Prologue: Requiem of Fate

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Date??? Time??? POV???

A white haired youth made his way up the steps towards the train station platform. An ominous clicking noise accompanied each step. The sound was that of his crutch hitting the ground with every step. His cold and indifferent demeanor indicated that he was in no hurry. However, as the people in the vicinity gradually noticed him the surroundings became noisy. The youth ignored them and arrived at the edge of the platform.

The jostling crowd of people spreads apart revealing some men in uniforms who quickly approached the boy.

"Accelerator! You are under arrest for suspicion of multiple accounts of homicide among other offenses!"

The policemen didn't bother to list out what other charges. There were so many offenses that the officer couldn't even memorize half of them. The boy continued to ignore the policeman behind him while patiently awaiting the next train. Rather it would be more appropriate to say the boy couldn't hear him. From the very start, he had turned out the surrounding noises using his esper power. The officers knew full well who it was they were dealing with and didn't dare to approach him. Finally, one of the officers had enough and attempted to use a taser which only rebounded on him. The officer fell to the floor with an unseemly squeal. The others tensed but didn't draw their weapons.

After another minute, the train the boy was waiting for arrived. When the train slid to a stop, and the doors opened the boy stepped onto the train without waiting for the passengers inside to leave. When he entered the train car, he immediately pulled out a gun to the dismay of the crowd who quickly cowered away from him fighting to get as far back as possible. The boy only smirked as the doors closed, and the train began to move again. The strange thing was. . . the doors closed automatically, and the train was moving on its own. The boy is the strongest level 5 esper. He didn't need to wait for others to go about their business. The boy finished checking his handgun before checking over his crutch which was also revealed to have a built in gun. When he finally finished, he glanced at the crowd. He didn't feel any regret or pity for dragging them along with him. He merely took a seat and reached up towards his neck before pausing.

"I forgot again. I got too attached to that thing." Accelerator mumbled to himself as he gazed out the window. Earlier he had found a solution to the problem regarding his brain damage through magical means with the help of a certain grimoire library. Of course, Accelerator had constant difficulties with magic because he was an esper, but that didn't mean he couldn't use it. In fact, he was getting the hang of it, and his next plan was something massive. But first, he agreed to meet with two of his comrades just outside of Academy City.


Accelerator arrived at the underground hideout near the border of Academy City on time. The two people he expected to meet were already leisurely awaiting him on the sofa. The girl who was wearing a Tokiwadai uniform although at this point she had already graduated. Most likely she was simply wearing it out of habit or because she had rushed here. She pointedly glared at Accelerator and nearly growled: "You're late." The girl was none other than the Railgun, Misaka Mikoto the #3 level 5 esper.

"I had a few finishing touches to work out before I came here." Accelerator ignored the girl's attitude and got straight down to business. "I've found a way to make us level 6."

The two on the couch were startled by Accelerator's revelation and couldn't help but stare at him in disbelief. The other man in the room is Kakine Teitoku the #2 level 5 and his ability is Dark Matter. At this point, he raised a concern to Accelerator. "Why are we the only one's here? Why not bring the other level 5s on board?"

"They'll just die." The room was silent for a moment before Misaka broke the tension.

"You mean that this method you devised is dangerous?" Misaka questioned Accelerator with a harsh tone to her voice.

"It's effectiveness increases the closer you already are to level 6. Although the chances that it will succeed on us is still quite small, it is a necessary risk to take. If you are too cowardly to stare death in the face, then leave." Accelerator rarely cared to explain himself, but these were extraordinary circumstances. The others waited for him to continue, so he did. "We'll need to raise our abilities to level 6 for the upcoming battle. The entire world and more is at stake. If you don't want to do this, you are free to leave." It was indeed unusual for Accelerator not to be harsh. Perhaps he wanted Misaka to leave even though he knew her fighting power was necessary. Of course, there was no way the Railgun would kick back while others powered up without her. Rather his earlier goading had sealed the deal for the girl from Tokiwadei.

"Let's do this." The Railgun gave a careless reply while Kakine gave Accelerator a smile and a nod.

If possible Accelerator wanted to carry this burden on his own, but he had learned the harsh reality that his strength was inadequate to deal with all the supernatural forces in this world. The only thing left to do was throw away his pride and ask others for help. With that resolve, Accelerator decided to include Kakine and Misaka in his plan and commence the level 6 shift.

Author's note:

Hey readers!  I'm going to be including an author's note at the end of every chapter with some details about the story or about myself.  I want you guys to get a feel for me not just through my work but through chatting and stuff as well. 

I welcome advice from readers and I constantly re-edit my works.  I know in this passage I had some tense problems among other things and if readers point them out I'm glad to fix them and will even give shout outs for the help I received. 

Accelerator is a difficult character for me to write about because of his sheer complexity but that is also why I find him to be a unique challenge and I hope to use this story to explore his inner demons and his path to redemption.  Same deal with Kakine although he is even harder to deal with and I might be neglectful with him until further on in the book when I have the material to start properly characterizing him. 

I'm going to keep chapter lengths at ~1000 words with possible super long chapters in the future.  Also I may go back to previous chapters and change things.  For readers I know this irksome but I'm publishing as I go along and will leave notes of changes I make. 

I hope you guys enjoy because the next chapters are going to hit you like a train :)... no bad pun? I'll delete later to lazy for now XD

Also I hope you enjoy the music I'll be putting on something for each chapter.  If you have requests I will not accept them for this story but I possibly will for my other one that will be coming out soon :).  No worries I'm not dropping this story anytime soon I already have 25+ chapters of another story written I'll just be posting it to wattpad soon.

My author's notes tend to be rife with mispellings and other things.  Take it as what my real charater is like :)

The song is senbonsakura although its just an instrumental with Lindsey Stirling my favorite violonist going at it :)  Great song though look it up if you haven't heard it before or you can probably find mutiple verzions of it in the upcoming chapters because of how much I love the song.

See you next chapter!

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