Chapter 77

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"I have a list of things I need you to get. I was planning on going shopping last weekend and buying baby stuff, but you can see how well that went."

"You don't even have a crib yet?" Finn asked, studying the list, "you know there's no way I'll be able to get stuff you'd like!"

"Well I have nothing for Ollie when we bring him home. You're my only option!"

"Why can't you go?"

"Me?" I asked.

"Why not? You've been discharged for almost two weeks. I can stay here and watch him. You can buy stuff that will match your home."

"But Finn-"

"Either you go or we have nothing."

"Call me if anything goes wrong."

"Rey, you don't have to worry about it."

"He's my son. I'll always worry about him."

"This is the easiest it's going to be for the next 18 years for you to run out. He's being taken care of and you have nothing to worry about. Go have an hour to get what we need."

"Fine," I said, "I'll be quick."

"Take all the time you need, I'll call you if anything goes wrong." I nodded, still reluctant to leave Ollie, but I knew I had too. Course did he really need a crib?


I walked into the store, immediately taken back by the large number of options. All I knew I wanted was something nautical, since the room was navy with white touches on the windows, doors, and trim. I looked at the furniture, needing someone's help to tell me what I could get in the next 24 hours.

"Would you like assistance ma'am?" A tall man with dark curly hair and an Italian accent asked.

"Yes. Please. I was wondering what I can get in the next 24 hours."

"We have this collection, it includes a crib that can transform into a toddler bed and later a full. You also get two dressers and a changing table. However all we have left is white."

"But I can get it delivered by Wednesday?"

"We should be able to deliver it tomorrow morning."

"That's perfect," I exclaimed, "Is assembly included with delivery."

"You will actually be receiving this set you see on display, which is already constructed. We can deconstruction if you want us to for no real reason."

"I'll take it as it is," I said, planning out the arrangement of the nursery. I took my slip and walked over to the sheets, picking out white with small blue anchors.

I next went over and got clothing. I mostly stayed simple with onesies and a few sleeps, knowing there was little point on spending money on dress clothes, causal clothes, and shoes, when we were going to become very close to our home for the next few weeks.

I chose a pack n play to put in Finn and I's room. Finn had told me that Harper didn't sleep in her room for several months. I knew I would have trouble letting Ollie sleep alone, since anything could happen.

I payed for the clothes, bedding, and furniture, then went over to target. My plan was to get any last decoration needed purchased, as well as diapers, blanket, pacifiers, and the rest of the boring stuff that's going to put me into debt.

"Rey?" I turned around, worrying about who it could be.

"Pamela, hey," I said, fake smiling, l hated her, and the day I got promoted before her made the promotion mean even more.

"Weren't you pregnant? Like last week? And pretty far along?" She said rudely. Pamela had known about all the miscarriages, so I guessed that she was trying to bother me. That's what she did until getting fired.

I looked at her, needing something to say. I hated lying, but I had so little trust that she wouldn't tell everyone in the world. I didn't trust anyone anymore, after what Finn did. I knew that trusting someone I hated wouldn't be the best for me or my family.

"It's personal," I said, not knowing a better lie and walking away. I gave the illusion I was walking to the checkout, and hid out in the clothing for  a few minutes until I saw her walk out the door, a smirky smile on her face.

I shoved the bags in the back of my small car, realizing I would be needing a mini van sooner then later. Especially when and if Harper moved back in.

"I'm on my way back," I said, calling Finn.

"Oh. Ok. You know you didn't have to rush."

"I'm done shopping," I told him, "everything's being delivered  tomorrow morning, so I'll set up tomorrow after we bring him home."

"Are you nervous for that?" Finn asked.

"You know my answer. He's tiny, and I'm terrified he'll stop breathing in the middle of the night."

"I know. I was terrified to bring Harper home and she was average size."

"Speaking of that, you know you two can move back in."

"I know. She's having a lot of fun in Nashville with my parents."

"We could move there one day," I said, "What do either of us have in Pittsburgh. We both grew up in Nashville, and other then Plutt I had no issue with it."

"Let's see how well we get along for a few months here, then we can look into some Tennessee options."

"I'm ok with that. Three months?" I asked, trying to set a minimum amount of months until Finn and I could sell this place and start a life together, again, in Nashville.

"That's perfect," he said, "three months."

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