The Goodbye

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It's eerie how quiet a crowd full of people can become. As my name started to register in my mind, the sea of people seemed to have vanished completely. I felt Madge drop my hand and pull me into a tight hug. She was shaking so she might have been crying, but I couldn't tell. I couldn't see. I couldn't hear. All my sense had shut down except the ability to move my feet. Slowly, they crept me up the pathway as Peacekeepers surrounded me, making sure I didn't flee. But I doubted I could flee if I wanted to. My brain had completely shut off.

I arrived on the stage feeling as though my legs had weights attached to them as I propped them up on each step. Since when had the stage been this far up? I never remembered there being this many stairs. I guessed I was subconsciously counting down my steps.

Effie grabbed me tenderly and placed me on the center of the stage. She said something into the microphone that was probably my name but my ears had gone temporarily deaf. Only a ringing could be heard. Effie traveled to the glass ball that held the boys' names. I felt ill, like I could fall over at the slightest touch. The name she was about to announce would not be my ally or tribute mate. He would be my enemy, one more person to kill to survive. But I wasn't so sure I wanted to survive the Games, even if I could.

My eyes finally focus in on Effie's face as my senses begin to trickle back. She looked about as sick as I feel. But, then again, maybe I looked awful. All the cameras must surely be on me, but I can't bear to look at my face, to see the helplessness.

With a rush of wind, my hearing came back, "Brant Hart." Effie announced regretfully.

I heard someone scream as my knees sank to the ground. Brant Hart. There was no mistaking it. My own brother was the other tribute. The screaming continues. It was heart wrenching and overwhelming. The scream went on and on until I realized it was me. I was the one making a scene.

"Please!" I shrieked, "Someone—anyonevolunteer! Please, help him! Volunteer!" I screamed on and on. My vision was blurred by my falling tears. I couldn't image how desperate and weak I must look to District 12, the Capitol, and the other tributes. I was begging on my knees for people to volunteer for my brother so that I can kill them and not Brant. How irrational this all was. Who was going to sponsor a blithering wreck?

I felt a pair of strong Peacekeeper arms drag me back. I kept failing my body, begging and crying for volunteers but no one wants to go. No one wants to die for their friends or family. Katniss was the only exception to that rule. She was a rarity in the outer lining districts.

Then, Brant was there, trying to calm me down. Seeing his face—knowing it will be one of the last times—only made it worse.

"Rixa, Rixa come on," He begged, "Let her go!" Brant commanded the Peacekeeper, "I got her. Let her go!" Brant ripped me from the Peacekeeper's unwilling hands. Immediately, he dragged me through the Justice Building doors stationed behind us as I choked on my sobs. They echoed hauntingly as I begged one last time for volunteers.

"Shhh," Brant whispered, rubbing his hands through my hair, trying to calm me down. "Rixa, please, its okay." But his words were empty.

"I-Its not o-okay!" I sobbed, grabbing onto Brant tighter as if refusing to let go of him would keep him with me forever. "Its not okay!" Two Peacekeepers roughly wretched me away from my brother. "Brant!" Two Peacekeepers were leading Brant away as well.

He looked lost but he was being strong. He wasn't screaming and having a fit. I wished I was that strong.

"Be brave, Rixa!" He cried as they carried him off to the room where he would have his final goodbyes. "Be strong. It'll be okay." He promised. I whimpered as they dragged my limp body down a hall, shaking from head to toe.

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