Learning About Jasper

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Third period was Math class. I would've invited Jasper to walk there with me and Pearl but she disappeared at the end of Drama class. Probably to go to the bathroom. Anyway after i got to math class I sat in my usual seat next to Pearl. Her and I, we aren't the best of friends, we were too different for that. I'm into punk rock, soft rock, rock and roll, that stuff, she like classical music, piano, violin, Those slow sappy break up songs you hear of the radio at 3 am, that stuff. I wear band tees that are a size too big, and faded short-shorts that are a size too small, she wears blouses and mom-jeans that fit her perfectly, but she still wears a belt. I dye my hair like once a month, Pearl is a natural ginger, who's never touched a bottle of hair dye in her life, but we're friends still, kind of. We were just sitting there and getting our things ready, talking about last nights homework
"What'd you get for number 4?" I had asked
"Final product was 72." Pearl replied with a hum "and you?"
I simply shrugged "I didn't get it, so I didn't do it."
She sighed "Of course you didn't" she shook her head, I guess she's used to my routine by now. There's always at least one question I don't complete. "you want to copy mine and hope I'm correct?" She offered. I nodded and she passed me her notebook.
As I scribbled down the series of equations I suddenly felt a pair of eyes burn into my shoulder. I looked over towards the door and was met with Jasper's stare once again. She flashed a small smile before making her way over to where we sat. "Hey Lazuli, this seat taken?" She gestured to an empty seat next to me, opposite of where Pearl sat. I shook my head and the larger student claimed the chair as her own. She leaned back and stretched her arms behind her head "So you like Zeppelin?" She asked as she pointed to my shirt with her eyes.
"Hm? Oh yeah! I like a few of their songs. They're pretty good." I responded.
"What's your favourite song by them?" She asked
I thought about it for a moment before I answered with "Black Dog. What about you?"
She shrugged "I like Dazed and Confused."
I though for a moment "Oh! Is that the one that goes..." I started to sing the first verse "Been dazed and confused for so long it's not true. Wanted a woman, never bargained for you. Lots of people talking few of them know Soul of a woman was created below..."
Jasper sat up a bit straighter "Yeah! That one" she sang the next verse " You hurt and abuse tellin' all of your lies. Run 'round sweet baby, Lord how they hypnotize. Sweet little baby, I don't know where you've been. Gonna love you baby, here I come again!"
"I love that song!" I said "it's really good!"
Jasper flashed me a small smile "Yeah.... I listen to a lot of stuff like that. It's my favourite genre of Rock. I like Metal music at times too. What do you listen to?"
I was about to answer her when the teacher called for our attention. When he had it, he started the lesson. I didn't get another chance to speak after that. Jasper left a couple minutes before the bell once again. Odd, but I didn't put much thought into it.

