room, with about four meters closer to Xander. Also, it didn't help Selena's room was around the corner. You expect a house this size would get them to be able to have opposite ends of the house, but that's a no. They want the biggest rooms and so they got them. I dump my suitcase on the bed

It took just fifteen minutes after Selena shouts at Xander to help. I feel the tension between Jesse and Xander, although Xander was oblivious to it. I found myself pausing every few minutes and my eyes trace Xander. I would shake my head as soon as I register what I'm doing and sometimes I would see the smirk on his face.

After we’d move my stuff into my 'new' room. I then lay on the sofa and my head rests on his lap as he's playing with my hair. My eyes are on Jesse and he's staring at the TV screen. It was some football game; I've never been interested in football. The only reason I watch it is because I know it makes Jesse happy. I hear my phone ringing, but I just say.

Only Time Can Tell (Going through editing) ✔Where stories live. Discover now