A Transformative Experience

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Early mornings are the worst mornings. And no, I don't mean 'early mornings' as in waking up at 6:30am instead of 7am, I mean waking up at your regular time, next to that special someone and not being able to cuddle them close for half the day because you know you have school in a couple hours. Well I guess they're not that bad, I mean you're still waking up next to someone.... unless things go horribly wrong....
I woke up in Jasper's arms, my head tucked securely under her chin, and my nose buried in the crook of her neck. I smiled and nuzzled closer, and felt her arms tighten around my waist. I lightly kissed the skin of her collar bone and heard her mumble "Don't leave no friggan marks. Don't got no coverup on me"
It wasn't the sweetest thing to hear right after waking up, but it was still kinda cute right? She was so worried about something so small. I let out a giggle "Well then, I guess you'll just have to show 'em off with pride instead." And pecked her collar's flesh again.
She let out a sigh, well more of a grunt really. "You're a little shit. Now my big scary butch Aesthetic will be ruined with your stupid butterfly hickeys."
"Aw, poor muffin. Why don't you cry me a river!" I joked.
Our conversation was cut short by my door flying open and my dads voice "Hey Love-birds, wake up." He chuckled. "It's time for school."
I groaned and chucked a pillow at him "daaaad!...." the pillow hit him square in the face and knocked his dumb hipster glasses off onto the floor.
Jasper snorted "Heh, good shot babe." She commented lazily.
In a swift movement my dad picked up his glasses and placed them back on his face, slightly askew, so he looked real goofy, and crossed his arms across his chest. "Alright get up you two. Mom's making you pancakes. You lucky little shits. I just got a granola bar and a kiss on the cheek for my breakfast...." he pouted.
"Uuuugh fiiine" I complained and sat up, Jasper sitting up soon after. "Just get out so we can get dressed..."
"Fine, don't have to ask me twice." Dad replied turning on his heel and marching out, shutting the door behind him.
I got outta bed and stood with a stretch before stepping over towards my dresser to pick out some clothes. "Hey Jasp? What should I wear today?" I asked, staring into my abyss of a dresser drawer.
"Uuhm" I heard the bed creak as Jasper stood up. "I find you look pretty cute in that blue and grey flannel." She suggested standing behind me.
"Really? I find I just look really gay when I wear that." I shrugged.
Jasper chuckled "And how's that a bad thing?" I felt her arms snake around my waist again.
I bit my lip "You got me there. Fine I'll wear the flannel. And for an undershirt? Should I gay it up some more with the bleeding rainbow heart tanktop?"
"Go for it. Be a walking pride flag. Work it babe." Jasper joked. "But seriously though... yeah, that'd be hella gay. Wear it."
I rolled my eyes "Alright, I get it. You want me looking gay as fuck. Fine. What next? Faded ripped jeans and a rainbow stud belt?" I said sarcastically. She simply nodded. "Fine whatever." I told her before pulling my shirt over my head. Her arms left me, and she stepped away. I looked over my shoulder to see her looking away and covering her eyes with her arm, her cheeks a brilliant red.
"I-I'm just gonna... I'm gonna get dressed in the bathroom ok?" She told me.
I rose a brow. She's seen me in a bathing suit before, which is a shit ton less than a loose sports bra and a pair of pyjama pants, so why did she feel the need to look away? Whatever her reason, it was cute as fuck. As for the her wanting to change in another room thing, that was expected. So with respect of her privacy, I smiled and said "Oh alright. Second door on the left..."
she nodded curtly, grabbed her bag and  left the room.

*Jasper's POV*
I hurried into her bathroom, it was spacious so I had enough room to move around, which is great. I chick my size needs a lot of room to move, ya know?
So yeah I stripped down to my boxer-briefs and bra, and shuffled through my bag to find whatever clothes I had packed in the thing, ironically enough I had a red and black flannel in there, a black tanktop and some baggy faded and ripped jeans. Looks like the bae and I are matching today. That'll be real cute. However the attention it'll attract in unwanted....
I found my deodorant and just quickly slicked some on, before pulling my tank top over my head and the flannel over my shoulders. I was gonna pull on my pants when I remembered I should probably take my shot before that.
I started sifting through my bag again looking for the ziplock bag but it wasn't in there... it must've fallen out when I picked up bag in... oh fuck... Lapis's room! If she Fucking sees that it's game over for me!
I quickly tugged on my jeans and basically ran out of the bathroom and back into Lapis's bedroom, without knocking.

To Dream of Malachite (Human Lapis X Jasper) Where stories live. Discover now