Dreams Speak

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The afternoon went well. Me and Peri did a little bit too much watching CPH and a not enough homework, but that's okay. I was driven home by Peridot's mother at around 8pm. When I got home I completed my homework, even the math. Before I headed up to bed. Now like any normal teenager I didn't go to sleep right away, I simply sat in bed with my phone for a couple hours. So yeah I was checking my social media notifications, and scrolling through my Tumblr Feed when a banner appeared at the top of my screen telling me I had a Facebook friend request. I tapped it and it sent me to my friend requests page in the social media app. The request was from 'Jasper Quartz'. We had one mutual friend, and that was my trusty bus buddy 'Amethyst Quartz' It must be the Jasper from school. I accepted the request. I didn't even get a chance to close the app before I was notified that I received a message on Messenger. So I tapped the notification and opened the message.
«Hey sup?» -Jasper, 10:07pm
I typed in my reply.
«Nm. Just finished my homework. You?» -Sent at 10:08pm
Instant reply
«Just got home from work. Fucking tired as shit, don't know if I can finish Math.» -Jasper, 10:08pm
I thought for a moment about how I wanted to reply. I decided on
«Ah, sucks. Know how you feel tho. Where do you work?» -Sent 10:09pm
«At that Adidas store in the mall. You work anywhere?» -Jasper, 10:10pm
«Barnes and Noble. Also in the mall» -Sent 10:10pm
I didn't get a reply for a couple minutes. I wonder what she was doing? Finally I received another message.
«Is that that book place next to Starbucks?» -Jasper, 10:13pm
«Yup» -Sent 10:13pm
Another long pause. Once again I finally received a response.
«Yeah, so about math homework, I really don't think I'll get it done tonight, and a lot of this shit don't make any sense to me. Are you available before school tomorrow?» -Jasper, 10:17pm
I blushed when I read the last bit. Why did I blush? Meh I'm probably just tired. Yeah that's it.
«Yeah I should be. Look I'm tired too, I need sleep. I'll message you tomorrow.» -Sent 10:18pm
Immediate response again
«Oh alright. Night Lazuli.» -Jasper 10:18pm
She double messaged me.
«Yo wait! I don't check FB in the mornings. Can I get your #?» -Jasper 10:18pm
I sighed, I just wanted to go to sleep at this point but I punched in my digits anyway and sent it. (I'm gonna blur it out Kay? I don't want people I don't know texting me. Only friends... And Jasper.)
«Oh, sure. It's ***-***-****. Goodnight
Jasper.» -Sent 10:19pm
«Thanks, Night.» -Jasper 10:19pm
That was the last thing I saw before I rolled over and went to sleep.

I was surrounded by that turquoise water again. I could see fish of all kinds off in the distance, but none of them would come anywhere within 30 feet of me. They looked afraid, all of them, but they're fish... What did they have to fear?
A splash and a familiar sounding grunt along with the sound of someone panting like a dog, begging their lungs to fill with more air than physically possible, behind me caught my attention. I spun around there was a figure, hunched over on their knees, struggling. Why? They were chained up. Cuffed. They were being held down. Why?!
I looked them over quickly. Long messy white hair, large build... orange and red skin? Or maybe it was just a really tight body suit? The figure looked up at me quickly, sharply, with a glare that I can only describe in one way. Hurt and angry. Their face was also orange and red, that was definitely it's skin. The colouring and it's patchiness kind of reminded me of vitiligo, like Jasper had.
Hold up. Long white hair, large build, vitiligo, this figure resembled Jasper, a lot. Weird. But even weirder was the fact that this figure had no nose... But instead a shimmering, glittery orange gemstone.... A Jasper? Really weird.
The figure grunted again, glaring at me still. It gave me a quick once over, and smirked, almost evilly, before it spoke.
"Heheh. Looking a little pale there Lazuli. You gonna give up on me so soon? Go on. Quit. It's not like you were gonna win anyway." The voice was deep, rough, raspy, but still somewhat feminine. It reminded of Jasper's voice, However Jasper's wasn't quite that raspy and rough. At least from what I remember. I didn't say anything in return so the figure continued to speak. "Aw what's wrong? Not talking today? Too upset that you couldn't protect this lousy planet? Too upset that you're about to fail to protect those abominations? Heh. I knew you were weak, but I really thought you'd last longer than this."
I didn't know what to say, but I felt I should say something. All I could say was "J-Jasper?"
The figure cocked a brow and laughed "Of course. Who the fuck else would I be?"
Just then a huge splash of water hit me as another figure burst from beneath the surface, I saw 'Jasper' disappear underneath it, as if she'd been yanked under. All I heard was the splashing of water hitting water as a voice that sounded so, so, so, similar to my own screamed "MALACHITE!"

