Chapter 14 Day 2 in the Leaf

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"ACCCCEEELLLEEERRRRATTTTOOORRRR!" A loud roar reverberated through Accelerator's apartment, but the sleeping boy naturally didn't move a muscle. A moment later Accelerator's couch was sent flying and lightning crackled. A blast seemed to strike Accelerator but then flew off the boy scarring his walls again.

At this point, Accelerator opened his eyes and said: "Misaka if you keep waking me up in this manner my apartment will collapse."

"Then you need to get up on time! We're going to be late for training!" The hot-blooded girl jumped at Accelerator. The action ultimately woke Accelerator up as he caught her with a frown.

"Misaka I have an automatic defense around me. If you carelessly jump at me, you may get hurt." Accelerator reprimanded.

Misaka pouted cutely. "So it's okay to play with Naruto but not me?"

"I already told you to forget about that incident. It is a dark stain on my history." Accelerator lamented.

Misaka laughed and pulled on Accelerator forcing him out the door. Accelerator had to forcibly suppress his subconscious response to not send Misaka flying, but as long as he paid attention, it was no problem.

I'll need to have a talk with her and Kakine about this. Seems they forgot. (Accelerator)

Kakine was waiting for them outside and winced as Misaka hurled Accelerator down in front of him. Somehow he held onto his crutch while Misaka dragged him but his limbs were splayed bizarrely on the ground. Nevertheless, he stood up unhurt.

"Welcome to the land of the living. You just barely made it." Kakine gave a small chuckle.

"Shut up. Misaka what are you wearing." Accelerator growled.

"It's a Miko outfit. Pretty impressive right?" Misaka proudly twirled for the two boys to see it. She was wearing a hakama with red legs and white top. The traditional shrine maiden uniform.

 The traditional shrine maiden uniform

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"Didn't you say we were going to train?" Accelerator raised an eyebrow.

"I can train in this! It's easy to move in and stretches. This is excellent material actually." Misaka proudly reported.

Kakine coughed. "Ready to go?"

Misaka and Accelerator both gave their affirmatives, and they went to meet Ebisu for their second day of training.

When they arrived, Ebisu began to provide them with a lecture on ethics. Accelerator instantly realized what his goal was.

Impressive. Ebisu realized the three of us are exceedingly powerful, so he plans to tone down the training but at the same time make sure our psychological development is on the proper track. Not bad. If only the teachers at Academy City would use this method more than there wouldn't have been so many problems among the students. (Accelerator)

Accelerator forced himself to pay attention to the lecture. He is especially interested when Ebisu explained the Will of Fire to them. The others also perked up during this part of the speech and listened keenly. Accelerator also realized that Ebisu was welcoming them to become part of a larger family. He didn't reject the idea. It was a real interesting ideology although it didn't fit well with Accelerator's own ideas about villains. He considers himself to be among their ranks after all. It made him feel guilty that he couldn't bring himself to wholeheartedly give himself over to the Will of Fire. Accelerator couldn't abandon Misaka and Kakine who were buying into it so he innately understood that he should just accept it for the time being.

Later they began some chakra practice. Ebisu didn't train them in any more ninjutsu saying they had already learned enough in a single day to pass the graduation examination. Instead, he told them to train themselves in chakra control. The tasks were simple. Climb a tree with your feet and walk on water. The trio had enhanced computational abilities so regulating chakra in their feet was a simple task for them to master. They managed to perform them to a satisfactory extent and were sent home by Ebisu with more money. Ebisu promised to teach them some more advanced Jutsu's tomorrow as well as to help them study hand signs.

"We're really rocking this chakra stuff," Misaka commented lightly.

"Yeah. If Ebisu's surprise is any indication we are making quick progress." Kakine said.

"Hey, what's with that black chakra of yours? Accelerator's and mine are blue." Misaka asked Kakine.

"I created it from scratch," Kakine stated.

"What?" Misaka asked surprised.

"I'm capable of augmenting my body, so I changed my chakra points and other physiological points that are ideal for maximizing chakra. My chakra is actually blue, but when I alter my body to maximize chakra storage, it naturally changes into a black color. It's more like it is such a dark blue that it became black." Kakine stated.

"Ahh. I thought it might have something to do with your ability Dark Matter." Misaka said.

"Misaka we are still being followed." Accelerator commented.

"I thought you said it didn't matter?" Misaka said.

"Doesn't mean you should run your mouth either." Accelerator gave Misaka a harsh glare before turning around. "Come out."

A figure appeared before them after jumping off the roof. "It seems you actually realized I was here. I don't understand how though."

The woman had an ANBU cat mask with three red stripes on it and a sword on her back. She had long purple hair and wore standard ANBU armour with black and grey metal guards. She raised a hand in greeting.

"Hello. My name is Uzuki Yūgao." She said politely.

"She actually came out." Misaka looked at her in surprise.

"Accelerator didn't leave her a choice other than run away." Kakine provided.

"It's pointless to hide if you are aware of me. Things will just become awkward if I follow you all the time and don't introduce myself." Uzuki supplemented.

"Well, what are you following us for?" Accelerator growled. He wasn't put off by her attitude. She wasn't being rude but wasn't carefree either. This fell in line with acting professionally. She had evidently made a judgment call to approach the target openly.

"That's a secret." Uzuki laughed. Accelerator would have flipped a table if there was one nearby.

Author's note:

Uzuki has come out to play! I don't really know much about this character. I'll be honest with everyone I've only watched Naruto up to the third season. I'm watching the series now, but given that I have some 400+ Shippuden episodes I need to watch I'm going to be taking the start of this fanfiction slowly. Yup way behind. I've seen some spoilers and stuff and am reading some information on the wiki. Not to worry though I'm watching like 10 episodes a day so I'll be good in two months or so.

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