Chapter 2

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Danielle woke up at her usual time and got dressed for school. She went to check for Logan in his room; first making sure her mother wasn't home. His room was messy and empty. She noticed a yellow sticky note by his computer that read "I'm fine. Went to school." She then grabbed her bag and left for school.



Danielle was greeted with a hug from her brown eyed blonde best friend Maddison as she reached the breakfast table. She clenched her face from pain from her bruises but managed to smile.

"Maddison we go through this every morning."

"I know but still!"

"Hey guys." Danielle said turning to her other friends.

"Don't judge her." Danielle's guy best friend Andy replied.

He was tall, had long flippy brown hair and dark innocent green eyes, snake bites, and a smile to die for.

"Yeah, you know how she's a little special" Allison added.

Allison was just as tall as Danielle; she had long curly brown hair and brown eyes. She always had a perfect golden tan.

"Plus today is picture day!" Maddison yelled excitedly.

"Oh yeah, we're taking pictures today. Great." Danielle replied

"Don't worry Danielle, you'll look cute" Andy said reassuring her.

"Thanks" Danielle replied with a blush.

She sat next to Andy at the breakfast table and awaited the bell for them to leave.

"How are you feeling?" Allison questioned.

"Fine, why?"

"You seemed anxious yesterday."

"I promise I'm fine."

"We're just trying to help."

"If you ever need anything you know you can trust us." Andy said.

"Andy's right, I may be the dumb on here but I'll always have your back."

"Stop it. I get it, no need to remind me every second of every day."

The bell than rang and all the students got u and started heading to their lockers and then first period. Danielle made it past the hallway to her locker. She hated school but not as much as she hated her home. She opened her locker, grabbed her books and shut the door with a loud "bang."

"Hey Danielle wait up!"

Andy caught up to her and they both walked together to Algebra.

"You seem upset, what wrong?"

"Tell him" She thought in her head. "He'll help you, he understands, he cares."

"It's nothing" Danielle replied with a shy smile. "Really."

Andy shifted his hand slightly touching Danielle's but she quickly flinched and moved her hand away. Andy, disappointed and embarrassed shoved his hands into his front pockets. They made their way into algebra and sat in the back next to each other. Mr. Haynes began to give his lesson and Danielle looked out the window. Her eyelids started becoming heavy. To calm herself she closed her eyes and took a long deep breath. When she opened her eyes she found herself looking out from the Ferris wheel. It was a warm night; she turned around and saw her father smiling at her. She looked back down and saw her mother and Logan waving up at her.

"So how's school?"


"Are you okay Danielle? You seem distant."

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