The Match

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The two faced each from across the Academy's training grounds.

This is going to be a problem. (Accelerator)

He already had a relatively sound idea of how skilled Uzuki is. It was enough to give him a headache if he were to try and fight her while hiding his esper power. Using only ninja techniques when he had just studied them for three weeks against someone who had trained their entire life was going to be a challenge. Then again, he did decide that he would use his esper power just not in a noticeable manner.

"Are you prepared?" Uzuki asked while hiding a smirk from behind her mask. She had heard from Guy about Accelerator's taijutsu but was underestimating her opponent thinking him inexperienced even if he is strong.

"No." Irk marks appeared on his face as he turned to yell at the spectators. "Are you all going to fight or am I?"

On the sidelines of the track, the students were in a heated debate, and many of the girls were pulling each others hair and scratching each other. Accelerator had no idea what was going on, but they appeared to be trying to catch the attention of the boy with raven colored hair has they continually called out to him despite their heated battle!

"SASUKE! I'm much better than Ino pig aren't I?"

"In your dreams Sakura! I'd best you any day!"

Forget it. Even the teacher was paying more attention to his rowdy students than to us. (Accelerator)

Accelerator turned back to face Uzuki, but she had disappeared. A moment later a blade appeared next to his neck, and he realized that Uzuki had made the first move without even saying start.

Geez. This is going to get messy. Shouldn't you go easy on a kid? (Accelerator)

"In a real fight, a moment's distraction would have gotten you killed," Uzuki stated.

"You're underestimating a bit. I've been enough fights to know that much." Accelerator replied.

Just then the girls calmed down after noticing the match.

"Hah! That's what you get challenging an ANBU! You didn't even last a second!" The pink haired girl by the name of Sakura called out to Accelerator.

"Hmm. Is something burning?" Accelerator questioned.

At the moment Uzuki realized that there were explosive tags on Accelerators clothes. She immediately distanced herself but regretted it a second later. Her reaction had caused her to leave Accelerators side because she noticed the suicide attack, but it was only after her instinct kicked in that she logically realized it could only be a bluff. An academy student wouldn't blow himself up in a training match just to get one over on her.

"That was well played." Uzuki complimented him sincerely.

The explosive tags fizzled out. Duds just like Uzuki expected.

"Thanks." Accelerator acknowledged her compliment gruffly before turning to face her. Of course, he was the only one who knew that these explosive tags weren't duds. He just stopped the lighting with his esper ability.

Uzuki drew her katana, and Accelerator pulled a kunai knife from his pouch lazily.

The two remained silent as they squared off not moving even a millimeter. A few minutes passed in silence until a shout came from the sideline.

"Are you going to fight or what!" Naruto yelled having finally lost his patience.

Accelerator sighed. Just as Accelerator was exhaling Uzuki moved blasting off the ground for a frontal attack with her sword skills. Accelerator wielding the kunai in one hand deflected each blow with relative ease but was backpedaling due to Uzuki's forward momentum.

Suddenly, Uzuki jumped back breaking away from Accelerator and formed hand signs. Four clones of Uzuki appeared and surrounded Accelerator.


"Can you tell which one is real?" Uzuki asked.

"Not a clue."

"You should pay more attention than."

All four clones rushed towards him. Accelerator grinned briefly before lightning the explosive tags on his clothes once again. He really wasn't able to tell which one was real because he had some trouble with sensing chakra. However, he had no problems with blowing himself up to take down all four.

A sudden explosion shook the training grounds, and all the Academy students were alarmed. The field was a little too small for an explosive battle, but Accelerator had positioned himself far enough away to not hurt anyone. Still, more than a few girls screeched and ducked in terror. Surprisingly, it was the timidest girl who remained standing while observing the fight with her byakugan active.

"Hmm. So it was none of those four."

"I had considered the possibility that those explosive tags you were wearing were real, but I didn't expect you to actually blow yourself up. How are you still alive?"

"I thought ninja didn't tell their secrets."

Uzuki chuckled at the light banter, but she couldn't help sweating a little. She realized he isn't taking this too seriously. He hadn't attacked yet and even though he was just defending, Uzuki had the distinct feeling she wasn't pressuring Accelerator in the slightest.

"Are you going to take this match seriously or what?" She tried to bait him.

"A sparring match? I've got to be honest with you. I've very rarely done something like this. My strength is quite dangerous. I could accidentally kill you."

Uzuki confirmed that she was being looked down on. Being a proud ANBU, she couldn't help but be offended and decided to incite Accelerator to action.

"There will be no hard feelings if I die. Please come at me with full killing intent."

"The same to you then."


The teacher, Iruka, called out to the two.

"I have to stop the match if it becomes too dangerous and I don't believe it is appropriate for an ANBU to fight seriously with my student. I can only imagine this ending poorly. That explosion from earlier was already too much." Iruka stated.

"Shall we change locations so that we can fight seriously than?" Accelerator asked Uzuki.

"Very well. Let's move to Training Ground 5 an ANBU training ground. We can have your class present there as well to watch the spar."

"Sounds good." Accelerator responded.

"Err. This isn't what I meant." Iruka said helplessly, however, the others were already walking away.

The students followed Uzuki excitedly, and even the aloof Sasuke seemed interested in watching a match with an ANBU. Of course, he intended to fight the ANBU himself after Accelerator loses.

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