"Isn't that Taiga Kagami?! OH MY GOD! It's really him!" she squealed. As she was about to dash towards the bassist, a rough tug on her collar stopped her from doing so. She looked behind, she frowned. "Nana, we're already late as it is, so please refrain yourself from wasting any more time." A tall medium length grey haired teen in his twenties glared down at her. His orbs were blank grey eyes that scream boredom.

Nana struggles from his grips as she pouted. "Fine." Hibiki chuckles at his band mate antics. "Chihiro, glad to see you're finally here." He smiled. The taller teen turns around, on his shoulder, he was carrying his own guitar bag. "Let's go." He said. The other two nodded. However, Hibiki gave Kuroko a last glance before leaving the restaurant.


For the next few days, Kagami left Kuroko in the care of their mentor, Alex who has retired from the music world long ago. The lady lived all by herself in the large house but she never minded to have her two adorable apprentices staying with her, especially Kuroko. Alex often caught Kuroko staring at the grand piano in the reading room. It made one wonders, what is in her mind.

Kagami has been busy with the new contract he just agreed to. Apparently, the main branch of Seirin Agency is in America and their sister branches in Japan have recommended the bassist name to them. Even though Kagami often insisted that he would only sign to a contract if HEAVEN were in the contract as well, however this time is one of the rarest time where Kagami agrees to a contract without HEAVEN. Who would be in their right mind to decline a talented musician like Kagami Taiga?

While at the house, Kuroko was preparing to leave the house with her mentor, Alex. It seems the blonde violinist doesn't like to stay in the house for too long and so she suggested they should go out for a girl's fun time at the mall. She practically dragged the pianist to the mall, not that Kuroko minded.

While Alex is in one of the clothing stores, Kuroko waits outside near the mall fountain where there are several benches around it. She sat on one of the benches as she sipped her vanilla milkshake. She smiled quietly at the delicious taste of her favorite drink. After twenty minutes of long wait, Alex is still not done with her shopping and so Kuroko took a stroll around the mall. It was quite big.

Kuroko is never a clothes person. She's fine with the simple and nice clothes. Her brother said – You looked cute no matter what you wear. If Kagami is fine with the way, she wears her clothes, then its fine with her.

On the third floor of the mall, she saw a small store with music instruments. From a grand piano to the flutes, she looked around the glass window and saw no customers are in there. Then she looked at the white grand piano, it reminds her of her old piano back in Japan. Kagami don't have the time to get the people to transfer the piano back to L.A.

She enters the small shop. She was immediately welcomed by the melodious sound of the piano being played in the shop through the speakers. She walked around the small store until she made her way to the white grand piano at the corner. She glides her smooth hands on top of the piano as she smiled.

Its well taken care off.

Her smile fell. It has been over a three months since she last touched a piano, let alone played it. She opens the cover of the piano key. She pressed on one of the key. A fine gentle tune resonates. She sat onto the small bench of the piano. Her empty orbs stares at the keys, as she was about to pressed onto the keys with both of her hands, it trembles. Her throat feels dry.

She takes a deep breath. Calmly, her hands began to play the keys, gracefully her fingers pressed each one of the keys, and the melody of the piano resonates beautifully in the music shop. Her eyes shuts close as she memories of how her love towards the piano and music had saved her from life. The gentle music from each instrument gave her a push to continue living. She knows the hardships of life.

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