Club Conflict

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And so Monday afternoon I went to hang out with Jasper's family. We sat around and watched Netflix and later ate some pizza Jasper's mother ordered.... it was nice and calm. But Jasper's mom could tell something was off with her daughter during dinner and asked "Jasper, is everything okay honey?"
"Yeah mom. Everything's fine." Jasper brushed off.
"You just seem... troubled... today." Her mother continued. "You know you can talk to me..."
Jasper sighed frustratedly, knowing she couldn't keep anything away from her mother. "I was just clocked by some dickhead kids at school today... I'm fine."
"Clocked?" Her mother said concerned "what does that mean?"
"It's trans-slang. I was clocked- recognized- found out and exposed as Trans. So yeah now the entire school's gonna know again or whatever... all's cool..." she said in a bothered tone.
"Again?" I questioned quietly.
She looked at me "Yeah again. I wasn't expelled from my last school because of football a okay? I was playing girls football and some bitch tugged off my towel in the locker room after a game and yelled to the principal because a 'boy' was on the girls team and they made me switch to the guys team where I was quite literally being attacked so dad moved us out here... I just said I was expelled so Ams wouldn't fucking worry or nothing... and also so y'all wouldn't find out."
"Oh..." I didn't know what to say.
Jasper's father entered the conversation with a sigh "So I guess you'll have to switch again...?"
"No!" I said loudly "No... she doesn't. I-I know my school... we're a safe school... just because a couple of assholes hate on her doesn't mean anything... I'm actually pretty sure they're the only ones who care... I haven't heard anyone else say stuff like that before..."
"Lapis..." Jasper said with a frown
"Jasper, I'm serious! Besides all your friends are at this school... if you go somewhere else we won't be there to help and support you... just- just wait.... wait and see before you try to leave... I think you'll be surprised....".
She sighed "And what if things end up terrible?"
"Then you can go... I'm not going to make you stay somewhere i know is unsafe- but I know my school is safe.... so please... wait."
"Fine... we'll see what happens."

The next day at school she wasn't there. I texted her in the morning... she said she needed a mental health day. I understood and left it at that.
At lunch I sat with the others with my cafeteria lunch as usual. Amethyst immediately asked me where Jasper was today.
"She's taking a mental health day..." I replied simply.
"Why?" Amethyst asked confused
I sighed "Two fuckboys clocked her yesterday... and she was already feeling dysphoric before that... She's worried people will start harassing her here..."
"Oh... shit... well hopefully she comes back to school and realizes it's not really like that here..." Ames said with a sigh.
Peridot spoke up "Wait... is Jasper...Trans?"
Pearl and Garnet looked towards me, it was very clear they all wanted to know.
My eyes widened, that's right, Jasper never officially came out to them yet. I shouldn't just out her! That'd be wrong and breaking a promise.... I texted Jasper really quick «Hey, I'm sorry to bother you- but is it okay if I tell our friends what happened yesterday? They're concerned why you're not here and I don't want to lie but I also don't want to just out you... so... are they allowed to know?» sent 12:14pm
I got a response seconds later «Ya... whatever. They'll find out anyway....» Jasper 12:15pm
I sighed and looked back to Peridot, Pearl and Garnet "Yes... " I answered. "She is..."
"Oh, I had no idea!" Pearl said "oh I hope she's okay then... being recognized sounds horrible..."
"Especially when you're trying to pass..." Garnet added.
"Whoever those clods are who hurt her better watch out!" Peridot said crossing her arms "We're gonna get them!"
"Uh Per..." Amethyst said "We don't gotta go that far.... Jasp'll be okay.... she just needs to realize this isn't a school of assholes."
I nodded in agreement "exactly..." and then I texted Jasper again «We all hope you're okay 💕... love you» sent 12:18pm

Wednesday she came to school but she didn't talk much. She was quiet during drama, and asked to sit out of the improv activity. In math she sat quietly and simply did her work... at lunch she sat especially close to me- probably for comfort. I gave her a supportive hug and kissed her cheek. "Everything good babe?" I asked her.
She nodded "Yeah..."
"Hmkay..." I said
The others joined us- except for Pearl. I asked garnet where she was. Garnet shrugged unknowingly.
Five minutes later Pearl approached the table chatting with..... Rose?! What was she doing here?!
"Hey Rosie-" Amethyst called to her "You get lost? I thought you graduated from here years ago?"
Rose looked let out a bubbly laugh "Oh I know! I was placed here! I'm in school to be be a child and youth worker and to do that I need to work with children and youth..." she smiled "I'm here Wednesdays and Fridays in the guidance office training with the councillors."
Pearl jumped in "And we were just discussing holding an LGBT+ club with the principal just now... he likes the idea!"
"And leading a club of likely troubled youth over lunches will be really great for my training!" Rose smiled "and I'd also get to stay in touch with you kids!"
I smirked and decided to ask about something irrelevant. "You know Rose, Mr. Universe works here- you know... the sound man from Pride? You'd also get to stay in touch with him."
She blushed lightly "Oh shush- I was already aware of that... However that's not why I'm here... so who wants to form a queer club?"

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