The Arrival

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"We're here," Were the first words that fell from my lips. The train had just appeared out of a tunnel and the Capitol was sitting before us. The gorgeous blue lake surrounded the great city and the glory of the Capitol reflected on its sparkling waters. Towering marble buildings filled the city, giving it the slight impression of heaven on earth in the direct sunlight. It was a beautiful place in all honesty. But it also held some of the wickedest people in the world.

Peeta grunted; his eyes wide as we approached the Capitol. I could see the fear. He had no fond memories of this place. He was sent here to die and somehow survived. It must be strange for him to be here now. I had taken this place's beauty for granted.

"It's time to go." Peeta muttered, releasing my hand reluctantly. I stretched out my cramped appendage. I followed Peeta out of my room and we met up with everyone in the main entrance where we had entered the train. Brant was staring out the square window, mesmerized by the beauty of the Capitol. I had forgotten he'd never seen it before.

"It's…beautiful." Brant breathed, touching the window lightly. I smiled, leaning against his shoulder, taking in the scene of the Capitol with my brother.

As we slowed down, hundreds of Capitol citizens came into view. They covered the platform and square like rainbow colored ants. Their eyes trained on us as we lurched to a stop. I could tell Brant was beside himself with nerves. I nudged him lightly, giving him an encouraging smile. This was my territory. I could get us through this part easily.

The doors slid open and I whispered, "Just follow my lead."

The second we exited the doors, we were bombarded by screams and cheers and chants. The mad crowd rippled with radical colors as they tried to get a better look at the Capitol citizen and her brother tribute. I stepped off the train, careful in my heels, when a tall, slender red head was suddenly latched on top of my body.

"Oceilia?" I breathed as she crushed me in her embrace. She was shaking and when I pushed her back a bit, I realized how much of a wreck she really was. Her makeup was trailing darkly down her large cheeks; large bags—not bothered to be covered by powder—were prominent on her thin face. Her usually pink face was blotchy and red, not unlike mine had been yesterday. "Oceilia." I tried again only to receive a small whimper from my friend. She wrapped her arms tightly around me and I allowed the hug. "It's okay, Oceilia. It's okay."

"Rixa," She wailed loudly in my ear. I winced and pulled her back, shaking her lightly.

"Ceil, I need you to get a hold of yourself! I need your help if you want us to have a chance of coming out alive." I told her sternly, wiping a few tears off her puffy face with my sleeve. She stifled a sob and nodded obediently. "I need you to tell everyone that what happened at the Reaping was all part of my strategy: seem weak and no one will go after me until the end. Do you understand, Ceil?" I had to ask her again before she nodded fervently. I gave her another hug and sent her off to do what she did best: gossip.

I hadn't realized that the others had been waiting dutifully by my side during my interaction with Oceilia. I smiled apologetically and began the long walk through the crowd to the Training Center. I greeted everyone warmly when all I really wanted to do was scream at them for acting like this was normal. Like cheering me on to my death and the death of innocent children was something to get excited about. I had never hated the Capitol more than I did today.

"Thank you," I smiled warmly at everyone, letting them kiss my cheeks or grip my hand. They congratulated me and wished me luck. Brant did as I said. He smiled at everyone and let them touch him (though I could see uncomfortable this made him). I was used to the attention, the touching. Brant had just had his first kiss yesterday.

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