The Reaping

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I knew he'd be out there even though it was Saturday and he only got Sundays off. Today was the Reaping. No one was working in the mines. He wouldn't be home either, too much anxiety and the subconscious need to supply his family with food and money. Yes, Gale would be in the forest. I just hoped his usual hunting companion would be absent.

I crept under the familiar fence that halfheartedly caged us in to District 12. With the heightened senses Gale had when wandering the forest, I knew he would find me in no time. I picked up a slender walking stick and began to drag it behind me to make me presence more pronounced. Gale would find me, no problem.

My sandal found a large pile of dry leaves and an arrow found my head.

"You should really be stealthier." A deeply amused voice said. My eyes crossed, trying to stare down the deadly metal tip of Gale's arrow. I shoved it to the side, getting a better look at him. Gale looked basically the same as he had the year before, maybe more pronounced dark circles around his eyes and a sterner look to his handsome, tan skin. He looked like most people from the Seam: grey eyes, black hair, and skinny from lack of food. Gale was better built then most, having been athletic from hunting his whole life, but he was starved in comparison to Capitol citizens.

Gale smiled, wiping a bit of sweat from his brow. "Rixa Hart. What a sight for sore eyes."

I grinned back, engulfing him in a hug. "Gale," I muttered into his old, brown shirt. "You look awful." I laughed, taking a step back to really get a look at him. His face was tanner than usual. It was still covered the coal dust that filled the mines. His old clothes were ripped and torn and his usually clean cut appearance had turn a big shaggy. A five o'clock shadow had risen on his face. Over his left shoulder was his trusted bow, on the right was his most recent kill: three squirrels.

"Can't all be privileged Capitol members, can we?" I knew he meant it as a joke but I could hear the disdain and bitterness in his voice.

"Guess not," I answered, brushing it off. I was used to Gale's open hatred for the Capitol. He wasn't saying things to hurt me, he was doing the only thing he could in this shit filled world we lived in, harshly speak his mind in private.

"Is it Reaping day already?" Gale asked unnaturally calm.

"No," I said, "Just stopped by for a nice visit."

Gale's thin lips twitched upwards, "If only."

I frowned. Gale had been talking to Brant. "You two been conspiring against me?"

"Would we do something like that?"

"Yes," I nodded, kicking a pile dirt. A rock got caught under my foot, trapping itself in my strappy sandal. "Ow!" I flinched. I was never any good with pain.

With an exasperated sigh, Gale dropped his hunting supplies. He sat me down, taking down my shoe like I was some helpless child. "Gale," I muttered, feeling stupid. "It's a rock in my shoe, not an arrow through my neck."

"Shut it," He said gruffly, taking off my shoe with simple swift movements of his fingers. All those snares had given him quick fingers. Gale examined the bottom of my foot now coated in dirt.

"Ma's gonna kill me." I said aloud, mostly to myself then Gale.

"We'll clean you up so you're Capitol perfect when the Reaping starts." The spite was back. His eyes were red with anger, this time it was directed at me.

I grabbed Gale's hand and tore it from my dirt clad foot. "Stop," I commanded. "What has Brant been telling you?"

He took his hand back and tore off a piece of cloth from his fringing shirt. Placing it under my foot I realized it was bleeding. "Gale," I tried again.

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