Chapter 3 Bandit Cosplayers?

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After walking for a few minutes down the path, they came across the same bench again. At some point, they had turned around and walked straight back the way they came. Accelerator furrowed his brows and glanced at their surroundings. Everything appeared normal but he intuitively understood that something was off. Otherwise they wouldn't have arrived back at their original position when they had been walking straight.

"We got turned back?" (Kakine)

"Weird." (Misaka)

It could have been magic, but Accelerator couldn't be sure. He could feel some kind of power fluctuation nearby but couldn't identify the source or what kind of energy it was.

How irritating. (Accelerator)

Kakine and Misaka headed over to the bench and waited on Accelerator. It seems they had no qualms following his lead. As though there was some ingrained trust they felt for him. It was something that stemmed from their past but lost memories.

"Nothing we can do about it. We shouldn't investigate something potentially dangerous without understanding what we are getting ourselves into first. We'll head back into the woods along the path and continue that way." (Accelerator)

"Why not charge back that way instead?" (Misaka)

Accelerator glared at the girl, but she defiantly stared back at him unsettling him slightly. It seems to mention that there was something dangerous back there was the wrong move. Misaka wouldn't let her curiosity go so smoothly.

"Feel free to go back yourself then." (Accelerator)

"How bout you stop with the ultimatums, and we go see what's wrong and fix it?" (Misaka)

Accelerator glared at the girl and immediately headed off towards the woods to Misaka's dismay. It seemed he intended on abandoning an amnesiac girl and heading off without her. Kakine seemed willing to go with Misaka, but she felt uncomfortable with the notion of leaving Accelerator who was the only person with a clear understanding of their situation leave. So the two got up and followed him once again.

After traveling another minute, they heard someone laughing. The sound reverberated around the forest in an eery manner. The group stopped to look for the voice but couldn't find whoever it was that was laughing. Accelerator could feel multiple people's presences in the nearby area but for some reason couldn't accurately determine their location.

I'm too far away. The group is using some magic to hide. Or maybe something else. (Accelerator)

Suddenly, with a whoosh, Accelerator and his team were surrounded by a group of bandit cosplayers. At least in their minds, that's what they were. Needless to say, the three espers were not impressed by the ambush.

"Hand over your money and the girl, and you can walk away with your lives." (bandit #1)

"Let me think about that. Nope. Get lost." (Accelerator)

"Why you!" (Bandit #1)

"J.J. that's enough. I'm Kazuko. An A-rank rogue ninja and the leader of this group. If you value your lives heed our demands." (Kazuko)

"The answers the same. Although if you can point us towards civilization, I'll consider letting you off with a few broken bones." (Accelerator)

"Bastard! Not understanding boss's magnanimity! I'll kill you!" (J.J.)

Bandit called J.J. proceeded to rush toward while pulling out a small black knife. Accelerator just stared at him. Kakine and Misaka became alarmed as they realized Accelerator had no intention of raising his hand to defend himself. Although they reacted to try and help him, it was too late. The man threw the knife straight at Accelerator's eye from point blank. A moment later the man screamed and fell to the ground as the knife he threw entered his eye instead of Accelerator's. The surrounding jeers from the bandits subsided. The forest grew quiet in that brief moment. Nobody could comprehend what had happened except for Kakine and Misaki who realized what he had done.

"What did you do to J.J!" (Kazuko)

"Your complaining about his death when he tried to kill me for no reason? Honestly, a sure sign you lot are third rate villains at best." (Accelerator)

"Why you! Everyone kill these brats!" (Kazuko)

The fight only lasted a few seconds. Around ten bandits charged at Misaka and Kakine, but half of them fell to the ground unconscious from electrocution. The other half got stabbed in the neck in a pressure point that caused them to become paralyzed temporarily by Kakine's Dark Matter needles. They had both refrained from killing their opponents because they were not able to kill someone without blinking like Accelerator. Usually, holding back against an opponent was a terrible idea, but these were level 5s from Academy City. They could hold back and still have room to spare against these kinds of opponents.

The only one left standing was the man called Kazuko. Kazuko glared at the group before making some hand signs and suddenly disappearing. Accelerator couldn't help but scowl.

A teleporter. I didn't expect that. However, I did confirm that Kazuko isn't a magician. Doesn't seem to be an esper either. What kind of power was that then? (Accelerator)

"You two alright?" (Accelerator)

"Yes." (Kakine and Misaka)

"Go gather the bodies. I'll dig the holes." (Accelerator)

The two stared at Accelerator in alarm. Besides J.J. they hadn't killed anyone, but Accelerator seemed intent on finishing the job. Misaka unwisely decided to pick another fight with Accelerator.

"No. Let's take these guys to Anti-Skill or Judgement or the police. The nearest law enforcement official." (Misaka)

Accelerator could only sigh. How exactly would they carry these people? Between the three they certainly could do it with their abilities, but in Accelerator's mind, it was far too troublesome.

"I will not argue with you. If you are uncomfortable with seeing people die than turn away." (Accelerator)

"No." (Misaka)

Misaka stood protectively in front of the men some of whom were now conscious and watching the events unfold. They felt touched by Misaka's willingness to protect them and even began to feel guilty that they were going to rob such a kindhearted person. However, when they saw Accelerator, they ceased to think of anything at all. His eyes were deep and filled with some burning madness. They were so dark and full of malice that it felt like staring into the eyes of the Sharingan. How could such a young boy develop such eyes? When they finally came to the bandits felt enormous respect for the girl who could withstand those eyes and realized that they had encountered an overwhelmingly dominant group which they should never have recklessly challenged.

Author's Note:

This chapter was in the third person. I also started adding thoughts in italics although it was only Accelerator here. In the Naruto universe, the thoughts of each character are an important part of the character development schematics, so I'll be working on that. I think I'm going to stick with the third person for a little while but might switch back to the first person in more serious chapters in the future.

I hope you guys are enjoying so far and get ready for the Misaka vs. Accelerator fight next chapter!

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