Chapter 59

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"Somebody's birthday's coming up," Finn sang, entering the kitchen.

"If you keep talking to me, I won't be eating any cake," I scribbled on a piece of paper. Everything except my jaw had healed, and I now have forced myself to speak as little as possible, and eat everything in the form of liquid. I'm pretty sure Finn has yet to realize blending together hamburger, bread, and cheese does not make a good smoothie.

"Do you want to do anything today?"

"I have an appointment at noon to see about surgery," I wrote down, "so milkshake date after that?"

"Sounds good with me," Finn smiled, "I'd kiss you but I don't want to hurt you again." Finn gave me a small hug.

"Sorry, I wish they would've just chose to do the surgery why I was in a coma, than I'd probably be good by now. Or at least almost good."

"Blame me for that," Finn said, "the doctor offered to do it, but he said it may not be needed. I figured it would be best if you didn't do any extra suffering. My mistake."

"Yeah," I wrote, "big one."

"Who knows," Finn said, "you may be fine how you are now. I wouldn't worry too much."

"The doctor told me they were having this appointment because they were almost certain they'd need to wire my jaw."

"I don't know how it went from minor, to major so quickly."

"Probably cause I didn't shut up for the first week and a half."

"Than the doctor told you it may become something serious and you haven't spoke since. I kinda miss your voice."

"I know," I wrote, starting a new piece of paper, "I'm just trying to reduce any post surgery recovery. I've read it's normal four to six weeks, I'm hoping for three to four."

"Just don't rush it too much," Finn added.

"Is there a story?" I wrote on the near full notebook.

Finn nodded, "7th grade, the first year I was allowed to play football for the school, I dislocated my knee. The doctor told me six weeks, but I played at four, so I'd be eligible for the competitive spring team. I ended up dislocating it even worse, and couldn't play again till eighth grade. Anyway, want breakfast? Same options as yesterday."

I held up two fingers, indicating I wanted the second choice, which was a mixed berry smoothie. Finn had created an ordering system the other day, with everything I could eat given a number 1-10. He felt bad I was writing down every sentence.

"Do you want to do anything in between now and the appointment?"

"Can we go shopping?" I wrote, Finn looking confused, "I don't like the bedding I have right now. Too girly. Same with most of my clothes."

"Wouldn't that be easier when you can talk?"

"So like two months."

"Cross your fingers and maybe it will be one." I shrugged, looking down at the scars across my wrists, placing the opposite hand on my wrists, feeling the scars. Although I knew they would fade overtime, every look at my wrist would be a reminder of the ex-boyfriend I can't remember, and the incident I had no recreation of.

"You alright?" Finn asked coming to my side. I shook my head. "What's wrong?"

"It's not a good conversation for the paper. I'll tell you when I can speak it," I wrote, not wanting to tell Finn how insecure I felt, both for physical and mental reasons, at least in the notebook. Besides, I already knew how the conversation would go.

"Are you sure? You know you can always talk to me."

"I know, I just have some personal issues."

"Oh, it's your lady time isn't it?"

"Yes," I lied. That would get Finn though without too many questions.

"Would you like to go to the park? You always said you found it peaceful there?" Finn asked a few minutes later.

I shrugged, writing, "what ever you want."

"I wouldn't mind getting out of the house, but if you would rather do something else, that's fine."

"Bowling?" I wrote, "I don't know why, that just sounds fun."

"It's on," Finn smirked, "leave in 20 minutes?" I nodded.

"In 20 minutes I will kick your donkey," I wrote, flipping my hair back before going to get ready. Finn laughed, following behind me.

"I'm going to beat you. I've always won."

"So I'm due for a victory."

"Or you just suck," Finn responded with a chuckle.

"Ready?" I wrote as Finn walked down the stairs.

Finn nodded, "you look great."

"I wanted to look decent before going out in public," I wrote. I didn't want to tell Finn about the dream I had last night. I had been having frequent dreams about being and actress. Finn had told me we did a few movies after high school, but he never said they were major, such as the ones in my dreams.

"Dang it!" Finn exclaimed after rolling another gutter ball.

"*read in smirk* I thought you said you were good," I wrote. Finn looked at me and rolled his eyes as I walked up to the lane.

"How the heck are you so much better than me? Finn asked as I threw another strike. I shrugged, realizing a smart comment wasn't as smart when you had to write it on a piece of notebook paper.

"Perfect game!" I wrote on the paper as my last pin fell, "now you have to buy the ice cream!"

"When did we establish that?"

"When I kicked your butt."

Finn laughed, "I was going to pay anyway, now, to the doctor?" I followed Finn out to the car as we began the trek to the all to familiar hospital.

"I'll sign you in," Finn said, "just save me a seat." As Finn signed the paper, I sat down in the plastic chair, hoping for the best, but preparing for the worse.

"Rachel Skywalker," a nurse said, calling me to the back. As Finn and I headed there, I began to grip his hand tighter and tighter.

"It'll be ok Rey," Finn whispered, rubbing my back.

"Alright," the same nurse said, we're going to update your X-rays, and Dr. Larabee will decide what to do from there." I nodded, getting in the same position I had the previous week.

"Everything looks pretty good," Dr. Larabee commented, comparing the past weeks X-rays to today's, "I'm going to remove all diet and social regulations, however I don't want you leaving here and eating chips topped with bacon. I'll have you back next week to make sure the predictions stay correct, but it should be fine. However I do still want you to wrap it at night, just to be safe. Any questions?"

I shook my head, as Finn thanked the doctor. "So are you going to speak soon, or what?" Finn asked as we loaded into the car.

Before we started moving I looked Finn in the eyes and smiled, "I love you," I said hesitant.

"I love you too," Finn smiled back as we began to drive.

Not so Far and Long Ago Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora