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An: alright guys, this is a long one, but don't worry it is totally worth it!

It'd been about two months since Jasper and I had started hanging out and things were going awesome. We got along well and had become close friends. She drove me places, I helped her with homework, we hung out sometimes when we were both off work. It was great!
I looked at the pictures Peridot had sent me of the 'Crystal Gems Robotics Squad' and their cool little drill at their competition out of town. She'd sent them earlier, but since I had been working, I wasn't allowed to check my phone. Apparently they got second place today. Neat.
I locked up the shop door, the mall was closing for the night and I had the closing shift. Fun. But luckily it was over. I could go home and relax now, with a nice cup of coffee.
I glanced next door to the Starbucks and frowned. They were closed already. Looks like I was going to have to skip out on that coffee idea.
A hand clamped down on my shoulder and scared me half to death. A friendly and familiar voice spoke however and it calmed me down slightly. "Looking for something?" A Starbucks cup was sitting before me in Jasper's hand. I smiled brightly and grabbed it from her. It was still warm. She must've got it just before they locked up. I took a sip and- mmm. Vanilla Latte. Just what I had been craving.
I spun to face her with a smile still plastered o my face "Thanks Jasper! You're the greatest!"
She rose a brow "Heh, tell me something I don't know." She grabbed her own drink off of where it'd been sitting on an small display table we had sitting outside the shop and sipped it. I wonder what she got? It's probably her usual Americano. She then gestured to her body with her free had "I mean, look at me."
I let out a small, short laugh and rolled my eyes as we headed towards the Malls back exit. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say." She didn't say anything in response so I continued "So why're you still here? I thought you only worked until 8 today? It's 10..."
She shrugged. "I thought we could go for a drive. There's supposed to be a meteorite shower tonight and you know it's been a while since we really hung out?"
I gave her a questioning look. She wasn't usually into shooting stars. She actually didn't even like stars really... So why would she be interested in meteorite showers?
"I thought you didn't like stargazing?" I said and she just shrugged, she wouldn't look at me, just straight ahead. That's how I knew what was going on "You have something on your mind and need to vent huh?"
"Something like that. Look I'd rather not talk about it here. It's personal, so I wanna go somewhere more private."
I shrugged now "Alright then. Let's go" she held the door to the mall open for me as I exited the building.
"Hold up. You don't by any chance work this weekend do you?" She asked
I thought about it and shook my head "I'm home free this weekend. Why?"
She shrugged again "just wondering."
Her truck was there, right by the door. We made our way over and got in. She started driving us in the opposite direction as we both lived. We were headed into the woods.
The drive was silent, save for whatever was playing on the radio and the sound of tires on a bumpy pot-hole ridden road. After five minutes of silently staring out the window at the passing trees and such I said something. "How was your day?"
"Alright... Work was hell, but I'm alive." She said as she focused on the road ahead of her.
"What happened at work?" I questioned further.
"You know those ladies who have huge feet but insist they're a size 6? Then get all embarrassed that they're actually a size like 10 or something, and then their embarrassment turns into anger so they start pulling bullshit out their asses and blaming you and the store for their big ass clown feet? I had a group of 5 of them walk in today all together. And they bitched me out for making size 6 shoes too small... Like what the fuck. I don't make the shoes, I just sell them. And a size six is a fucking size six. You're not a size six anymore, don't blame me and get over it." She rolled her eyes with a groan "and how was your day?"
"Mainly ok, but I had once incident with a some dude who told me I shouldn't be selling a certain book because we didn't carry part one. I don't fucking control what books we order and sell, I just put them on shelves and work the cash. And I ended up looking up the first part to that book, and it hasn't been republished or reprinted in like 3 years which would explain why we don't carry it. Because they stopped producing it. Like there's nothing I can do about that. Sorry."  I crossed my arms
"Some customers are just stupid fucking assholes, huh?" Jasper said and I nodded in agreement.
There was a moment of quiet again before I asked her "Where are we going?"
"Just a place my family likes to chill at sometimes" her response was as we turned onto a dirt road. "We're almost there." I didn't question further.
A couple minutes after we pulled up to a little house, no it was a cottage. Why were we here? We stepped out of the truck and she went to unlock the door of the building.
"Uh, Jasper? I thought we were only going to look at stars, not go fucking camping..." I said
She smirked "Lapis, I know you by now. If I had said we were going camping you would've insisted I brought you home. So I lied a bit. Now that we're here, you can't do that."
I placed my hands on my hips and gave her an expression that just screamed 'watch me'. "I don't have a change of clothes or anything like that." I said.
Another smirk "Check the back of the truck."
I rose a brow in confusion as I walked around to the back of the truck. I looked in the box and saw 2 suitcases. One was orange, which meant it was probably Jasper's, and then there was a familiar navy blue one with familiar blue rhinestones. It was my suitcase from home? "How the actual fuck-?!" I exclaimed.
Jasper shrugged, leaning against the wall of the cottage "after work I actually did leave the mall. I went home and packed some things, and then I went to your house and had your mom pack your things."
"You're a little shit. But fine I guess I'll play you're stupid 'night in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere' game." I pulled my suitcase out of the truck, and Jasper's too, because why not? And headed inside the building.
"Lapis, we're in a house, with plumbing, electricity, and cell-service. This is far from being in 'Butt-fuck nowhere'."Jasper said as she followed me inside. "It's more like we're living together for the weekend 15 minutes out of Beach City. You know this place is actually the reason we moved here. We'd been camping out here every summer, and it was 3 hours away from our old place. It'll be much easier to get here in the summer now."
I don't know why but after I heard her say 'we're living together', my cheeks warmed in a blush. I must have a blushing problem or something.
I looked around the interior of the cabin. The front door opened into a small livingroom with an old black box-tv, across from a beige love-seat and a small wooden coffee table. The livingroom opened up directly to a kitchen with one of those older white refrigerators, there was about 8 or 10 cupboards, top and bottom included, a 2 sided sink, and a microwave. There wasn't a stove, but I guess if you're out here you'd probably be eating food off that new shiny barbecue I saw along the side of the house before we came in. There was a round wooden table with 3 chairs, and that was it. Three doors lined the left side of both rooms. It was safe to assume those rooms were two bedrooms and a bathroom.
"So yeah" I heard Jasper say "you can stay in my usual room. I crash in my parents's."
"O-oh. Okay. Sounds good to me." I stepped towards the door right of the love-seat that had a big 'J' carved into it and opened the door. As expected the room wasn't big, but it was a decent size. The walls were white, and had a few football and sports related posters hanging on them here and there. The bed was a double sized mattress, but for someone Jasper's size it would seem like a single. I placed my suitcase on the bed and noted that everything was surprisingly clean.
"My parents were here Wednesday and cleaned up a bit." Jasper explained, she must've noticed my curiosity. "They also re-stocked the fridge so everything in there should be edible. Just be sure to read the expiration dates."
"Oh, nice." I responded. "So what're we gonna do?"
"Well first I was thinking we go to the fire pit and make those classic s'mores. Then at around midnight the shooting stars should be visible, so we can look at them. That alright with you?"
"Sure lets go." I shrugged.

I munched down on my last s'more are we walked in the opposite direction of the house. "Where are we going now?" I asked, following Jasper's silhouette in the darkness as she guided us towards the tree-line  with a flashlight.
"Don't worry about it. It'll be rad." Jasper replied.
"Alright, I'm trusting you. Be glad you're my friend." I said back.
Sarcasm dripped from her voice as she said the next line "Wow, are you saying you wouldn't trust a stranger guiding you into the woods at midnight? Just shuddup and look there" she stopped and pointed up towards a tree.
"You brought me... To a treehouse? Really Jasper? What are we? 7?" I laughed.
She rolled her eyes. "You laugh now, but when you see the view from the top you'll start to fucking appreciate my Fortress."
I smiled goofily at her like I didn't believe her before I looked the tree and its fort over. The tree was thick, old, but still very much living. The branches that supported the structure were thick as well, meaning they could probably very well hold our weight. The floor was also 2 or 3 inches thick meaning the chances of the floor giving way under us was slim. Wooden support beams were placed at each corner for extra help. It was probably the safest looking treehouses I've ever seen. We climbed up a wood ladder to the first platform. The view wasn't that good, but Jasper had said it was best at the top. I took a look at the second platform. It was about a foot above Jasper's head and off to the left. The 3rd platform was only about 4 feet higher than the second one, but it was all the way on the right meaning we had to cross a sloped bridge to get there. But I must admit, everything was very secure, solid, and safe feeling. The fort's platforms were seemingly unbreakable so the only changes you had of falling was leaning too far off the edge. Whoever built it knew what they were doing. We climbed to the top and sat down. Jasper was right the view was really nice from up here, and we could see the stars above us perfectly.

We'd been up there about 15 minutes and we'd already seen 2 shooting stars. It was so relaxing up here.
Jasper pointed up to a small cluster of stars "I had a dream a couple nights ago. I was a weird orange alien person from a place called 'Homeworld'. Lame name I know but just listen. I was stuck here on earth and I was sitting in a tree next to the ocean. I remember looking up to that cluster of stars and saying 'I can see Homeworld's Galaxy from here'. Now I can't help but wonder if this 'Homeworld' place actually exists. Are there really aliens out there?"
I looked over to her "is that what you wanted to talk about? We could've stayed home for that..." She gave me an odd look and I clarified what I meant. "Back at the mall, you said there was something on your mind and you wanted to go somewhere private to talk about it... Was that it?"
Her eyes widened and she drastically shook her head no "Fuck no! Not even close..." She let out a chuckle.
"Then what is it?" I asked
She looked towards the floor, she appeared to be deep in thought for a moment before she let out a sigh. "I-" she paused and rubbed the back of her neck. "I have a confession to make... I didn't really think it mattered at first, but I think you should know..." She bit her lip, and her eyes refused to pull away from the wood platform we sat on.
"If it's that you smoke, it's okay, I already know. I saw you the second day we started hanging out." I said with a shrug. "It doesn't matter to me."
"What?! No-" she said loudly with a half-laugh. "Well yeah, I do smoke... But that's not what I was going to say at all!"
I rose a brow confused "then wha-" she cut me off.
"Look the thing is..... I'm... I'm gay." She still refused to look at me.
"You're.... A lesbian?" I asked to clarify that I had heard her correctly. I got only a nod in response. I looked her over. She was slouched over, staring ashamed at her lap. Was this really the same person as the self-prideful, usually relaxed Jasper I saw at school everyday? It didn't look like it. She was anxious, waiting to know what my response was going to be. She appeared ashamed of herself for being somethings I know very well she has no control over.... I reached over and placed my hand over top of hers. "Don't worry. I'm with you on that."
Her head rose and she looked to me, puzzlement and question in her eyes. I simply gave her a sheepish smile and nodded shortly. I watched as she brightened up a bit. Her posture straightend and she looked up to the night sky. I followed her gaze and watched as 2 brilliant stars zoomed across the sky before us, side by side.

-to be continued

To Dream of Malachite (Human Lapis X Jasper) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat