Meeting Liam

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It was April 8th and Hazel had just had her baby! Annabeth and Percy were going to go visit her in a little bit. Percy decided to be just a little mean and bought a cheap pregnancy test and used a sharpie to make it look positive. 

They then bought a little present and brought it with them. When the walked in holding out the pregnancy test Hazel screamed. 

"You pregnant?!?!?!" Hazel said excitedly. Annabeth felt really bad. Luckily Percy broke the news. 

"No, this was fake." Percy said. Hazel slumped a little bit but she didn't have time to say anything because Hazels baby started crying. 

"Did Leo tell you the gender?" Frank asked them as Hazel lifted  her child out of the crib.

"No, we haven't talked to Leo since Christmas." Percy said. "I think I'm going to guess gitrl."

"I'm going to guess boy." Annabeth said. 

"Well...It's a boy!" Hazel said showing them her little angel. He was so cute!

"Aww! What's his name?" Annabeth asked.

"Liam Jay Zhang." Franks said string at his little Liam. Hazel was happier than Annabeth had ever seen her. It was such a beautiful sight to see them together as a little family. 

"I can't wait until our little ones start playing together. It will be so cute!" Annabeth said gazing at the carseat where Paige lay fast asleep not knowing that possibly one of her greatest friends. Annabeth and Percy got a turn holding te child then Annabeth finally pulled out the gift she had gotten them.

She had gotten Hazel some fluffy socks that said, "Mom's socks: Do not use unless you are Mom", Frank a worlds best Dad mug, both of them a pack of Oreos to share , and Liam a monkey baby blanket. After a little while Percy had the idea to go grab some lunch and they would have a double couple lunch date like Annabeth and Percy had done with Jason and Piper.

Percy left to go pick the food up while both Annabeth and Hazel fed there babies. After feeding Annabeth and Hazel talked about motherhood while they burped there children. Annabeth gave Hazel the idea of the videos. Hazel thought it was brilliant but Frank insisted that Liam looked like a Mama's boy. Hazel laughed but insisted they do it anyway. Finally Frank gave in.

Hazel didn't waste a second to let Frank back down. Annabeth put Paige on a blanket on the floor with a pacifier and several toys. Hazel then handed her Liam and started pulling out her camera. Hazel was a professional photographer so she had some kind of high-tech camera. She sat Frank down in a chair and Annabeth handed him a book. 

Frank opened it up and started reading as Hazel videoed. Frank had read 3 books, sung 1 song, gave Liam 4 inspirational talks, and even given him pep talk before Percy got back. Paige and Liam had both been silent. Liam and Paige both seemed interested but Paige didn't stare like she did for her dad.  

"Aw! So passing on parenting advice already. Dang Annabeth, you waste no time!" Percy said walking back in with food. He distributed it and they stared eating. 

Both Paige and Liam fell asleep. It nice just talking together. Hazel and Frank had recently moved out of the exchange program to a small house in the New York countryside. They loved there house and they loved that they lived only 30 minutes from Percy and Annabeth. Annabeth loved having friends that lived nearby also. 

Finally though the food ran out and so did Paige patience so Annabeth and Percy left. They had really enjoyed there time with Hazel, Frank, and Liam. When the got home Annabeth stared dinner and then they played board games until 6:30, ate, put Paige to bed, cuddled, then went to bed. Annabeth had one of the best days in a long time. 

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