The next day

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It was May 7th. Annabeth and Percy were trying there hardest to be good parents. It had already been a rough day and it was only 8:45!

Annabeth had woken up at 6:45 because she was hungry. She got herself some food then while she was eating Nichole decided she was hungry so Annabeth started breastfasting which was what Percy called it when Annabeth ate breakfast and breastfed at the same time.

Then Nathaniel woke up because he pooped himself so Annabeth had to wake Percy up to clean it. Once he was done with that Sophia woke up. She was struggling to breath again so a Annabeth quickly rang up nurse who rushed her to the NICU.  

Annabeth asked Percy to go with Sophia. Percy didn't want to leave Annabeth alone with two babies but Annabeth insisted. She didn't tell Percy why but, it was because if Sophia did die (which she prayed wouldn't happen) then maybe the last face she would ever see would be Percy. 

Percy came back 15 minutes later with the news that she was alright. They wanted to keep her there so they could monitor her but they said that she should be back by 9:00. It was 8:00 when Percy had come back.

Finally after a bunch of tears, spit-up, poop, and pee Nicole and Nathaniel were in bed. Then when Sophia came back the photographer arrived. 

She took a lot of photos. Annabeth's favorite was the black and white one with Nathaniel in the middle and his sisters on the outside. They were wearing headbands and had their arms wrapped around there older brother. 

Finally when she was done it was 11:15 and the first visitor arrived with lunch. It was Jason, Piper, and there son Parker. Parker Evan Grace was born on January 23 and was about 3 and 1/2 months old. 

Jason was the parent that took care of Parker the most. All three of them loved it. It was so sweet to see her friends having children. 

"So looks like the tie is over. You have the most kids Annabeth." Piper said. Annabeth laughed. 

"It will probably stay that way for a while. Percy wants to have another one or two but I'm happy with my four for right now" Annabeth said looking ta her sleeping babies.

"Has Paige come yet?" Jason asked. Annabeth shook her head. 

"Apparently Paige got a cold last night so she won't be able to meet her little sibling till tomorrow." Percy said rubbing Annabeth's back.

"Are you guys going home tomorrow?" Jason asked.

"No. Sophia has been having a few breathing problems so they want us to stay until May 10th." Annabeth said appointed. 

The conversation went on for a while then they started eating. The children were perfect for almost all of it. Parker pooped himself and Nathaniel peed all over his sisters but they stayed pretty silent.

At the end of the visit Piper pulled out a gift. It was a sweatshirt that said, "I have triplets so back off". Annabeth laughed when she got it. It was perfect! 

"Thanks Pipe!" Annabeth said hugging her. They talked for a little longer then Annabeth heard crying. She looked over and Nathaniel and Nicole was crying and Sophia was blue.

"Help!"Percy yelled. A nurse ran in and took Sophia. She ran down the hallway with Percy and Jason following. Annabeth was scared. Piper stayed to comfort her. Nathaniel and Nicole would not stop crying for there missing sister. 

Annabeth took Nicole and Piper took Nathaniel. They finally got them to sleep. Annabeth was shaking. Finally Jason came back with the news.

"Sophia is in surgery. They are looking at her lungs or something. They kicked me out and Percy is in the waiting room. After this she will have to stay in the NICU for a week or so." Jason said sitting next to Annabeth. 

Annabeth started crying. Why did her little Sophia have be the one Hera picked on? Annabeth knew it was Hera. She cursed under her breath. Why?

Jason left to go grab overnight supplies for him, Piper, and Parker. Annabeth was so glad they agreed to stay. Hazel and Frank stopped by to drop off some homemade rolls and cookies. They couldn't stay for very long since they had to but Liam down for bed. 

Annabeth enjoyed a nice dinner. Piper and Jason tried as hard as they could to distract Annabeth but it was useless. 

Finally the next day Percy came back and told them the Sophia was okay. She had to be on some kind of machine for the next 12 days. Annabeth would be discharged tomorrow.  She would have to leave her infant daughter all alone at the hospital. 

This was the worst week of Annabeth life. She had gotten three darling angels but now one of them had already had surgery and was going to be left alone for 12 days! She really hated Hera!

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