Cis-Scum Fuckboys

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School was.... okay. I wouldn't say it was the absolute best day of my life, but hell it wasn't exactly the worst. It was one of those really confusing days where a lot of really great things happen but also some pretty bad things happen too... if I had to explain it in one word... I'd say it was... pretty amusing.
So it started on a good note. Jasper and I walked into the school holding hands! Like, we'd never actually really shown any PDA before, so this was all new. We stopped by our lockers and then she walked me to English, but get this- before she left me, she kissed my cheek! In front of basically my entire class! I was so embarrassed! She said goodbye with a classy "See you next period babe."
I walked into my class and took my seat next to Peridot, who just sent me a smirk. "Girl, that was gaaaay as heck. Good job."
I lightly punched her shoulder "Oh shut up."
She chuckled "What's wrong with a little gay? I got a little gay this morning too. No worries."
"Oh yeah... you never told me, how'd things go with Amethyst the other day?" I asked
She shrugged. "Okay... she didn't ask me to the dance or anything... yet... but yeah she did ask me to go see Doctor Strange with her tomorrow... and she also held my hand this morning...."
"Wait, wait... hold up... she hasn't asked you to Pride yet?! But she's asking you on other dates... what the hell..." I asked her really confused.
Peri just shrugged "I don't know... maybe she'll ask this time?"
I crossed my arms "oh she better. If she doesn't I'm gonna slap a bitch."
Peridot rolled her eyes "oh stop it... don't hit my kind-of-girlfriend... soo what about you? Have you been asked to go yet?"
I nodded "Oh hell yeah. She asked me when we went for coffee earlier this week. She's absolutely loved the idea of a really gay dance when I told her about it, and asked me right away."
Peridot smiled a bit "That's cute... did you tell her about the colour idea?"
I nodded once again "Yep. The Pride Flag's sailing high."
The teacher walked in and started the lesson after that. I was quite content, until the first pretty bad thing happened... I heard some of the Fuckboys who'd came in a little late, in behind us, quietly snickering "Aw did ya hear that?" One of them said. "The Lesbos are going to an all-gay dance. Glad to see America's moving in the left direction." His voice sounded very sarcastic.
His buddy joined in "Heh yeah. Isn't it Fucking fantastic those freaks of nature get their own special snowflake party? Jeez next thing you know the Pedophiles and Animal-fuckers will be holding group orgies with local children and their pets down town."
The first guy laughed quietly " Aw man- that's brutal! But true as fuck. Where's America heading? Dude there was some Tranny in the Walmart bathroom yesterday... I wanted to slap some sense into that bitch. If you don't gotta dick, your not a man, so stay outta the men's room!"
The second one rolled his eyes "ugh I know right man? Dude, I hear there's a Tranny in our school now. Like a dude in chicks clothing...."
"No way! Fucking hell... Who? Do you know?"
"I think it might be that new kid... Jasper er something... kid's too big to be a real girl... deeper voice too." guy number two responded.
"Yeah... but tits man..."
"Probably fakes."
I'd had enough I turned around in my seat and glared at them. "Fucking bigoted Cis-white fuckboys..." I mumbled "and just so you know. Jasper's tits are 100% real. Trust me. I've seen them."
Fuckboy #1 "Like we'd believe that. Could still be implants."
And the second Fuckboy just nodded "Yeah exactly! I bet that freak has a penis in his pants. Their so masculine, like seriously. He has to be a man in drag. Probably some sorta pervert."
"A pretty girl like you should probably Steer clear of him. You may get hurt." #1 added with a cocky smirk.
I rolled my eyes. "Lay off my girlfriend. I know who she is and what's she's got. And if she had any perverted intentions ,she would'd tried them last night. When we spent the entire night together!"
They just stared at me for a second before the second boy called me a "Fucking slut."
I rolled my eyes, turning away from them again. "yes I'm such a slut for cuddling with my girlfriend. Suck a dick boys." I thought the conversation would be over after that, but apparently not.
I heard a snicker followed by #2's voice again "How about you suck ours? 4pm behind the school. We'll show you how real men do things babe."
I stood, pissed and flipped his desk over, and him with it "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME YOU FUCKING CUCK-WHORE!"
"Lapis Lazuli!" The teacher yelled. I looked around the entire class was staring at me, jaws dropped. My face flushed in embarrassment. "Please escort yourself to the principals office! Now!" The teacher demanded.
"But he-" I tried to explain.
"NOW Lazuli!" He pointed towards the door.
I growled out a sigh and stormed out of the classroom. As I left I heard one of the Fuckboy's whisper to the other as the desk was picked up."Yo, what a bitch. Anyways, ya wanna teach the tranny what he really is? Knock some sense into him? Lunch today, at the smoking area?"
I was so angry, I just slammed the door and ran. I didn't know where I was going, but it certainly wasn't the principals office. I was just running, until I saw an odd sight. The cafeteria door left open... and through the window I saw Jasper?
I stopped and eyed her, she didn't see me. Curiously I stepped into the room, bumping the door accidentally with my hip, causing it to creak. She suddenly looked up at me from her seat at the table in lovers corner. "Lapis?" She asked. "Why aren't you in class?"
I arched a brow "I could ask you the same question...."
"Teacher's sick, and they couldn't find a replacement. No class for me." She told me "And your story?
