Chapter 15 Day 3 - Week 3

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Uzuki reported to the Third Hokage that her cover was blown and presented what she learned. When she told him that Kakine's ability was called Dark Matter he frowned. After that he instructed her to continue with her mission since he still needed more information about them.


Accelerator woke up via the usual routine. He had cleaned his room last night, but he couldn't help but sigh when he found the burn marks on the wall again. He glared at Misaka.

"Quit that." Accelerator growled.

"I would if you would wake up like a normal person. If I try shaking you awake, I'm the one who goes flying." Misaka snarled. "Hurry up! This time we're really late!"

The two flew down the path towards their usual training ground and found Ebisu and Kakine waiting on them. Ebisu reprimanded them while Misaka apologized profusely. After a minute they got started.

Ebisu moved on to training them in genjutsu because he wasn't prepared to teach them more advanced ninjutsu. He had never expected their progress to be so fast. It was unheard off in the ninja world. Of course, even in their first world, the three were hailed as prodigies of the highest degree so it was only natural that they could master chakra at an absurd rate as well. There was also no conflicts between chakra and their esper abilities.

Ebisu explained how genjutsu worked by disrupting a person's chakra flow. It was a form of mental attack that made Accelerator frown. He didn't doubt his own ability to handle such attacks, but that didn't stop him from thinking of the limitless possibilities this chakra energy had. He figured Misaka and Kakine could handle themselves as well, but he was glad they weren't shooting in the dark against this mysterious power. He wouldn't admit it, but he was thankful for Ebisu's instruction.


Two weeks passed, and Ebisu lead the three espers towards the Ninja Academy. They were being enrolled into Iruka Umino's class which was filled with children the same age as Accelerator, Kakine, and Misaka. The age regression had put them into the same age category as Naruto, and they were pleasantly surprised to find him in their classroom.

"Alright listen up we have three new additions to our class. Please give a warm welcome to Misaka, Kakine, and Accelerator." Iruka said.

The children who were in their seats gave a hearty welcome to the three. Since Kakine was good looking the girls had hearts in their eyes when they watched him. Iruka instructed the three to introduce themselves.

"Hello, I'm Kakine Teitoku. I enjoy reading books and watching Mikoto and Accelerator fight." Kakine grinned before stepping back quickly to avoid questions.

Misaka used the opportunity to run forward and introduce herself next. "I'm Misaka Mikoto! I'm going to be the strongest kunoichi ever!" Misaka gave her enthusiastic introduction before following Kakine's lead and beating a hasty retreat.

Accelerator furrowed his brows as he realized he got the short stick because of his slow reaction.

They planned this beforehand. (Accelerator)

Accelerator stepped up. "I'm Accelerator. Pleased to meet you." He started to back away, but a loud roar came from the students who wanted to ask questions. Iruka calmed them down before telling them to go 'one at a time' and indicated to Accelerator to call on people.

Accelerator groaned before looking at Naruto deciding it was best to get the most disturbing one out of the way first. "What is your dream?" Naruto called.

"I've already obtained all of my goals. Next." Accelerator pointed towards a blond girl with long hair.

"What is the cane for?" She asked.

"It's for killing people." Accelerator stated.

The class went quiet for a moment. Accelerator realized he was too blunt but didn't care. The students recovered after a moment and continued raising their hands. A student who hadn't raised their hand before now did so. Accelerator noticed the boy with raven hair who was wearing a blue shirt. The boy had raised his hand coolly and had a dark look in his eyes. Accelerator picked him.

"How many have you killed." Accelerator didn't expect the boy to ask such a simple question. With his look and calm demeanor, he had expected something more serious. Then again maybe the question did have a serious undertone.

"A lot." Accelerator kept his answer vague. The boy narrowed his eyes at him and Accelerator raised an eyebrow. The surroundings were completely silent as the two boys sized each other up.

"Alright, one more question and we'll get back to class." Iruka broke the tension and picked another boy with black hair that was shaped like a pineapple.

"What kind of name is Accelerator?" The kid asked.

"It's mine." Accelerator responded, and with that, the Q and A session ended without anyone getting any relevant information out. Kakine and Misaka seemed disappointed as well, so Accelerator gave them his signature smirk.

"Alright, everyone outside for practice!" Iruka called before rushing out the door with children in tow.

When they arrived outside Iruka told everyone to run laps, and after that, they would practice taijutsu. Accelerator, Kakine, and Misaka had practiced some taijutsu with Ebisu. Misaka was physically fit, and Kakine had an immortal body he could change at will. They were both exceptional at taijutsu. Comparatively, Accelerator had to inhibit his esper powers when trying to practice and his body wasn't as outstanding as theirs. That didn't mean he was bad at it, but unless he combined it with his power, he wasn't a significant fighting force. Of course, Accelerator had played around with it whenever he could shake Uzuki.

Accelerator asked Iruka if he could skip the running and taijutsu practice. For one thing, he didn't need it, and for another, it would just be annoying to hold back fighting these kids.

Before Iruka could respond though Uzuki interrupted. "I would like to spar with you."

Accelerator could only sigh. "You're mistaken if you think I'm the weakest of our group. If we spar, there is a real possibility you'll die."

Everyone was surprised by the sudden appearance of an ANBU but were even more surprised by the exchange that occurred between them.

"Nevertheless, I would like to investigate you more thoroughly, but I cannot do so since you always hide from me. I've concluded a more direct approach is necessary." Uzuki urged him.

Misaka and Naruto whooped and shouted at him to accept the challenge since they were eager to watch. The students all watched on with interest and Iruka decided it would be educational to watch an ANBU although he was confused about why she was challenging one of his students. He had been informed beforehand that an ANBU was looking over them, and the three were special students, but he never expected this.

Accelerator growled. "Alright. Let's do this."

Author's Note:

Accelerator vs ANBU! Who will win?

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