Chapter 39

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I woke up in the middle of the night to another nightmare. I hated these things so much. It leaves me with a constant feeling of restlessness, with no way of feeling awake again. I stood up and walked to the dresser, grabbing the key to Finn's room, he gave it to me for my birthday, incase I needed him. I put on a robe, and walked out of my room, quietly making my way over to Finn's room. I slide my key into his door, careful not to wake him. Walking into Finn's room, I snuggled into Finn's bed, feeling safe like I did before Finn's accident.
The next morning I woke up in Finn's bed. His arm wrapped around me. I enjoyed it like this, however I had to go pee right now. I carefully slide out from under his arm, amazed by how much he could sleep through. I stood up and carefully made my way to the restroom, hoping Finn could sleep through this too. I debated back and forth on whether or not to flush, but realizing it was almost 8:45, and we needed to be on set by 10:30, he should probably be getting up soon anyways. I left Finn's room, realizing it was time for me to start getting ready.
I stood by the bathroom mirror, splashing water on my face to wake up, and putting on leggings and a t-shirt, I'd get something dressier on set. I ran a comb through my hair and brushed my teeth, than I was ready. I'd get my hair and makeup done on set, before we'd get our pictures done. Tomorrow I wouldn't be able to cross the street without fanboys and girls coming up to me, begging for an autograph and telling me how excited they were for The Force Awakens. I'd get questions that I'd be forced to say 'I don't know' and 'we'll wait and see.' Why did I agree to this again?
Just as I washed the last bit of toothpaste down the sick, I heard a knock on the door. "I brought you coffee," Finn said handing me a clear Starbucks cup with iced coffee.
"Thanks," I smiled. Want to hang out until it's time to go?"
       "Sure. We have 30 minutes if you want to go walk around the area."
        "Let's do that. I've been staying here for around 3 months and couldn't tell you want was next door."
         "Starbucks," Finn said jokingly, "I don't know about the other side though." I grabbed my purse and followed Finn to the elevator. "I just realized we only have a one year age difference now."
        "Yeah! For four whole months!"
        "I like you," Finn said.
        "I love you," I replied, leaving the hotel. Finn and I turned down the street, looking at the blue sky. I took Finn's hand as we walked into a park. We sat down on a park bench and watched the people around us. I laid my head on his shoulder, Finn soon wrapping his arm around me. I heard my phone go off in my pocket.
       "It's probably my dad saying it's time to go. We better get back," I stood up looking at my phone.
"Were you right?" I nodded.
"We should come here and do this while the sun sets sometime." Finn agreed as we walked back to the hotel, making it barely in time to leave.
"How was your guys morning date?" Dad asked, "Finn you kept your hands to yourself?" He added, embarrassing the both of us.
"Of course Mr. Skywalker," Finn said seriously. I don't ever plan on revealing that I go to Finn's room when I can't sleep. Not anytime soon at least.
         Arriving quickly to the studio, we immediately went to wardrobe. I put on ripped blue skinny jeans, and an olive cropped hoodie, causing my midriff to be revealed. Soon after I went to hair and makeup, Finn and Poe following close behind. We didn't talk right now, all of us terrified about what the world would think.
       Finn and Poe were got ready quickly, I however was stuck in the chair for almost 45 minutes. Sadly I knew this would become normal pretty soon. I hoped when we actually started filming, which would be within the next month, they could condense this time. J.J. had said that I'd likely have my hair in the three buns. He thought it would work well for my character. I was pretty sure I wouldn't be wearing that much makeup. My character was a desert scavenger. I don't think she'd exactly have access to a Sephora or anything like that.
       "Alrighty!" The photographer said as Poe, Finn and I walked into the studio, "we're going to start with group photos, than do individuals. We'll draw straws to see who goes first. Rey, stand right there, Finn, there, and Poe you take the last X," the photographer said pointing at the green screen, "Rey, switch with Finn, you're the only girl, we want you in the middle." I nodded, following the 100's of poses the man kept giving us.
        After we were finally down getting pictures taken, us, the photographer and J.J. met up to decide what pictures should be released. In the end one Poe playing with my hair and Finn giving him a death stare was chosen, as well as one of the three of us looking at the camera, removing sunglasses. As for individuals, there wasn't nearly as much to chose from.
      We all watched at J.J. posted the pictures on the official Star Wars twitter, captioned, "the official young cast of Star Wars Episode 7" with all of us tagged. Within seconds, my phone started to buzz, indicating my followers on ever account has just skyrocketed. Goodbye old life, goodbye old freedoms, goodbye old self. I was now famous. I wondered if I should make my Instagram account public, so I wouldn't need to go through and accept the 100s of people everyday. If anything I could block people I didn't want to be on my page. That night I went to bed with probably about 50 Instagram followers, and no twitter, and woke up the next morning with several thousand on each. Now I'd be expected to post more than once in a blue moon.

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