I bit my lip "I..... I was asked to see the principal for an act of disruptive and violent behaviour..." I summed up.
She crossed her arms looking unimpressed "what'd you do?"
I took a seat across from her "Well.." I began "I was talking about Pride to Peri and I heard these Fuckboys laughing and saying some Homophobic and transphobic bullshit, so I called them cis-scum and told them to suck a dick... and they responded with 'Nah but you can. 4pm behind the school. We'll show you how a real man works' or something like that, and I kinda snapped. I called him a 'fucking cuck-whore' and flipped his desk...."
"You can flip a desk?" She asked with a half-laugh "Impressive. But why didn't you just ignore them?"
I opened my mouth but stopped myself from saying anything. Should I tell her that she was the main topic? If I do, she'll be upset right? But if I don't, she'll end up in a fight with two or more transphobic fuckboys... yeah I should just tell her. "Because Jasper.... you.... you were being plotted against."
"What?" She asked brows arched in surprise and confusion. "What do you mean?"
"I mean...." I bit my lip "They figured you out... and they were saying all these terrible things... that you're just a perv in drag, that you're fake, that you're... that you're a... a man... and that I should be careful, and that I should stay away, and that they were going to teach you a lesson at the smoking area at lunch... and I had to say something. I'm your girlfriend for fucks sakes... I'm supposed to protect you..."
Her features darkened in worry, anger, and confusion "How'd they know? You didn't tell anyone did you?"
I sincerely shook my head "I promised I wouldn't tell a soul. I don't break promises. But there's been a rumour going around that there's a Trans-girl in the school. They matched you to the rumour, because of.... well mostly because of you size."
"Jesus fuck... i just can't win, can I?" She growled out a sigh and went silent in thought for a moment "Smoking area at Lunch you said?" I hesitantly nodded in response and she continued, sending me a smirk "Care to tag along? I might need protection."
I blushed slightly, she was so Fucking cute sometimes. But then I realized what she'd just said "Wait what?! Are you nuts?"
"Only slightly." She smiled to herself. "But seriously look at me. I'm huge. I could probably squash them both with my thumb. And you? You're too cute and innocent for anyone to want to start a real dirty fight around. They're no threat to me. No worries babe. Thanks for the heads up though."
And that's when a good thing happened. She leant across the table and kissed my lips firmly but sweetly. I felt my face heat up. Jasper was Fucking kissing me in lovers corner, at lovers table. Heck yeah! I kissed her back, and let out a soft hum of content before she tried to pull away.
As she attempted a retreat however, I placed a hand at the back of her head, where her skull met her neck and tried to hold her in place. We're a couple centimetres apart, but still very close. I gave her a challenging look, and she let out a chuckle "Lapis. We're at school."
I shrugged in response "Yeah and? Everyone else's in class."
She rolled her eyes. "Fine. Can I at least move to be more comfortable?"
I pouted but agreed to let her stand up and stretch. Jasper made her way around the table to my side. Towering above my sitting form she locked me in place. One arm above me, bracing her against the wall, a knee placed the thin remaining edge of the chair i was seated on, and her free arm holding my chin up to have us face to face. With a smirk she commented "Much better. And I'm just loving this angle~"
It was obvious my cheeks were a brilliant scarlet red, as she closed in and claimed my lips as hers again.
I'm not sure how long we were smooching it up for, but I know we stopped just before the bell went, when we were interrupted by a certain cousin of Jasper's standing in the doorway.
Amethyst had whistled and that caught our attention. "Skipping class for a little one on one in Lovers Corner huh?" She laughed "You guys are so bad. Way to go."
Jasper stood and eyed her cousin. With a smirk "Fuck off. What about you? Why're you out of class?"
Amethyst shrugged "I just left. There's like 5 mins left and we're not doing anything in there anyway. So like is this a regular thing for you guys now? Skipping class to make out and shit?"
I blushed and shook my head "N-no... this wasn't even planned... I was in class and then I cussed out some fuckboys, and flipped a desk and was asked to leave... Jasper apparently just doesn't have a class today..."
"And so you're making out in the cafeteria because...?" Amethyst questioned further.
Jasper smiles "Because she's my very cute and tiny protector now apparently."
"Protector? Of what?" She asked "wait.... does she.... know?
Jasper nodded slowly "she found out this morning.... I had to take a shot.... and I stayed overnight."
"Oh.... wait oooh? You stayed the night? What'd you two do?" She winked
I went red "Not what you think!" I burst out "We just cuddled and fell asleep..."
I looked up to Jasper who also looked a tad red in the cheeks "Yeah... what she said."
"How would we even...." I started but didn't finish the sentence
Jasper looked to me cheeks a bright blush now. She bit her lip and suddenly began avoiding eye contact as she spoke. "Like any straight couple would I guess... but yeah, that ain't happening... not any time soon. Just don't question it...."
I nodded "Yeah alright. Sounds fair to me." The bell suddenly tolled and I said "we should head to drama now..."
Jasper opened her mouth to speak. "ye-" she stopped herself when she remembered something "Hold on. Amethyst?... You don't happen to have a roll of duct-tape in your locker do you? I could use it for a.... A project."
Amethyst rose a brow "Huh? What proje-OH.... k yeah I got ya. Follow me."
They started to walk off in the direction of Amethysts locker. Jasper said she'd meet me in the class room. I headed to class.

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