Cot Dammit Y/N!

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"Hello lovelies!! It's Y/N and with me today once again is my extremely handsome boyfriend" I Cheer.

"Stop saying that! You paid me to be here" Justin rolled his eyes playfully.

"I thought we agreed not to mention that on camera..." I muttered playing along.

"Anyways... You guys took to twitter to ask me about my diet and workout routine and truth is I don't really have one, BUT BUT BUT BUT- Big Butt"

"Like mines" Justin winked.

"I took it up on myself-"

"You mean I took it UPON MYSELF to be your personal trainer for 30 days" Justin emphasized.

"And boy what a task"

"What?! I wasn't that bad"

"How about we let them be the judge of that?" He challenged

"Rolling Clip!"

Justin POV

Day 1

8:26 AM

"Y/N get up! Y/ have to go to work. Just because you're dreaming of money doesn't mean you're making it- do you want this whipped cream on you?"

I squirt it a little and she lets out a groan.

9:05 AM

Still sound asleep I lean forward and whisper
"You're literally snoring your job away..."

11:12 AM

I walk back up after making lunch in hopes of finding Y/N atleast getting ready. I walk into our room to find her still sprawled across our bed sound asleep.

"Cot dammit Y/N! Are you serious? You're about to get fired. You're gonna be forced to become a stripper, do you know how competitive that field is? You better Kylie Jenner yourself quick!"

3:29 PM

"Y/N I- oh my gosh! Y/N are you still sleeping? You're a freaking sloth, all you do is sleep eat, sleep eat. Wake up Y/N!

3:53 PM

"So i finally got Y/N out of bed, and I just made her a healthy lunch for the first day of her diet"

"Baby I got your lunch- stop it! I'm not chasing after the car. Y/N.." he groaned

"I'm mad at you! You woke me up five times" she spoke bitterly.

"I didn't know you worked for four, you said set the alarm for nine!" I exclaimed.

"I said the chicken parm was mine!"

"Oh- oh my gosh" I sighed still chasing the car.

Day 2

"What can I get you?" The Subway employee asked

"I'll have a-"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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