The Tribute Parade

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I was whisked down to the bottom level of the Remake Center, which is essentially a gigantic stable. The opening ceremonies were about to start but I couldn't see Brant anywhere. Pairs of tributes were being loaded into chariots pulled by teams of four horses. Ours were a coal black. How very District 12.

Cinna suddenly popped up behind me with a shiny black ribbon. I eyed it apprehensively.

"I heard your token was a ribbon." He said, tying it into the bow that my hair was in. I didn't say anything, not wanting to lie to Cinna. He stepped back, taking me in again. "You look beautiful." My eye caught something gold and circular in his hand. It was my mocking-jay pin. I gaped at Cinna, wondering how he found it and why he didn't call me out on it. Cinna merely smiled and pocketed it. "I'll give it back to you after the ceremony. I wouldn't want you to lose your real token."

Brant and his stylist, Portia, appeared out of thin air. I grinned widely at what they had done to my brother. He looked quite dapper in his slim purple suit that went unspeakably well with my gown. His black plaid button up dress shirt was tucked in neatly to his pleated pants; his black boots were so shiny I could have done my makeup in them. A ribbon had been tied into a nice bow tie around his neck. I quickly made my way to my brother, tightening the bow and sighing. I was going to miss Brant more than anything.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes." Brant smiled. I felt a pang of pain in my chest, remembering those were the first words Gale had said to me when I had gotten back to District 12. I sniffed, feeling those dumb tears again. "Don't cry, Rix." He murmured, pulling me in for a hug.

"You're all grown up, Brant." I laughed halfheartedly. "I can't wait 'til Ma sees you. She's gonna die." Maybe die wasn't the best word for this situation... "And Madge. She's gonna swoon!"

Brant smiled broadly, chuckling as he shook his head. Then, he suddenly got serious, taking in my dress more closely. "Did they really have to make this dress so…revealing?" He muttered, trying to close the gap of the deep-v design. My chest was quite exposed. Brant clucked his tongue in disdain.

I swatted Brant's hands away, glaring. "We are the Capitol's tributes. No outfit is too scandalous. Too much skin is not enough skin." I joked lightly.

Brant rolled his eyes, still being my protective older brother.

"It's a television show, Brant. Besides, you're gonna have to let me grow up sometime in the next few days or I never will at all."

Brant narrowed his eyes about to dispute my comment when Cinna and Portia directed us into our chariot, carefully positioning our bodies until they were satisfied. I grabbed Brant's hand as our chariot moved to get in the back of the line of tributes, almost tumbling out. Brant laughed at my clumsiness but I could feel the sweat of his hand in mine. He was nervous.

"Don't worry, Brant. We're the best looking two here." I whispered encouragingly. It was true. The looks we were getting from the other tributes ranged from mild jealous to menacing glares. It was a good thing because the sponsors would love us even more compared to their silly costumes. But, we could be sorely punished for our outshining in the arena.

The opening music began. It was easy to hear, blasting around the Capitol. Massive doors slid open to reveal the crowd-lined streets. The ride would last about twenty minutes and we would end up in the City Circle where we were to be welcomed graciously.

The tributes from District 1 road out first in a chariot pulled by snow-white horses. They looked beautiful dressed in expensively jeweled tunics and silver crowns like they had already been named victor. The monstrous boy who had volunteered before volunteers were asked for had been eying me menacingly in the Remake Center as if to tell me that I was to be the first he would take out in the arena. I made sure that Brant had his back to the boy at all times.

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