Prep and Followthrough

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After that club meeting there was still some time left of lunch and we decided to track down Sour Cream and Buck. Well a few of us. Me, Peridot and Amethyst did. Garnet and Pearl went to get ready for class, and Jasper stayed to talk to Rose again.
"So where do these guys sit?" I asked
Amethyst shrugged and Peridot pointed towards a small 4-seater table near the back of the cafeteria. Sure enough Sour Cream, Buck, and 2 girls who appeared to be twins sat there. They looked stereotypically straight from where we stood. We watched as the girls got up to leave, one of them ruffling Sour Creams hair on the way by to which he immediately tried to fix.
I looked to Peridot "You think they're gay?" I asked doubtfully
Peridot nodded "Watch"
So I did. Buck reached across the table to help fix the others hair a half-smirk on his lips.
I listened closely as Sour Cream pulled out his phone to check his hair in the front-camera.
"Whoa, Thanks Buck. It looks better than it did before Jenny messed with it." Sour Cream said
"Heh, no problem. Gotta keep my man looking cool, Y'know." Buck Responded
"Well you sure did a great job. I look totally rad now!"
"Dude, you always look rad to me."
"Aw, dude...."
I was confused "I honestly can't even tell.... they call each other dude and talk like straight guys... but straight guys don't fix each other's hair and compliment each other like that..."
"They're some kinda queer." Amethyst said "I'm gonna go investigate." She started walking towards them.
"What-no! Not now!" Peridot called after her.
"Dude the bells gonna ring in like 5 minutes. We gotta act now." Amethyst said and continued forward. We followed.
We approached the table and they looked to us. "Hey, Amethyst dude! What do you think of my hair?" Sour Cream asked.
Amethyst shrugged "It looks the same as usual just a little gayer. I dunno man."
Sour Cream looked to Buck and rose a brow. Buck spoke "Yo man, you shouldn't use gay as an insult. Not cool."
"Whoa chill bro..." Amethyst said "My girlfriends right here." She threw an arm around Peridot. "It wasn't an insult, no need to get so protective." She smirked.
"Well if it wasn't an insult what was it man?" Sour Cream asked
She shrugged "An implication... You guys gay or nah?"
"AMETHYST!" Peridot scolded "You can't ask like that!" She was blushing in embarrassment "That's rude!"
"Nah- it's cool." Buck said placing a hand on Sour Creams head which he'd buried in his hands. "Dude... chill... they just asked a question." He told him.
"I know, but it's so embarrassing...." Sour Cream mumbled in response.
Buck looked back to Amethyst "Why do you want to know?"
I decided to speak so Amethyst couldn't mess anything up. "Oh! Uh well, the LGBT+ club is planning an informative bake sale of sorts, and we have representation for all the main sub-categories except we oddly don't have any Gay men... and we were trying to think if we knew any and we couldn't but you guys we're of high suspicions so... yeah.... we came to find out if the rumours were true." I awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck.
Sour Cream looked back up and locked eyes with Buck. Slowly Buck nodded "We're down."
"So you are gay?" Amethyst asked.
Sour Cream blushed and nodded. "I guess so..."
"Hey man no need to be shy. There's no judgment here. I'm pretty gay too. We all are." Amethyst responded."
I smiled and nodded "So guys, if you'd like to join us for a club meeting Friday at lunch in he guidance office... we can discuss what exactly will be going on."
"Alright sounds cool." Sour Cream said quietly. "You should probably text one of so we remember though..."
I pulled out my phone and offered it to him to put in his number. He did and shortly after the bell rang.

So on Friday we sat in guidance at lunch and I texted Sour Cream to tell him and Buck to join us. They entered seconds later apparently not even needed my reminder. We sat around the table and planned who would be doing what.
Rose looked to Garnet and Pearl "So you two and representing L?" The nodded and she continued "And what will you be baking?"
Pearl smiled "French Macarons. My mother has a lovely recipe."
"Oh wonderful!" Rose smiled "Sour Cream and Buck- you boys are the G's?"
Buck answered with a simple "Yes ma'am."
"Any ideas as to what you'll be preparing?"
They looked to each other and shrugged "Not yet." Sour Cream admitted
"We'll come back to you two at the end." Rose said moving on. "Amethyst and Peridot? Our B's. What will you two be cooking up."
Amethyst shrugged "Something easy. Probably brownies. People love brownies"
"Fair enough." Rose chuckled. "Jasper? What's your plan."
Jasper sighed "Amethyst stole it.... I guess I'll do Rice Crispies or something lame like that."
"Alright. Now Lapis, I was thinking we could have sugar cookies... unless you have another idea?"
Lapis shook her head "No Rose, that sounds amazing!"
Rose nodded "Thank you, I'll take care of that then... now Boys, anything you'd like to do now that you've heard the other options?"
"Cupcakes." Buck stated simply. "The classic bake sale good."
Sour Cream nodded "Oh yeah! I'm surprised no one else took that! Rad!"

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