Chapter 12 Attack of the Yellow-Orange Splotch

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Accelerator continued on his way down to the market. He decided to look at weaponry first, but after glancing at the exorbitant prices in the stores, he frowned and quietly left. He only had the money that the Third Hokage gave to Ebisu who in turn gave them the allowance. After that, he found a place to buy some groceries. The prices were reasonable, but since he was still carrying his crutch in one hand, he only filled a few bags and went on his way. He could take more using his power, but he didn't want to draw attention.

On his way back he ran into the Yellow-Orange Splotch from earlier. He tried ignoring it and walking past the splotch, but it quickly moved in front of him. Accelerator sighed in annoyance.

"What do you want?" Accelerator asked in a clearly exasperated tone.

"You threw me earlier what gives! When did I hit you!?" The splotch yelled at Accelerator.

Accelerator glared at the splotch and replied coolly. "You ran into me didn't you?"

"It was accidental, and before that even happened you sent me flying! Those guys caught up to me because of you!" The splotch yelled.

It was only at this point that Accelerator bothered to take a closer look at the boy and realized the Yellow-orange had hints of blue and red now.

The kid got pummeled. They really did a number on him. How can be so energetic when he was clearly just beaten. Picking a fight with me no less. Great he reminds me of another idiot. (Accelerator)

"I apologize. Now get lost." Accelerator gave his heartfelt apology in a not so great manner. Of course, this only irritated the kid he had run into more. The two were about the same age and the boy facing Accelerator clearly had a personality that clashed with his.

"Don't tell me to get lost. I'm going to be Hokage, so everyone is going to have to respect me!" The boy cried out. Accelerator just looked at him with pity, however, in the kid's eyes, he appeared to be looked down on him with disdain which pushed him over the edge. "Alright than fight me and I'll prove it to you!"

"Great." Accelerator muttered as he realized he landed himself into some real trouble. "Alright but make it quick I've got to get back to cook dinner."

Accelerator motioned for him to 'come at him' but the boy didn't move. Irritated Accelerator asked. "What's wrong?"

"Aren't you going to put down the groceries? Rather I'm sorry for going off at you I didn't realize you were hurt." To Accelerator's chagrin, he was apologized to and mistaken once again for a cripple. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki. What's your name?"

Naruto seemed to have calmed down and had no intention of picking a fight anymore. Accelerator relaxed slightly, but he wasn't very tense, to begin with. He just had to be careful not to accidentally kill the kid if he came at him. "I'm Accelerator." He replied smoothly.

"What kind of name is that?" Naruto asked.

"It's not my real name." Accelerator said flatly.

"What's your real name then?" Naruto didn't want to let the matter go.

"Honestly, I forgot it a long time ago." Accelerator relented.

"That's really sad you know?" Naruto pitying eyes irritated Accelerator.

"Forget about that. I'm leaving now. Seeya." Accelerator trotted off with his crutch digging deep into the ground with each step. This was happening because Accelerator was angry, but from Naruto's viewpoint, it looked like he was in considerable pain.

Naruto ran around Accelerator and grabbed his groceries off him.

"What do you think you are doing?" Accelerator glared at him.

"Just helping a friend out." Naruto returned a refreshing smile causing Accelerator to blanch.

"When did we become friends?" Accelerator questioned.

"Just now! They say men bond with their fists!" Naruto shouted.

"We didn't fight." Accelerator sweated.

"Details. This direction is back towards my place anyways so let's go." Naruto ran off ahead of Accelerator outside of his reach so he couldn't snag his groceries back.

Pushy guys are annoying. (Accelerator)

The two walked back towards Accelerator's place with Naruto leading the way staying out of Accelerator's reach.

"I have something urgent to report Lord Hokage." Ebisu appeared in the Hokage's office in a puff of smoke.

"What is it Ebisu? Did something happen with those children?" The Hokage asked coolly, but he was apparently worried when Ebisu rushed it.

"Yes sir, although I do not know how to put it." Ebisu lamented.

"Continue." Sarutobi urged him.

"The children are all geniuses. Better than anyone I have ever seen before. They absorbed my lessons entirely. Their chakra manipulation is flawless to the extent that I have never seen before. The three are also gifted academically. I wasn't able to observe their Kekkei Genkai, but I felt something extremely ominous from all three of them. I believe if I fought even one of them I would lose. Especially Kakine. He had a ferociously powerful chakra although I didn't surprisingly feel any malicious intent from it. Maybe that was only because it wasn't directed at me though." Ebisu reported.

Sarutobi was stunned. These three were certainly something else. For Ebisu to instinctively admit defeat could only mean that they were incredibly powerful.

"I recommend we have ANBU regularly watching all three of them. This should be made the highest priority." Ebisu advised.

"It will be difficult to spare ANBU just to watch children. But if they are as strong as you say they are it is a necessary precaution. Yūgao Uzuki!" Sarutobi called out, and a voice drifted from behind him.

"Here, Lord Hokage," Uzuki replied.

"I will have other's take over your current duties. Your next mission will be to secretly follow and observe the three children who recently entered the village. You are not to make a move without directions from me or Ebisu who will work in coordination with you on the surface." Sarutobi instructed.

"Yes, Lord Hokage," Uzuki replied once again before heading out with Ebisu.

Sarutobi sighed as he wondered how much trouble these new children were going to bring with them.

Author's note:

The explanation for why Accelerator has his crutch and is keeping it with him wherever he goes is still a long ways off. I hope you are enjoying the story so far. Also, Accelerator grocery shopping always makes me think of that image. If you are unfamiliar with the To Aru universe you should seriously read the books they are awesome. The animes aren't bad either though if you are too lazy to read (in which case why are you reading this XD).

 The animes aren't bad either though if you are too lazy to read (in which case why are you reading this XD)

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