Chapter 5 Kazuko's Dastardly Plan

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Guy became teary-eyed as he watched the white-haired boy step forth to defend his friends. He wasn't close enough to hear the conversation between the two groups, but his understanding of the situation was like this: the bandits had decided to harass these children, and now one of them was stepping forward to fight over a hundred opponents. He couldn't stand for this any longer as he felt the young boy required assistance. Thus he performed his signature entrance!

Guy flew towards the bullying leader and kicked him in the face sending him reeling backward, but to his surprise, the enemy wasn't down for the count. There weren't many opponents who could take a surprise attack from Guy and remain functional, so this came as a pleasant surprise to Guy.

It looks like I will get to have some youthful training! (Guy)

Guy turned around towards Accelerator's group and gave them his signature nice guy pose giving them a thumbs up and a wink. Misaka shuttered as she stared at Guy's heavy eyebrows which were accentuated by his pose.

"Leave these thugs to me, children! I won't let them ruin your youth!" (Guy)

Unfortunately, What Guy didn't realize was that the person he kicked wasn't an ordinary bandit but an A-ranked rogue ninja from the Kusagakure the Village Hidden in the Grass by the name of Kazuko. Accelerator watched the man come flying in and opted out of fighting.

That person looks relatively sturdy maybe not as powerful as a saint, but he is brave enough to charge at such a large group. I'll wait and see how things play out and then take action. (Accelerator)

"How dare you! Go get him!" (Kazuko)

Guy tensed up, but strangely nobody moved when Kazuko ordered them.

Interesting. Those guys appear to be too afraid to do anything. That weirdo made an impact, and those guys do not seem disciplined, but they should still have reacted. (Accelerator)

Kazuko glared at the people closest to him.

"Go now!" (Kazuko)

The bandits finally reacted and threw themselves towards Guy although their attacks were half-hearted at best. Guy could feel that his opponents had no fighting intent and became confused by their actions. Kazuko smiled cruelly and made a few hand signs when Guy became surrounded. Kazuko new his 'comrades' had no real intentions of fighting which is why he had gone to the trouble of giving them some incentive.

The eight people who surrounded Guy and were nervously watching him exploded suddenly. Suddenly, they all exploded catching Guy in the blast. Or that's the way it would appear to any onlookers. In fact, Guy had used his extraordinary leg strength to jump high into the air the moment they exploded. He was alarmed by the unexpectedly vicious attack, but he managed to get away unscathed.

Accelerator watched the proceedings disinterestedly.

So they aren't willing comrades of that guy? Their unfortunate victims. What a drag. It seems like I have to give another lecture on villainy to this nobody. (Accelerator)

Misaka and Kakine weren't able to remain as impassive as Accelerator.

"Did they just-t explode?" (Misaka)

"Yes. It looked like Kazuko, did it? I can feel some weird energy, but it isn't an esper. What is he?" (Kakine)

Accelerator was wondering the same thing. He could tell Kakine and Misaka about magic, but that didn't seem like it was the case here.

It's something else. If I concentrate, I can feel this energy coming from everyone all though the only person here who has a lot of it is that Kazuko guy. It's almost imperceptible elsewhere. (Accelerator)

Guy landed near the group of three surprising Kakine and Misaka. Accelerator was unfazed and didn't even spare him a glance. Accelerator couldn't pick up killing intent from him, so he concluded this Guy wasn't a problem. Although he would come to regret that conclusion in the future, for now, it held true.

"Children you should use this opportunity to get away. I will handle this unyouthful problem." (Guy)

Guy glared at Kazuko who cruelly smiled back. The bandits were all shivering in fear.

"If you all do not want to die then attack with everything you've got if those bastards aren't dead in five minutes you all join those guys." (Kazuko)

Kazuko pointed towards the remains of the eight people he had killed. The bandits could only gulp and raise their weapons. They charged altogether towards Guy and Accelerator. Meanwhile, Accelerator decided to change gears from massacre to saving lives.

"You three. Take care of that crowd. Knock the enemies out if you can. Five minutes is more than enough time for me to deal with that guy." (Accelerator)

"What a youthful proposition but are you sure?" (Guy)

"Leave it to me." (Accelerator)

Accelerator could easily take down everyone himself. However safely doing that was impossible. Between three level 5s though it became a different story not to mention the addition of Might Guy. Accelerator originally was going to kill everyone who came at him, but when he understood, they were forced to and most likely had bombs implanted in all of them he changed his mind.

Accelerator blasted off and rocketed straight above the rushing crowd and descended in front of Kazuko. Kazuko was alarmed by Accelerator's speed but not only that.

There is something about him. It feels like an invisible and impenetrable wall surrounds him. Now that I'm this close to him I get the feeling this person is impossible to kill. That can't be. Nobody is invincible he must have a weakness! (Kazuko)

While Kazuko's thoughts were correct, he didn't have time to act on them. Accelerator immediately pressed the attack preventing Kazuko from having the time to form hand signs or even throw a kunai back. It was all he could do to backpedal and retreat.

"Before you die let me give you some advice from one villain to another. . . A first rate villain doesn't drag innocent people into his or her schemes." (Accelerator)

With those words, Accelerator managed to get a hand on Kazuko and an instant later he exploded from the inside.

Author's note:

Next time we will see the aftermath of the fight and meeting with Guy. Stay tuned.

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