I woke with a start. It was still dark so I knew I hadn't woken up because of my alarm. Sitting straight up I looked around my room, carefully observing every little detail as the word 'Malachite' rang in my head. As I caught my breath I began to wonder. Why did I wake up? My dream hadn't been that horrifying... Was it my dream that woke me?
Suddenly thunder pounded outside and a couple seconds later my windows lit up with lightning strike. That made more sense. I woke up because it started storming. Yeah. I laid back down and closed my eyes once again. I focused on my breathing. Soon enough I drifted back to sleep.

It was the same dream, well a continuation of it at least. The new figure knelt, catching it's breath, back facing me. This figure was obviously Feminine. It's entire body was blue, even her hair. Her dress was also different shades of blue. Like 'Jasper' this figure had a Gemstone, but not on its nose, on her back. This stone also wasn't orange, it was blue. I recognized this one. It had been associated with me nearly my entire life. It was a Lapis Lazuli stone. Was this figure supposed to be me?
I carefully and Quietly made my way to her front, trying to see her face. She wouldn't look up at me. Did she know I was here?
"Um... Hello?" I asked.
The figures head shot up an stared at me wide-eyed. "H-hi?" Her voice sounds exactly like mine. I studied her face. We had the same nose, the same jawline, the same lips, the same big blue eyes that reflected light beautifully, almost like a mirror. We had the same face! Except hers was blue... But was she me? I had to find out.
"What's your name?" I asked her, being sceptical but trying my hardest to come off as friendly.
She gave me a questioning look "What do you mean? You came here, to me, without even knowing who I am!? You bother me when I'm so obviously up to my elbows in work! I should be asking you that question! Who are you?"
I took a step back, a little frightened, but, she looked frustrated, tried, and overall really really stressed out. Her outburst was understandable. I opened my mouth, and gave her my answer to her question. "I-I'm Lapis Lazuli."
Her eyes widened "What?! That's not possible! There are no other Lapis's on Earth! And you're not blue! You don't even look like a gem! You look..." She paused. Her face lit up as if she had just hit a sudden realization "you're human.?" She asked me and I nodded. "You know Jasper?" She questioned
I nodded again, unsure this time. "Well kind of. She looked like someone I met today. Her name is also Jasper. She's new to my school and she's my friends cousin, so I thought I'd welcome her." I shrugged. Her eyes widened even more as she listened. I ended my explanation with "She's pretty cool."
The figure bust out with "DON'T TRUST HER!" And startled me.
"W-what? Why?"" I asked.
She let out a sigh. "Sit down." I sat as I was told. She began to speak. "Jasper can not be trusted. Her only goal seems to be to harm the Crystal Gems on earth. Jasper wants to shatter them all, destroy them, kill them completely, you can't trust her, you can only fight. You have to protect your friends! You have to protect Steven!"
"Who's Steven? I have an idea who the 'Crystal Gems' may be, but I don't know anyone named Steven."
Dream me stared at me blankly, face in confusion. "Steven Universe?" She asked
"I know a Greg Universe... He teaches Guitar at my school." I said with a shrug "but he has no kids. He doesn't even have a girlfriend."
"Son of Rose Quartz?" She questioned again
"Rose?" I blinked in confusion "you mean Pearls Nurse friend, whose also going back to school to be a teacher... wait are you saying they might get together and have a baby?! Aw that's so cute!" I let out a squeal of sorts. I don't know why. Force of habit I suppose.
"Wait... Stevens not even born yet and Jasper's invading? What kind of cruel world are you from?!" Dream me said seemingly kind of disturbed.
I cocked a brow in confusion "Jasper's not 'invading'. She just moved here with her family because no other school back where she was from would except her. She seems like a good person... She works a fucking Adidas. If that doesn't say 'I'm a trustworthy potential companion' I don't know what does!"
'Lapis' appeared very confused. It was if everything I was saying was gibberish to her. She shook her head "I've gotta go. She's struggling harder. I can't let her go. Just remember Lapis. You can't trust her!"
"O-okay?" I answered her with a shrug.

My eyes snapped open as my alarm sounded. Time to begin a whole new day.

An: so how was that? Also FYI, yes I do plan on having Rose, Jasper, and Amethyst related somehow.

To Dream of Malachite (Human Lapis X Jasper) Where stories live. Discover now