Chapter 13 Ramen

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Accelerator returned to his room with Naruto in tow. After unlocking it and entering Naruto looked wide-eyed at his living room.

"Your place is even messier than mine! Are these burn marks on the wall?" Naruto looked around the room before laying eyes on the beat up couch. "What happened here a fight?"

"I had a rather rude awakening this morning. The girl who did this will be stopping by later. If you see her don't tick her off." Accelerator warned.

"Yeah got it." Naruto gulped. "Isn't this overboard for a wake-up call?"

"They tend to take things to the extreme. You want to stick around for dinner?" Accelerator was being polite but was silently praying the kid would beat it.

"Sure!" He didn't take the hint and intruded.

"I'm going to start cooking those two will be back before so long make yourself at home." Accelerator instructed dryly before heading to the kitchen.

Naruto hopped onto the couch before glancing around. The burn marks were impressive, but the lack of other decorations soon bored Naruto, so he quickly followed Accelerator into the kitchen.

"What is it?" Accelerator asked annoyed.

"I don't want to just sit around let me help ya or let's chat!" Naruto responded with enthusiasm despite Accelerator's miffed appearance. Naruto inherently seemed to understand that Accelerator wasn't a bad person, so he continued to badger him.

"Cut the vegetables." Accelerator wasn't up for a chat, so he gave Naruto a simple task to handle. Next thing he knew the kitchen had been dyed in red, orange and green.

Accelerator glared at Naruto who smirked and said. "Perfectly cut."

"WHO THE HELL THROWS KNIVES TO CHOP VEGETABLES!" Accelerator roared as he chased Naruto around the apartment.

Accelerator was strangling Naruto with some noodles when Misaka and Kakine walked through the door. They stared blankly at Accelerator who impassively returned their gaze. "You're early. I need another minute."

Kakine and Misaka slowly backed out of the room and waited patiently outside. After a minute Accelerator opened the door to an entirely clean living space. The kitchen was no longer a mess, and the burn marks in the living room had disappeared. The two were shocked by the changes, but most of all the boy in the corner of the living room who was tied up in noodles stood out from the rest. Misaka and Kakine glanced at Accelerator for an explanation.

"Ignore him. We no longer have any food thanks to a particular idiot." Accelerator explained.

"It was half your fault!" Naruto cried out aggrieved at the injustice.

"We'll go out for a bite." Accelerator ignored him.

"Waaaaiiiiiitttttt! It was partly my fault, so I'll show you to an excellent ramen place alright?" Naruto pleaded.

"No." Accelerator replied.

"Alright." Misaka and Kakine chorused.

Accelerator glared at them as they watch him in amusement. "Fine." Accelerator muttered, and the three cheered.

Kakine untied the noodles, and they all introduced themselves before heading out. Naruto brought them to a place called Ramen Ichiraku. It is a small ramen bar run by Teuchi and Ayame. They each bought a single bowl but were astounded when Naruto ate ten bowls on his own. Unfortunately, he ate too many and didn't have enough to pay for himself. After some bickering with Ayame who refused to put it on his tab, he was forced to stay and wash dishes for the rest of the night. Like that the group parted ways with the odd yellow-haired boy.

Misaka giggled on the way back and finally burst out laughing. Kakine and Accelerator stopped to watch her, and she wiped away a few tears after punching the ground a few times. She wiped off a tear with her finger and gasped. "I'm sorry. It's just Accelerator is always so dangerous and when I came back to see him like that. . . I was holding it in for too long."

Misaka continued to giggle while Accelerator frowned. Kakine was also smirking at him making him feel uncomfortable. "Honestly, I ran into all sorts of troubles when we separated. Forget that how did your mission go?"

Misaka and Kakine reported their progress for exploring the village giving him a quick summary. It was when the duo reached a particular part that Accelerator stopped them.

"You spent all your money?" Accelerator stared at them flabbergasted. They didn't receive too much, but it was more than what should be expended in a single day.

"I need clothes." Misaka huffed. "A girl has to have an outfit for every day of the week. I would have changed before coming to see you, but I heard that racket, so I only had enough time to throw the clothes in my room."

Accelerator could only stare at her aghast. Instead of taking it seriously Misaka just started laughing as she was once again reminded of what happened at Accelerator's place.

"Accelerator. . ." Kakine started but trailed off immediately.

"What is it?" Accelerator asked irritated.

"I think we're being followed." Kakine voiced his thoughts.

"So what? I'd have told you two to hide your strength, but I knew that it was an impossibility. The only one who could possibly accomplish that is Kakine. It's only natural that someone is keeping an eye on us." Accelerator reasoned. Misaka and Kakine stared at him.

"What makes you think I can't hide my power?" Misaka asked.

"You'll shock someone eventually it's second nature to you. Also, I can't hide my power either because if I walk down the road and accidentally bump into someone, they'll leave with a broken arm at the least. That doesn't mean you should put all your cards on the table all the time, but low-key isn't going to work for us especially if we're staying in the public's eye consistently. I'd have moved in the shadows if it was just me but with you two here I can't." Accelerator explained.

Kakine listened to his reasoning and silently agreed with it. They quietly made their way back home acutely aware that someone had listened to their conversation although they didn't know who or what motives that person may have by tailing them.

Author's note:

Next time you will get to see Misaka's new outfit. Also, you'll get day two with Ebisu. Is the third person perspective working for people? I find it to be bland myself sometimes but other times find it the easiest way to tell the story. I'm probably going to return to first person perspectives in the future but maybe not for a few days.

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