Chapter 10

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The car ride home was pretty silent after Andy had asked if Danielle was okay. When they got to Maddison's house Allison was the first to get into the house looking angry, Maddison followed.

"Thanks for the ride Andy."

"No problem."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Glad you're okay."

"I'll text you."

"Sure. Bye."

Andy drove his car down the street and Danielle met up with Maddison and Allison in Maddison's room. Allison was on Maddison's bed searching for something to watch and Maddison had just gotten out of the bathroom as Danielle walked into the room.

"Oh look whose back had a fun chat with your boyfriend?" Allison said with attitude.

"What are you talking about?"

Alison stood up angry and impatient.

"Are you stupid or just blind?"

"What'd I do?"

"Did you not see the look on Andy's face when he saw your friend Ethan giving you mouth to mouth? It hurt him!"

"Well I'm sorry, should've just let me die."

"Yeah maybe they should've because apparently you can't appreciate the fact that you have Andy's attention and he cares about you."

"I'm sorry he could care less about you because you're annoying and boring."

"At least I appreciate those who care for me."

"I do appreciate them."

"Well not enough."

"Come on guys." Maddison interrupted. "Is this really necessary?"

"I'm done with you Danielle; I can care less about you. I thought we were friends but I guess not."

"Allison really? I don't even like Andy."

"But he liked you. I don't even know how. You're valueless, ugly, disgusting. You think everyone loves you when truth is they don't. They think you're garbage, just some trash that you use and throw away. You think Ethan's any different from the rest? Well trust me he's not. He probably thinks you're so stupid. Then soon enough Andy will get tired of chasing you to and think the same. You're nothing and no one will ever give a damn about you."

"Allison!" Maddison yelled angrily. "She didn't mean that Danielle, she's just-"

"It's okay." Danielle said softly while looking at the ground.

Danielle grabbed her bag and quickly walked out the room. She got outside and walked to her house in the foggy night. She arrived home and her mother was in the kitchen smoking a cigarette and her brother in his room.

"Hey where have you been?"

"You never cared about me before, why start to care now."

"Watch your tone with me."

"Or what?! I'm tired of you and your threats! I've already been through everything you have to offer, what could possibly be worse?"

Her mother walked up to her until they were a few centimeters apart. Danielle flinched as her mother grabbed her neck.

"You're right, I could care less. That's because you're a selfish ungrateful child who can't learn to appreciate things. So how about you shut your little mouth and go to your room where no one is there because no one will ever be there. Everyone could care less about you, never forget it."

Danielle's mother chuckled as she let go of Danielle's neck. She walked back over to the table, and grabbed her cigarette and sucked in the nicotine. She smiled and flicked the cigarette and it had just touched her arm slightly burning her.

"What are you looking at? Shoo."

Danielle clenched her hand around her bag and walked into her room and shut the door. The words her mother and Allison said floated around her head. She started to cry because she thought that they were probably right. Danielle walked around her room anxiously, she stopped at her dresser and grabbed her bottle of sleeping pills and took two with a glass of water. She looked down at a pair of scissors she had in her drawer. She grabbed them and sat on her bed with them in her hand. She looked at her clean wrist, trying to resist the temptation. She looked down at her thighs that were covered in bruises and fading make-up. She opened the scissors and slid it on her thigh as a tear drop fell down her cheek. Angry she threw the scissors at her wall and buried her face in her pillow. All she could think of was food.

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