"You could've fallen and broken something!"

The chestnut haired woman flinches at Yuuri's comment about her breaking something and averts her gaze.

As they get back to another conversation, Mizore finds herself drinking some more.


"I've got her, don't worry. I'll see you tomorrow...!" Victor calls out to Yuuri as he leaves for his room.

"Vitya~! Why not drink some mooore~?" The female skater slurs to the Russian.

He shakes his head and helps her up, "No way. You're already drunk enough..." He replies.

Mizore groans, "How unpleasant...!" Victor chuckles and starts heading to his room.

After all, it had a bigger bed that they could both fit in.

Once they get there, the chestnut haired collapsed onto the bed.

"I want to drink more!" She whines, watching the silver haired Russian take off his coat.

Victor shakes his head, once again, and heads over to her.

As he sits next to her, Mizore springs up, standing in front of him.

He looks up at her quizzically, "I've never seen you this drunk before."

Mizore grins and she leans forward too much and catches herself by placing her hands on his shoulders.

"I'm bored~! Let's do something!" Her golden brown eyes brighten as she leans forward even more.

"Eh? Nani ga - ?"

(Something - ?)

The silver haired man gets cut off as Mizore places her lips onto his.

His eyes widen as he unconsciously places his hand on her sides. Mizore pushes him down, landing on top.

As they pull away, Victor holds her back, "We should stop."

"Naani~?" Mizore looks at him confused. "You're drunk, Mizore." He says gently, sitting up with her in his lap.

"S - so? A - am I not enough?" The woman stutters, sudden tears appearing in her eyes.

The Russian's blue eyes widen in surprise as he quickly reaches up to wipe her tears away, "You're perfect...!"

The Japanese woman bursts into tears, burying her face into his chest, "I'm sorry! I'm - "

Her last words got lost into her sobs. Victor slowly rubs circles into her back as she continued.

"I'm sorry, I was so reckless...! I'm sorry... I'm sorry Yui!"

Victor freezes in surprise at the different name. 'Yui? Yui... Miyamoto.'


Mizore's head is pounding when she wakes up. And the sun streaming through the window really didn't help.

The woman groans softly and covers her face. She sudden hears the door sliding open and looks over.

"Good morning! How are you feeling, moya lyubov'?" Victor exclaims, cheery as alway.

(my love?)

The chestnut haired skater groans again, "Did I drink a lot?" She asks, slowly sitting up.

The Russian chuckles and walks over, a glass of water and a pill in each hand, "I think the definite answer would be yes."

Mizore sighs before gladly accepting both things.

The silver haired man watches as she quickly takes the pill and downs the water. Reminiscences of last night still clear in his mind.

As she sets the glass down on the bedside table, Victor leans down, kissing her softly.

The Japanese woman's eyes widen in surprise. As he pulls away, Mizore looks at him with confusion.

"What was that for?" She asks. The Russian smiles soft, "Just because I love you." His comment causes Mizore to blush and look away.

"Oh! Victor! You have to help me!" Mizore suddenly exclaims, making the silver haired Russian jump.

"Eh! Mono ni yotte?" Victor asks, getting a little confused himself.

(With what?)

The Japanese skater smiles with a sparkle in her eyes, "I need to get gift for everyone here!"

The Russian's eyes widen, "Gifts!" He exclaims. Mizore chuckles, "Don't tell me you forgot!"

The two start laughing at each other for a while before actually getting ready.

They head out after getting some breakfast and make their way to the market.

"So... I need something for Minako, the Nishigori family... Katsukis - except for Yuuri - and... I think that's it!" Mizore lists off.

Victor nods along, "All I need to add is a gift for Yuuri as well." Mizore smiles, "We're really bad at remembering to get gifts."

The Russian chuckles, "Well in my defence, we usually don't celebrate Christmas like others do."

Mizore hums, "Really? I didn't know that."

As they finally get to the market, they start going into different shops, searching for suitable presents.


Wow, hello everyone! It really has been awhile! Now I just want to start off with the most important part... Thank you so much! I can't believe it still, but Angel has hit 10k! Which is amazing and I never would've thought to get to that.

Anyways! It's also almost Christmas and I decided that I wanted to have some extra chapters for the holiday! I know everyone might be a bit ooc than usual; most probably because I haven't written for them in sooo long! But thank you for taking the time to read something like this!

Lastly, I really want to apologise as I really haven't written for things a should be and that's most likely why I don't have anything new up. I know it's a bad thing to do, but I can't help writing for something other than what I need to write for.

I'd appreciate if you guys would follow me, just in case I have any messages. But once something is up, i'll definitely announce that here too. Also, sorry for any mistakes! I tried checking and everything seems fine!

Voting, commenting, and sharing is a huge help, so thank you!

- Author-chan 

Angel [Victor Nikiforov]Where stories live. Discover now