At lunch I was sitting with Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst. Pearl was telling Garnet about an older friend of hers, I think her name was Rose, she's a nurse, but apparently she's going back to school to major in Education because she wants to be a teacher or whatever now. So yeah, Pearl was talking about that, but Amethyst had something else on her mind. She started asking me about her cousin. "So you talked to Jasper today?" I nodded and she asked another question "How'd it go?"
"Well" I began "It was second period, Drama class. We needed another member in out group for a skit, and Jasper was standing all alone on the far end of the class, so I just went in and invited her to join us. She said sure and we did the thing. Then in math she sat next to me and we talked about Led Zeppelin. So yeah, She's pretty cool."
"I knew you'd get along." Amethyst offered a smile. "Oh hey, there she is, get her to come sit with us."
"Why don't you?" I asked "you're her cousin."
"Yeah, well she won't listen to me."she said with a roll of her eyes "Just go over there and get her over here."
"Alright, Alright. I'll go." I replied with a giggle. I got up and walked towards probably the tallest person in the cafeteria. "Hey! Jasper!" I called. The one I was seeking turned and spotted me.
"Oh, hey Lazuli, sup?" She responded.
"Not much. You wanna come sit with me and some friends?" I pointed over my shoulder towards my usual table and I could see the largest teens eyes follow. Her eyes locked on something, or someone rather, and she frowned.
"You're friends with Amethyst?" She asked and I nodded. "Ugh, she's my cousin dude... she'll fucking annoy the hell outta me! I don't wanna sit near her."
Now I frowned. I wonder why she didn't like Amethyst? Well now it was my goal to find out, and the first step was getting her to come sit at the table. "Aw, I really want you to come sit with me though... Come on, deal with her just for today?"
"Why don't the two of us just go sit at that table over there?" She pointed to the small table in the corner of the room that only had 2 chairs that was currently unoccupied. Weird. Lovers Corner was almost always occupied by love-sick girls and their poor boyfriends by this time... I wonder if Jasper knew about Lovers Corner and it's rep? No she couldn't have otherwise she wouldn't have asked me to go sit there if she had.
"No we can't sit there. That table comes with a shit ton of bull that I don't want to deal with right now." I shook my head. "C'mon, come sit... I'm sure you can put up with Amethyst for half an hour."
She didn't answer for a while, I guess she was putting in a lot of thought. She finally agreed to come and have lunch with us. "Fine. But just for today."
So we went to the table and I sat in my regular seat. Jasper sat next to me.
"Hey Jasp!" Amethyst greeted. "What's up?"
The vitiligo'd let out a grunt "Not much, Runty."
"So has 'Jasper The Giant' done anything great lately?" Amethyst asked
An eye-roll before "Yeah. She quit being 'Jasper the Giant'. Forever. I'm so fucking done with sports."
"What?!" The smallest teen at the table actually stood, she nearly leaped across the table. "You dropped Football?! Why?!"
"I realized something just before I moved here. If an extra curricular activity can get you injured and expelled from your school for fuck all in the same afternoon, it might not be worth it. I got my fucking Shoulder dislocated and then got the boot for giving asshole who caused it a black eye. So yeah, I fucking dropped that shit. Fucking up my rep and putting my health at risk isn't worth running around and guarding pigskin."
"You got expelled?" I cut into the conversation.
She shrugged "Well yeah. Why else would I've moved to this shit town. No other school back home would take me. They're strict over there. Expulsion gives you a bad rep, schools don't want kids with a bad rep."
"Dang... That's shitty." I shook my head "You must've been pretty upset when you found out."
Jasper shrugged "I mean, I was pissed at first but I'm over it now. Yeah this town is shit but people seem to be more open minded around here. Less hate ya know?"
I didn't know. What was she talking about? What did she mean by that? I was going to ask when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and was met with a very familiar set of brilliant green eyes behind a new pair forest green framed glasses. The old pair were more of a yellow colour, but these new darker frames brought out this friends eyes a lot. Naturally dirty Blonde hair, cut short into an odd and cutely messy triangular bob. A cute outfit, Black jeggings and a Hunter green and black flannel shirt over a pastel mint spaghetti strap tank top. It was definitely my best friend Peridot!
"Hey Peri! What's up girl?" I asked with a smile
"Not much, not much at all. And how are you on this fine day?" She replied. Sarcasm dripping from the words 'fine day'. We all knew today had become pretty shitty. It was raining and gloomy outside now, and the teachers uniting and deciding to give us homework galore in every class didn't help to lighten our moods.
I rolled my eyes with a smirk "can't you see, just fucking peachy. So-" Peridot cut me off
"You want to come over tonight to work on that English assignment and binge watch old Camp Pining Hearts episodes?" She asked me
"I was just about to ask that! Heck Yeah! You know me so well." I responded.
"Yeah bae, I got yo number" she said in attempt to sound cool. I let out a snort of laughter at her as she did some weird hand gestures.
A deeper raspy was heard "Uh? What's Camp Pining Hearts?"
Everyone, even Pearl and Garnet, who weren't even included if the conversation turned and stared at Jasper like she had four eyes or had green skin or something...
"You." I started "You have a lot to learn."
Peridot nodded "Definitely. You're coming with us after school."
"Uh...?" Jasper let out "I-"
"If you want to, that is" I added, cutting her off completely.
"I-" she tried again
"If you're available." Peridot included
"I-" Jasper attempted a third time.
"Bring your math homework. We can work on it after I'm done with my Short Story." I said with a smile
"I'MSORRYBUTICAN'T" Jasper almost yelled out quickly. Her face was red, she seemed slightly angry and annoyed. I guess she doesn't like getting cut off... She took a breath before explaining "I have to work tonight, at 5. I'd only have lik an hour, it's not really worth it."
"Ah, that's alright." Peridot said "Lapis and I'll have a great time anyway.
"We always do." I agreed. I looked to Jasper "Maybe you can come next time." I gave her a friendly smile as the bell rang for class, and lunch came to an end.

An: sorry for the wait, hope this makes up for it

To Dream of Malachite (Human Lapis X Jasper) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang