Annoyance & Questions

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"Lapis, Ok let me get one thing straight. A dream version of yourself tells you not to trust your Jasper, and what do you decide to do?!" Dream me said pacing back and forth in front of a water-made cage which held a very exhausted looking dream Jasper. "You trust your Jasper!"
"We get along well, we've got a good connection, she treats me with respect and is a genuinely good person to me in my life. I'm sorry your Jasper is so terrible to you, but mine is really sweet and nice." I shrugged. It was another one of those dreams. I was getting used to them. Dream me and myself had come to the conclusion that perhaps we're from different dimension are are able to connect using some weird psychic bonding wave thing my sleeping mind is able to like put out there or something like that. Basically all we did however was gossip and argue about our Jaspers. "She's cute, and I like having her around." I shrugged.
"You're missing the point! Jaspers can't be trusted! They're lying and deceitful! They're abusive assholes, that just want to bring others pain! It's bound to happen! I've spoken to other dimension Lapis's and everything is shit for them too! Jasper fucked up their lives! You can't trust her! She'll do you wrong eventually! It will never work out!" Other Lapis told me, still pacing.
Dream Jasper rolled her eyes and called from the cage "Way to exaggerate Lazuli. I just want to avenge my diamond, and if that means I've gotta crush a few pebbles who get in my way while doing so, then that's what I'll do. You're the one being complicated, imprisoning me in this sad display. You should be happy this ones not a stubborn bitch like you."
"Ugh, shut up." Dream me sneered
Jasper smirked "pft, sure babe, whatever you say. NOT! You must be corrupted in the head to think I'm the bad guy here. Sure hope it's not contagious. I don't want your Earth disease. It'd ruin my perfection."
"Oh my god, you're such a pain in the ass! I actually miss fighting you. At least you were quiet then."
I watched as they conversed. I rolled my eyes as I drew out probably the most well known game-changer line in all of recent history "You two fight just like an old married couple."
Dream Jasper looked confused "what the fuck is that?"
Dream lapis just shook her head "I spent enough time as an all-knowing, all-seeing mirror to know, that that is the exact opposite of what we are. You and your Jasper may be all lovey-lovey, but I would never stoop so low, because I know who not to trust. I know Jasper's no good, and I know that it would never work and could never be a happy relationship. That's what I keep trying to tell you!"
"Well maybe I'm from the one dimension where everything works out fine!" I said my arms crossed.
"Pft doubt it."
~ " L a z u l i ? " ~ my Jasper's voice rang through the wind
"I gotta go, it must be morning." I said
Dream lapis look disgusted "you stayed in the same place with her overnight?!"
~ " H e y   L a p i s ?   W a k e   Up . " ~
"Yeah I did, because I trust her." I said "now it's time for me to wake up. Goodbye."

"Hey? You awake? Lazuli? Hey?!" I heard as I cracked open my eyes. The sun was barely even above the horizon from what I could tell, peeking at the window.
"Ugh, I am now..." I groaned out. I reached up and rubbed the sleep out of eyes. "What time is it?" I looked up, Jasper stood above me, looking down upon me. I felt my cheeks warm slightly.
She glanced away, towards a digital clock hanging on the wall. I'd never seen a digital wall clock before, I wonder where she got it? "Nearly 6am" Jasper's voice replied, in a cute raspy morning talk sort of way.
"What the fuck Jasper?" I groaned again rolling over onto my side and facing away from her, my eyes returning to their closed state. "I don't even get up this early on a school day. It's a god damn Saturday." My plan was simple: to go back to sleep.
I felt the bed shift multiple times. What the fuck was she doing? I cracked open on eye. She was right fucking there! "What the fuck do you want?" I groaned again.
"Get up." She said simply.
I buried my face in the pillows "Noooo! I want to sleep."
"Lapis, c'mon. Up." I heard her say.
"No." I replied. The bed shifted again and the blankets were ripped off me. "Fuck you." I cussed before dragging myself up into a sitting position with a yawn. "Why're we up so early?" She just shrugged, and I lazily and tiredly shoved her.
"Alright fine. You like swimming right?" She said "it's supposed to be pretty hot today and I know of this really cool Fresh-water lake cove area near here and-"
"You woke me up this friggan early.... For swimming?! We can swim later! What the actual shit Jasper!" I complained.
"But lapis! I want to go spend all day having fun with you in the sun! It's almost December, it's going to be getting really cold the next couple of days, we're even supposed to get snow next week! This is probably the last nice sunny beach day we'll have for a long time!" Jasper whined.
"We live in Delaware Jasper... Our winters don't last too long. Be glad we're not in Canada" I rolled my eyes. "Can we at least sleep until like 8?" I asked.
She pouted "Fine. I'll wake you up at 8." I was given the blanket back and she left the room again. I laid back down and went back to sleep.

Other Lapis was gone, perhaps she's under the surface again. I saw her Jasper sitting chained up on the floor a few feet ahead of me. I hadn't really talked to her much before now so I curiously walked over to her. "Hey, where's other Lapis?"
Dream Jasper looked up at me "Why? Did your Jasper finally stop treating you like a princess? Need to cry to her that she was right?" Her eyes rolled
I gave her a quizzical look "I'm no princess, and no that's not the case. Jasp is letting me sleep a couple more hours before we go to wherever the fuck she's dragging me today." I shrugged "I just want someone to talk to."
"I don't bite.... Usually.... Not these days anyway. Normally I don't associate with you worthless organic life forms, but because I'm trapped at the bottom of the ocean, there's not much else to do." Dream Jasper shrugged, her voice laced with disgust ad boredom.
I sat and crossed my arms "Do you like other Lapis? Like, like-like her?"
She rose a brow quizzically "You lost me. Was that even English?"
I thought about how I could re-word my question "Do you love her?"
"Pft, yeah right. What kinda stalkholm syndrome shit do you think I got here? She's literally keeping me prisoner." Dream Jasper rolled her eyes "however I have developed a reasonable respect for her strength and power. If we were on the same side I could totally see Malachite being something really great." She smiled wickedly.
"Ooohkaaay, I'm sensing your species isn't exactly the romantic type and more-so the power-hungry type. Aight, that's cool I guess." I said shifting awkwardly.
Her features changed into a look of sudden realization and question. "Why? Do you have suspicions about your Jasper's emotions towards you?"
I shook my head... And then switched it into a nod "Well... I guess so. Last night she dragged me away from civilization to go sit in a treehouse and stare at the stars. Then she told me she was gay.... And she's always joking around about how I'm 'pretty cute', at least I think they're jokes... And she buys me coffee a lot, and texts me goodnight and good morning... And you know typical awkwardly cute human interactions one would do if they were interested in another, but I don't want to just ask in case I'm totally wrong... I was thinking since you and her are basically the same, with only a dimensional and species difference, maybe you would have an idea... It's stupid." I bit my lip
She stared at me for a moment her mouth opened and closed a few times, as if she wanted to say something but kept changing her mid, fianally she busts out with "Humans are weird overly complex organic lifeforms and nothing you say or do makes any amount of logical sense to me or my kind. So instead of trying to comprehend any of that, I'm just going to take back that offer I made. I no longer wish to speak with you. I think I'd rather be shattered." She said
I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes. "Wow, thanks...." I let out a yawn "In that case, I'm going to wake up now. Bye."

My eyes opened and I rolled onto my back. It was already nearly 8... Time must go by a lot faster in that crazy dream world... I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes for the second time that morning and sat up. I felt gross and sweaty, I needed a shower. I also really had to pee... I grabbed some clothes from my suitcase and decided to head towards the bathroom.
The door was closed, and Jasper was nowhere else to be found. I knocked on the door "Jasper? You in there?"
"Oh shit! Yeah! Sorry..." her voice sounded shocked, and I'm sure I heard a hint of pain in there... Maybe she cut herself shaving? "Just got out of the shower..." She told me.
"Oh... Well are you decent? I'd like to get in there." I said.
"Uh!! Hold on!!" She sounded panicked. "Don't come in, I'll be out in a sec!" So she's shy, huh weird. Oh well. I respected her privacy and waited for her to exit.
When she was out, I quickly made my way in. As I sat down on the toilet to pee I caught glimpse of some very odd objects in the trash can. I pulled the pail closed and took a better look. What I was shocked me. Were those.... Needles?
Why would Jasper need needles?! Was she addicted to something other than the nicotine in cigarettes?! Whoa... Wait... Don't jump to conclusions Lapis... Maybe they weren't hers? Her parents were hear earlier this week right? Perhaps they belonged to one of them? Maybe her mother or father had a medical condition and needed to inject their medication into their blood? Yeah that must be it, right?!
I finish my business and quickly hopped into the shower. Maybe I'd ask about it later? Or maybe not... Probably not. In fact, by the time I was out of the shower I completely forgot about what I saw.

To Dream of Malachite (Human Lapis X Jasper) Where stories live. Discover now