“Where are you going?” I ask

“Rick went out to find Hershel because Beth is catatonic and he hasn’t come back yet. I’m going to find him.” She tells me and starts to make her way to the car.

“No way are you going alone.” I tell her and I jump in the car with her before she can refuse.

“So where are they?” I ask

“There at a bar I town.” She tells me and I nod.

I suddenly remember the onesie in the back of my pants. I lift myself barely off the seat and pull it out  to show her.

“I saw this and thought the baby would like it.” I tell her and she turns to look at it and smiles and I put it in the back of my pants.

“You didn’t have to do that. But I love it thank you.” She says then looks back to the road and screams.

I turn forward and see a walker in the middle of the road then suddenly the car flips and everything goes black.


I wake to the sound of click clack. My head is pounding. I open my eyes fully to see a walker eating through the glass trying to get to Lorie.

I shake Lorie and she opens her eye. Then she screams when she notices the walker. As she takes the shift of the and drives it through the walkers skull as I kick the door open. We quickly climb out of the car. My head still pounding. When I go to standup something grabs my hair and Lorie goes back into the car to find her gun. I grab a nearby tire rim and hit the walker’s neck with it and listen to the sound of it snapping. Then Lorie shoots it in the head.

“Are you okay?” I ask rubbing my head.

“Yeah I’m fine.” She says I look ahead of the road and see what looks to be a gas station.

“We’ll hold up there.” I tell her pointing ahead

We start to walk towards the station. I still hold my head and stop for a moment because I feel dizzy. But I keep going. We reach the station and I walk in and grab my knife from my boot. I hear slight moaning coming from the back of the store.

“Stay here Lorie.” I tell her and she nods

I walk down the aisles and see at the end of one is a walker that looks to be a man but half his face is missing. I quickly plunge my knife into its skull and I wave Lorie in.

She walks up to me and I notice blood dripping from her forehead.

“I’m going to check the bathroom for a first aid kit. Okay.” I tell her and walk towards the end of the store and into the disgusting bathroom. I look under the cabinet of the sink and find a few bandages and some gauze. I take them and shove them in my pocket. I look in the mirror. I notice I have a busted lip and my cheek is starting to bruise. I look at my hair that goes down to the middle of my back. I rummage through the cabinet again and find scissors. I look back at the mirror and start to cut my hair, when I’m done its shoulder length. I take a hair tie around my wrist and put it up in a small ponytail.

I walk out to where Lorie is and I take a bandage out of my pocket and start to put it on the side of her head.

“You cut your hair.” She says and smiles

“Yeah don’t need a repeat of what happened at the car.” I tell her and when I finish I smile back. I take a bandage out of my pocket and put it on her temple and throw the wrapper on the ground.

“You hungry?” I ask and she nods

I walk down the aisle labeled “Snacks” and grab a bag of onion potato chips.

I walk back to her and we walk outside and sit on a bench. I hand her the chips and she laughs.

“When my mom was pregnant with Mavie this is all she ever ate.” I say and she smiles and opens the bag and hands it to me and I grab a handful of chips.

“Where’s your mom?” she asks me

“She died when in the beginning of this.”

“Oh I’m sorry Gemma.” She pats my shoulder

“It fine.”

As we sit outside I notice a light shining in the distance as it gets closer I recognize it as a car. I get up and try to get the attention as soon as I realize it’s one of our cars. Shane gets out of the car and Lorie joins me by my side.

“Are you okay?” Shane asks us but I know he’s only asking Lorie.

“We’re fine.” She tells him

“No you’re not I saw the wreck.” He says and takes a flashlight out of his pocket and shines it in her eyes and then mine.

“Gemma you might have a concussion. Your eyes are really dilated.” He tells me and I make my way to the car.

“I’m fine.” I say then slightly stumble “Just need some sleep.” I say and hold my head.

I get in the back of the car while Lorie and Shane talk. I stare at my feet. Trying to focus on something so that everything around me isn’t spinning. I think of the funeral today and it reminds me of the funeral that Mavie never had. I don’t really even want to think about it if anything, she would have gone to my funeral before she had her own.

Lorie climbs into the driver’s seat and I push the thought to the back of my head. We drive off back to the farm.


When we arrive to the house I quickly get out of the car and run towards Daryl. I jump in his arms to hug him and he swings me around. He lowers me and scans my face.

“What happened?” he asks me and puts his thumb to my lip and it slightly stings.

“We were in a car accident.” I say and pull the hair tie from my hair.

“You cut your hair.” He says and runs his fingers through my hair.

“Yeah it was getting in the way.”

“Where’s Rick, Shane.” Lorie asks frantically she looks around for Rick and looks back to Shane “You liar.” She half yells

“I had to keep the baby safe.” He tells her

“Your having a baby?” Carl asks sounding hurt.

I feel weak and I almost collapse but Daryl catches me before I can fall. He must know I’m tired because he carries me to the tent and lays me down and as soon as I hit the pillow I pass out.

You Saved Me (Walking Dead Fan Fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora