The Happiest Day

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It was November 18, three months after Percy had asked Annabeth to marry him, and it was the day. The day that would change her last name from Chase to Jackson. The day that would formally claim Percy as her's and only her's. The day that she would remember for the rest of her life.

Annabeth had started making preparations the day after her proposal. She couldn't decide between Piper and Hazel to be her maid of honor so she asked them both. She had started setting up appointments to get her hair and nails done. She had even scheduled a time when she, Piper, and Hazel could all go looking for dresses. She and Percy had set up the day about a month after the proposal. She had the invitations sent out the next day. She had invited all her friends from the Argo II, some friends from camp Half blood, Reyna, Athena, Poseidon, all of her family, all of Percy's family, and some hunters.

Annabeth did most of the work with the help of some Hymen children. Percy helped a little bit but not much. He just kept disappearing telling her he was working on extra wedding prep but Annabeth's mind still went to a long line of "What if's". She was very worried about what he was up to but Piper and Hazel helped keep her pretty distracted.

When the big day finally came Annabeth was so nervous. She had set up the decorations, got a Minister, scheduled all the appointments, gotten a photographer, bought Percy a new tux, and even gotten a cake. The only thing she didn't do was plan a wedding reception but Piper and Hazel had wanted to do that.

Annabeth was going to get her hair, nails, and makeup done at "The Aphrodite Spa" where Aphrodite herself did Annabeth's hair, makeup, and nails. It really only took a flick of the wrist but the act was nice. Aphrodite also did Hazels and Pipers. They all had the same gold glittery nails and simple but beautiful makeup. The hair was the only thing the girls weren't twinning with. Annabeth had ringlets, Piper had a fancy braided bun, and Hazel had a fishtail braid. The girls thanked the Goddess and Annabeth even invited her to the wedding.

The girls headed down from mount Olympus to camp half blood where the children of Hymen had sown Annabeth a dress. It was simple but beautiful. Annabeth loved it. Piper and Hazel had gotten identical dresses just in different colors. The dresses had a sequin sleeveless top and a lacy knee length bottom. Piper's was in blue and Hazel's was in gold.

When noon finally hit Annabeth went with Hazel and Piper to the church. Annabeth had opted to have pictures after the wedding and not before. The wedding wouldn't start for another hour to let the guests arrive. Annabeth was told that Percy had arrived and so had the minister. By 12:20 everyone had arrived. Percy and Annabeth had called each other and decided to start.

Percy got to his position and the organ started playing "Here comes the bride". The crowd stood and faced the door as Annabeth walked in. Her dad lead her up the aisle. She was grateful for the veil so that no one could see how much she was blushing. Her bridesmaids followed her. Then the flowergirls came. It was only Lawena and a twelve year old daughter of Athena carrying her but everyone smiled warmly at them. At the end of the aisle everyone except for her, Percy, and the minister took a seat. Percy lifted her veil and the minister began.

The Minister read out his long sermon about marriage then Percy and Annabeth said their marriage vows. Then the command finally came.

"You may now kiss the bride." The minister said. Percy grabbed Annabeth and the kissed. The audience cheered. The then walked back down the aisle. Annabeth was in heaven. It was the best day of Annabeth's entire life!

After the wedding they took pictures for a little over an hour. Then the all walked the few blocks down to the ocean for the reception and more pictures. It was a blast. They had sparklers, food, dancing, and even a water show from Poseidon. At the end of the night a Limo pulled up and The couple got in. Percy gave the driver a weird address. Just before they arrived, Percy told Annabeth to put on a blindfold. Once the car stopped, he escorted her around for a minute then told her to take it off. When the blindfold was Annabeth gasped.

It front of her was a house. A huge house. It was beautiful! The house was a nice sandy color. It was positioned right in front of the beach.

"Do you like it?" Percy asked. Annabeth nodded still in shock. "Well Leo and some other Hephaestus kids helped build it. Some romans helped too. I think even Hephaestus himself helped with a little bit. It was done in about a month. Then Poseidon helped me find enough hidden treasure to afford everything inside. Also it has radar to track monsters and a self defense system."

"It's for us?" Annabeth asked.

"No, it's for you." Percy said kissing her. He handed her a key and they went inside. The inside was even better than the outside. There were so many rooms. There was an office for Annabeth, some guest rooms, a huge master bedroom, bathrooms, a nice kitchen, a dining room, and so much more.

Finally after the house tour was complete Percy gave her one last surprise. For their honeymoon there were going on a cruise paid for by Athena. Annabeth was happier than she thought possible.

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