Chapter 10 Scamming the God of Shinobi

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Accelerator leaned a little more heavily on his crutch. He wasn't sure if he could actually trick the old man's trained eyes, but it was worth trying. If negotiations went south, he would revert to less pleasant tactics even if Misaka and Kakine would protest.

"We're a long way from home and doubt we will not return anytime soon. We do not have prior work experience as ninjas, but we possess extraordinary combat prowess. We are also quick studies. I hear that there is an academy where we can learn the basic academics and other technical skills. Will you consider hiring us?" Accelerator patiently gave his speech. He gave up on the weak acting tactic. He couldn't pull it off.

"So you children are planning to stay here and work as shinobi? You also have combat experience?" Sarutobi asked.

"Guy can verify that if you like. He witnessed us engaged with a crowd of a hundred bandits, and I defeated an A-rank rogue ninja during the fight. From what I understand we basically completed Guy's mission for him." Accelerator pointedly said trying to show his capabilities without sounding too pretentious.

"A hundred bandits and an A-rank rogue ninja? You wouldn't be exaggerating would you?" Sarutobi questioned.

Accelerator inwardly cursed at Guy for running off without accurately reporting events to the Hokage. How irresponsible of a ninja. "It's no exaggeration although we didn't kill off all the bandits. Only a handful of them died. They were all outfitted with bombs, and the ninja was using it to control them. Apparently, he was using them as an explosive meat shield. The ninja was named Kazuko."

Sarutobi opened a drawer from his desk and pulled out a scroll before quickly reading through it. "It seems I need to have a proper chat with Guy later. Thank you for giving me your perspective on events. Now then about becoming ninjas. How well versed are you in the use of chakra?"

Accelerator immediately picked up on the name of the strange energy. "We have no knowledge of chakra. We do have special abilities that do not use it. These capabilities enable us to fight against powerful enemies."

Sarutobi blinked in surprise before asking. "Kekkei Genkai?"

"I'm afraid our terminology may be different." Accelerator was beginning to struggle with the sweet kid routine. He wanted to finish this quickly but knew it would take awhile.

Just hold out. Do not slip up and speak in your usual manner. (Accelerator)

Kakine and Misaka were interestingly watching him, and he couldn't help but scowl at them. Of course, this didn't go unnoticed by Sarutobi who chuckled at them. "I can tell you are struggling to be cordial. You do not need to strain yourself though. Please be at ease."

"Alright old man, we're strong but we can use some training, and we'll make ourselves useful as long as you let us stay here. We got ourselves a deal?" Accelerator growled allowing his personality to come forth in full force.

"You will not speak to Hokage-sama in such a manner!" With a puff of smoke, a man with dark hair and brown eyes wearing sunglasses appeared in the room. He was wearing the standard Konoha ninja get up minus the jacket in a blue color. Accelerator scowled. If all ninja were teleporters, he was going to have some difficulty holding back when coming into conflict with them.

"Excellent timing Ebisu. Would you take care of these children for me? Give them a place to stay and train them in the fundamentals for two weeks. They say they are quick studies. After that put them in the Ninja Academy and have them take the graduation exams that are in a month." Sarutobi announced and with that the matter was settled.

Ebisu protested for a few seconds. Trying to convince the Hokage that he had other things to do but Sarutobi only smirked at him. It was quite unfortunate as Ebisu had sealed his fate the moment he popped into the room.

A young boy named Konohamaru Sarutobi was secretly watching the proceedings and laughed disdainfully at the poor Ebisu.

With that, the three left with their new jonin tutor who took them to an apartment complex towards the west side of the city near the Ninja Academy. He gave them three room keys and showed them the rooms. They were basic apartments with a living room/bedroom, kitchen and a dining room in each of them. The amenities were satisfactory, and because the day was getting late, they retired for the night. They would begin studying under Ebisu tomorrow even though Misaka had misgivings about the man's competency.

Accelerator instructed the other two to meet at the designated training grounds two hours early. He decided to help them train in their abilities and explain a few more things that were of importance.

With that, they each retired for the night. Little did they know that they had been followed back by a curious young ninja.

Accelerator immediately fell asleep on the couch. He was using his ability to tune out his hearing because he disliked being disturbed at night. It was because of this he didn't hear a person breaking into his apartment. When the figure of a boy appeared in the living room, Accelerator was still sleeping peacefully on the couch.

The figure jumped at Accelerator only to be flung away by some invisible force. The figure landed on his feet before skidding, slipping and finally tumbling.

"Cough*. He's strong. Defending himself against my attack effortlessly. Did he even wake up?" The boy was Konohamaru, and he walked around Accelerator to try and determine if he was awake or sleeping. He couldn't tell though. Every time he tried getting close some invisible force stopped him. Finally, he gave up and left dispiritedly as he couldn't wake up the sleeping Accelerator at all.

On a side note Accelerator had forgotten to set an alarm clock. . .

Author's note:

I'm using Japanese honorifics mostly because they fit the setting better. I appreciate votes!

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